And since you mentioned shrink-wrap, it's interesting to note that Apple doesn't use shrink wrap for its packaging.
The clear outer wrap is tailored specifically for each box shape, with the pull tab seal that holds the origami together.
Thanks for clarification..."Shrink-wrap" was just my name for the original, whatever-you-call-it packaging material
Buys new iPhone from Apple, sends receipts, shows pics of box. Sells on Swappa, gets money, and bails. Returns phone unopened to Apple for refund. Profit!
Ha ha.....Great caper film plot.
Can even imagine a wacky romance evolving between swindler seller and gullible buyer when, quite by happenstance, they encounter each other on a ski slope a few months later.....and tables are turned....take it from there..........
Odds are that he took advantage of a trade in promo, got the phone at a large discount, and sold for a quick profit.
Exactly what Apple store salesperson said when we spoke (see post #13, above) on phone, after he'd located sales receipt in his system!
The numbers, IMEI and Serial are just cropped out, not missing from the label.
Correct. As soon as I bought it and received Swappa confirmation e-mail, I opened a private chat with Seller together with a Swappa rep (so I'd have written documentation with BOTH, should it turn out to be a scam).
In it I also included a link to this thread so that both Seller and Swappa were aware of my concerns.
And - since, as a precaution, I'd already contacted AmEx fraud dept. and had them note my account - I felt the written documentation would serve to protect me if this turns out to be a swindle.
Swappa was my go to, but lately it seems like the vast majority of used phones are all from the same resellers. I only buy from individuals.
Yes! Seems to be the case.
This seller with his NEW phone doesn't fall into that category.
I thought the fact he'd only been a Swappa member for about a year, only sold 5 items, and just had 1 feedback - was cause for concern...but hey....If (?) my purchase turns out to be A-OK, I might try to sell my old phone on Swappa.
And any potential Buyer would see a "Seller" (me) who had only been a member for 2 months, sold nothing before and bought 1 item. When I consider my purchase in that light - I'm actually reassured. telenovela continues:
Yesterday I bought a case and then - glass screen protectors on Amazon. They arrive today.
So - if I've been scammed:
Amazon will be receiving 2 Returns,
I'll have wasted a ton of time....
But I won't regret the excercise. My hunch is I've done the "right" thing for me and will have learned some interesting lessons......Que será, será