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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 13, 2018
Does anyone know whether or not development is dead? The sourceforge page is a ghost town.
Leopard Webkit was thought to be a dead project a while back and then we got an update in October, so who knows?
lol too ... what are 6 months for >12y old hardware - especially when shared by genius enthusiasts with a wide consuming community!
Yeah, relative to how old the platform is, 1/2 a year is a drop in the bucket. True.
I like the idea of using LepWK on my PowerPC Macs for doing some light web layout/CSS work, but was annoyed by the serif system font used in the Web Inspector... Digging a little deeper, this can be resolved by either installing Menlo font family from a later OS or editing `Main.css` from the WebInspectorUI.framework;

1. Quit WebKit
2. In
open -e /Applications/
3. In TextEdit:
Find: Menlo,monospace
Replace with: Monaco,monospace
(Or Courier, "Andale Mono" or whatever is preferred as your fixed-width font)
4. Save and close.
5. Relaunch WebKit and check the Inspector window (Cmd-Opt-I)

Whether this is useful for anyone else or just me, it doesn't hurt to document these things :)
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