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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
32,325 posts a memo that reportedly describes some of the iPhone 3G activation process for Rogers stores in Canada. Specifically, they point to an "activation only" version of iTunes which is being offered as a beta download from
To ensure customers can leave with a fully functional iPhone, it must be first be "unbricked". This process involves using the tether (a USB cable: see below) to connect/sync the iPhone to a unique 'Activation Only' version of iTunes via a computer. More information about the unbricking process will be provided in training (found on Fast Track and Sales Central) and you will be informed when the job aid is available.
Come July 11th, the full version of iTunes 7.7 will be publicly available which will also contain this "activation only" mode. Little other new information is provided. Most of that appears as if it will appear in a later training memo.

Article Link


macrumors regular
Oct 28, 2007
Daytona Beach Fl
I am call it a FAKE

I posted this about a week ago. I contacted att about the iPhone and this was part of their responce.

The new 3G device, Mr. P******, will be activated in store in both AT&T and Apple store locations. You must accept AT&T and Apple's Terms and Conditions, as well as select a 3G iPhone Data plan before leaving the store. You can add the $30.00 per month 3G iPhone Unlimited Data (Email-Web) plan that includes Visual Voicemail to your qualifying voice plan. The 3G iPhone $45.00 per month Unlimited Data with personal and Corporate e-mail, Web, and Visual Voicemail can be added to your qualifying voice plan if you intend on using the 3G iPhone for access to corporate e-mail, business applications, or access to corporate intranet. The activation process for 3G iPhones includes a short tether process to unbrick the 3G device and will be performed in all AT&T stores (tether cords will be provided). Apple stores will also perform this tether process, however, in the event that your device is not tethered in the Apple store, your device will be inoperable until you get home and tether through iTunes. Prepaid and Pick Your Plan service will not be available on the 3G device. Service discounts are available to qualifying customers for individual user accounts for voice and data plans on the 3G iPhone only. The return policy for the new 3G iPhone is 30 days for both Apple and AT&T stores. To cancel service within the first 30 days, you must return your equipment to the place of purchase. If you cancel after the 30 days, you will be charged the early termination fees and are not required to return the device.

You can read the complete response from att here


macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2007
Foothills to the Rocky Mountains
The memo uses the term "unbricked"? Yeah, sure...

Internal corporate memos use some pretty outlandish descriptions. They're never supposed to be seen by the public.

You'll get stuff using codenames and jargon from engineering.

I've actually created jargon that made it back to engineering and ended up as a term of endearment for a part of a computer that was used in training for future products.

No normal customer would know what the Tiki-God referred to, but anybody supporting a particular system would know instantly what it was. The marketing name for the product that the public saw just sucked. Our internal term was far better, in my not so humble opinion. :)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2006
Las Vegas
Yea, the link to the special version of iTunes pretty much cements this as a real memo for me.

I guess the activation process might not be too bad. Apple will have all their macs in the store running this version of iTunes for people to activate the new phones. It'll still be slower than last year, but they might be able to get people out the door in under 10 minutes if they keep things moving and the activation server and credit checking mechanisms can take the heat.

Hopefully they sell the iPhone at store opening instead of 6pm! If Rogers sells it at opening time, it'll be available in Canada before the US!


Mar 26, 2008
considering that we can still order the new iPhone online i assume it's save to say there must be some kind of process u can do at home. Plus germany doesnt even have any apple stores to do that right away


macrumors regular
Aug 21, 2007
I'm hoping that the gritty details are in the WORDS they used. (ie CAN):

"To ensure customers [I][B][SIZE="3"]can [/SIZE][/B][/I]leave with a fully functional iPhone"

I'm interpreting this as merely an additional service to expand their customer-base to include those who can't activate their phone themselves. Not as saying that EVERYONE must activate before leaving the store.

As in if someone wants to buy an iPhone, but doesn't have a personal computer with internet service at home to activate it, the Apple Store and/or the AT&T store may offer to setup the phone ON SITE if the person want to (or can't do it themselves at home).



macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2008
I agree, I think this unbricking process is more some kind of "extra service" you get if you'd like to have a fully working phone when leaving the store but this process would take unnecessary time at the launch on july 11, so I would think this service will only be available when sales settle down a bit


macrumors member
Jun 22, 2008
They also state that is mode will be available in iTunes 7.

"Note: As of July 11 2008, an updated version of iTunes (7.7) will be publicly available from It will have the activation only mode built in (like 7.6.3b4) so you will not need to use unique Weblinks to download it. As it is a publicly available version of iTunes it still needs to be configured for store use. Therefore you MUST 'enable' version 7.7 in the same way as you did for version 7.6.3b4 that is detailed above."

It states that the store will have to activate the activation only mode. So it seems like the store will need to "unbrick" the phone at the store.

Another thing to chew on is that this is Rogers method of activating the iPhone. Not to say it won't be used in Apple or AT&T stores but it could be different.


macrumors 68020
Oct 24, 2007
considering that we can still order the new iPhone online i assume it's save to say there must be some kind of process u can do at home. Plus germany doesnt even have any apple stores to do that right away
Um, you can't purchase it online, and for those Germans, they would have to go to the T-Mobile store (or whatever the carrier is), and I highly doubt that they will suspend this process on the 11th, they will probably overstaff the employees that day and will be prepared for long lines.


macrumors 68020
Apr 15, 2004
Washington DC
Has anyone installed the version of iTunes linked to from there? I downloaded it but haven't installed.

I did ... normal version of itunes except version 7.6.3b4

The windows version in Activation mode tells me my iphone is already activated and I can't do anything else. Can't figure out how to force activation mode in Mac OS X


macrumors member
Jan 10, 2008
Hey guys, this memo is not a fake. Check out the link to the Apple download! I wonder if anything can be derived from this version of iTunes. :confused:

Any chance to correct the title to ".ca" instead of ".com"? Thanks guys! :)


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2008

So all the new iphone 3g's coming bricked? And we (as i mean) unbricks them by activate them :confused::confused: so we don't unlock them...?


macrumors 68000
Oct 4, 2005
Toronto, Canada
One advantage of activating in store is making sure you don't get a broken iPhone.

So does this mean we don't HAVE to activate it in the store, since iTunes 7.7 will activate it at home?


macrumors member
Jun 22, 2008
One advantage of activating in store is making sure you don't get a broken iPhone.

So does this mean we don't HAVE to activate it in the store, since iTunes 7.7 will activate it at home?

Nope because it also says that you still need to do the special shortcut thing to get the special activation only mode. Which I doubt they would give the instructions on how to do so to the end user.


Mar 26, 2008
Um, you can't purchase it online, and for those Germans, they would have to go to the T-Mobile store

uuh actually we can order it online, its been up for pre-order since june 17 and they guarantee a home delivery for the first 1.000 on july 11
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