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Oct 15, 2017
I have while travelling, did not go in, those are quite ghetto (but very expensive sometimes), loud, gangster and low-life though. Generally, people in those bars are not the type I would associate myself with.
So you haven't really done business in China.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
This is 25–50 times worse than the average flu,

Over 60,000 people died of the flu in the U.S. in 2018, with a lower average age than of Covid. Seems like 10 times worse, tops. Maybe only 5 to 7 times.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
Nothing I said even mildly suggested that I was unaware of homeschooling being legal.

Sure you did. You said (emphasis mine):

“The government” requires your kids to spend 13 years of their most formative years in government schools.

which indicates you were unaware (or forgot) that homeschooling (or private schooling) is also a legal option in many places. You said the government requires kids be educated in government schools. While that is true in some countries, in many it is not.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
Actually, we do. Children are shooting up U.S. cities from coast to coast.

If you think government can change human nature or fix (at the root level) problems like you described, then you're sorely mistaken.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Sure you did. You said (emphasis mine):

which indicates you were unaware (or forgot) that homeschooling (or private schooling) is also a legal option in many places. You said the government requires kids be educated in government schools. While that is true in some countries, in many it is not.

You’re being pedantic. Homeschooling is only an option for a small percentage of parents, and even homeschoolers have government-imposed curricula they must follow.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
If you think government can change human nature or fix (at the root level) problems like you described, then you're sorely mistaken.

Really? Other countries, including those with a lot of guns, don’t seem to have such problems.

Drunk driving dropped as the penalties increased. Many other such examples.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
Really? Other countries, including those with a lot of guns, don’t seem to have such problems.

Drunk driving dropped as the penalties increased. Many other such examples.

All government can do is regulate the effects of people's bad behavior and punish them. They can't change them. That is up to individuals and people arround them who can consistently be there for them and mentor them. The reason why there are so many repeat offenders with so many crimes is precisely because government can't change people. I'm not saying that it's wrong for governments to make laws against behaviors that can harm others, obviously. I'm saying it's wrong for people to look to government as the solution to everything. That's how totalitarian governments gain a foothold.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
All government can do is regulate the effects of people's bad behavior and punish them. They can't change them. That is up to individuals and people arround them who can consistently be there for them and mentor them. The reason why there are so many repeat offenders with so many crimes is precisely because government can't change people. I'm not saying that it's wrong for governments to make laws against behaviors that can harm others, obviously. I'm saying it's wrong for people to look to government as the solution to everything. That's how totalitarian governments gain a foothold.

There are so many repeat offenders because the penalties are insufficient.


Oct 15, 2017
It's a rarity for the Chinese Communist Party to have communists?
Yeah, because it is "communist" only in name. You don't really see "common ownership" of "the means of production" in China, do you? Or the "absence of social classes"? Gini index is actually higher for China than for the US.

China is "communist" in the same sense that East Germany was "democratic" (German Democratic Republic), i.e. just a label. China left communism with Deng Xiaoping in 1980, and has since become a pragmatic state capitalist country with a solid foundation in confucianism.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
My statement was not inaccurate.

Sure it was. I explained how it was, and you admitted it by saying I was being "pedantic" (meaning you thought I was technically correct, but being nit-picky).


macrumors 65816
Jul 11, 2008
There are no numbers to post. We don’t know, and will never know, the total number of Covid cases, since a huge percentage are completely asymptomatic. All you’re doing is guessing but pretending to be authoritative, just like Fauci and the other “experts.” After 18 months, it’s a tired act.

Says the man who has been categorically proven wrong in every way. Without anything to back up your opinions they are just that: opinions.

Raw CFR is currently 1.63% for the US. But it is a moving number, and it is generally decreasing with vaccines and better treatment. On the other hand, it is also increasing because of new and more lethal and contagious variants.

12% are officially reported with an infection, while the best estimates says 1/3 of the population has been infected. Therefore, the best estimate for CFR is 0.54%, which we can round off to 0.5%.

This is 25–50 times worse than the average flu, but it will become incrasingly smaller with time, as covid becomes endemic.

This pandemic is a 2 years event, like most others. When we are done, 800 000 Americans will have died, and the country will have used ten trillion dollars to counter the negative effects, adding to the deficit.

Without any measures, you would have saved a lot of money, but CFR would have been around 5%, or many millions dead.

Please post your sources so we can have a civilized conversation.

But let's go with your numbers:

Even with 1/3 of the population being infected (110M) that would put the current mortality rate at 0.58% (640k/110M). Even if we conservatively assume that all of those 110M come from the unvaxxed population (they don't - many of those infections were before the vaccine too).... that would still leave 46M unvaxxed people that haven't been infected ((330M - 174M vaxxed) - 110M).

At a 0.58% mortality rate that means 267,000 people will still die.

If all of them got the vaccine that would drop to 37,380 (edit: see my earlier source here saying the vaccines are still 86% effective at preventing hospitalization and death). To me - a jab in the arm is worth 230,000 American lives. Many of the 640k that already died would have also been saved if everyone would have gotten vaxxed as soon as they could.

You throw around 800,000 (more like 870,000 with the numbers above) like it's no big deal. Do you realize that that is more American deaths than all of the foreign wars we've ever fought _combined_? How angry were you that 13 soldiers died in Afghanistan last week? More than that have died from COVID too. How are you not enraged?


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Sure it was. I explained how it was, and you admitted it by saying I was being "pedantic" (meaning you thought I was technically correct, but being nit-picky).

No, you’re just being pedantic. The first clue was that you felt compelled to reply to a comment from two days ago on page 1 when we’re now on page 27. But thanks for your important contribution.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
There are so many repeat offenders because the penalties are insufficient.

I'm more interested in changing people than punishing them more. Government's great at the latter, but sucks at the former. Now obviously a lot depends on the nature of the crime. Some crimes are so heinous that they are worthy of death or life imprisonment; others aren't.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
No, you’re just being pedantic. The first clue was that you felt compelled to reply to a comment from two days ago on page 1 when we’re now on page 27. But thanks for your important contribution.

Ah, the butt hurt is strong with this one. So basically in order to have a jab at me, you've now admitted that your comments have an expiration date, after which they lose their relevancy. I believe we call that cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Says the man who has been categorically proven wrong in every way. Without anything to back up your opinions they are just that: opinions.

Please post your sources so we can have a civilized conversation.

But let's go with your numbers:

Even with 1/3 of the population being infected (110M) that would put the current mortality rate at 0.58% (640k/110M). Even if we conservatively assume that all of those 110M come from the unvaxxed population (they don't - many of those infections were before the vaccine too).... that would still leave 46M unvaxxed people that haven't been infected ((330M - 174M vaxxed) - 110M).

At a 0.58% mortality rate that means 267,000 people will still die.

If all of them got the vaccine that would drop to 37,380 (edit: see my earlier source here saying the vaccines are still 86% effective at preventing hospitalization and death). To me - a jab in the arm is worth 230,000 American lives. Many of the 640k that already died would have also been saved if everyone would have gotten vaxxed as soon as they could.

You throw around 800,000 (more like 870,000 with the numbers above) like it's no big deal. Do you realize that that is more American deaths than all of the foreign wars we've ever fought _combined_? How angry were you that 13 soldiers died in Afghanistan last week? More than that have died from COVID too. How are you not enraged?

Yet another wall of text.

The average age of a Covid death is around 83. Were those people all going to live forever? Comparing Covid deaths to war deaths is utterly stupid beyond belief. The average kid killed in a war is 60 years younger than the average Covid death. Get a grip already.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
Ah, the butt hurt is strong with this one. So basically in order to have a jab at me, you've now admitted that your comments have an expiration date, after which they lose their relevancy. I believe we call that cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

Not butt hurt at all. Just pointing out the ridiculousness of it all. Maybe now you can find a spelling error back on page 3.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2012
I'm more interested in changing people than punishing them more. Government's great at the latter, but sucks at the former. Now obviously a lot depends on the nature of the crime. Some crimes are so heinous that they are worthy of death or life imprisonment; others aren't.

How do you plan to go about that without the government involved? Adults rarely change on their own, especially without a carrot or a stick. Every fat person knows being fat is unhealthy.

szw-mapple fan

macrumors 68040
Jul 28, 2012
Yep, and after that no more monarchy. I wouldn’t be too snide talking about them when you’re being ruled by emperor-wannabe Xi If I were you.
The point being, there are many other examples of successful revolutions around the world like the Haitian revolution, Greek war of independence, young Turks, or the American revolution. The French Revolution was followed by more an half a century of the rule of kings and emperors, only ending up with the third republic because they lost in the Franco-Prussian war, which is hardly what you’d call a successful revolution.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
Not butt hurt at all. Just pointing out the ridiculousness of it all. Maybe now you can find a spelling error back on page 3.

I raced to my keyboard to reply to this comment before it expired. I hope I replied soon enough to not be considered pedantic.

Also, if you had made a spelling error on page 3 and I pointed it out, would you deny that it was a spelling error like you're denying that your statement (about government schools being the only option) was inaccurate?
Last edited:


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
How do you plan to go about that without the government involved? Adults rarely change on their own, especially without a carrot or a stick. Every fat person knows being fat is unhealthy.

So do you think government should regulate our diets too? Like NYC limiting soda sizes, etc? Sorry, but that is pure government overreach supported by people who want a nanny state.
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