B/D You may not be entirely correct. I have just discovered this improvement and only a couple of tests suggest that selecting the HPM as default does seem to stick. HPM’s appear to be reactive, responding to the most recent command. If they are in sleep mode, they hold their last setting. I shut everything off, then restarted with the new TV remote. I checked audio options - no HPM’s, just TV speakers. Earlier they were there, now gone. I asked Siri to play some music. This woke up the HPM’s. I went back to audio options and ot only were they in the list of available devices, but still selected as the default. The music continued to play until I selected a TV show from the Amazon Prime app. Once the TV show began feeding an audio signal, the HPM’s began transmitting the audio, the HPM’s took over the sound. IMHO, they are starting to make these devices work together.
Hope I didn’t miss anyting. I will test further on Thursday.