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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 17, 2002
Ugh, I respect his opinion, I've ordered two iPhone 6+, so they may get returned if he is right.

"A few days into testing the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, I accidentally left my personal iPhone 5S on a desk next to the iPhone 6 Plus. While my back was turned, the Plus tried to eat my 5S. It’s a monster."


macrumors regular
Jun 14, 2010
Ugh, I respect his opinion, I've ordered two iPhone 6+, so they may get returned if he is right.

"A few days into testing the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, I accidentally left my personal iPhone 5S on a desk next to the iPhone 6 Plus. While my back was turned, the Plus tried to eat my 5S. It’s a monster."

How about try the phone for yourself.....


macrumors G3
Jul 22, 2008
With dozens of reviews coming in and about 50% saying it's too big and 50% saying they love it....why bother listening to any of them? It's clearly a personal preference and no amount of "respect" should make you decide if the phone is a good fit for you or not until you hold it in your hand and use it.

Unless you're like me and already know full well you prefer your portable devices to be small. :D


macrumors 65816
May 20, 2009
Ugh, I respect his opinion, I've ordered two iPhone 6+, so they may get returned if he is right.

"A few days into testing the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, I accidentally left my personal iPhone 5S on a desk next to the iPhone 6 Plus. While my back was turned, the Plus tried to eat my 5S. It’s a monster."

Gruber also says that if iPhone 6 was the only phone released he would have stayed with 5S because the 5S screen size is better than the 4.7 iPhone. he is biased against anything more than 4 inches because he shouted last time that this is the best screen size and anything more is wrong. He is clearly wrong and can't come to accept it so he has to say the 4.7 is good begrudgingly but can **** on the 6 Plus for being too big.

and for the love of God grow up. make your own decisions


macrumors 68020
Nov 2, 2008
With dozens of reviews coming in and about 50% saying it's too big and 50% saying they love it....why bother listening to any of them. It's clearly a personal preference and no amount of "respect" should make you decide if the phone is a good fit for you or not until you hold it in your hand and use it.

Unless you're like me and already know full well you prefer your portable devices to be small. :D

This. Until you've given it 7-10 days of personal usage you'll never be certain how it will fit into your routine. Of course it will seem huge at first but it's the experience after trying it out that matters.



macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
This. Until you've given it 7-10 days of personal usage you'll never be certain how it will fit into your routine. Of course it will seem huge at first but it's the experience after trying it out that matters.


Where did this magical 7-10 days come from? I'll be able to tell if the phone is feasible within the first day, especially with how much I will be using it more than normal (due to it being a new phone and all).

Unless you have a wide array of different things you do (with your phone) every day throughout the week, I don't see why it should take nearly this long.


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2005
Ugh, I respect his opinion, I've ordered two iPhone 6+, so they may get returned if he is right.

"A few days into testing the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, I accidentally left my personal iPhone 5S on a desk next to the iPhone 6 Plus. While my back was turned, the Plus tried to eat my 5S. It’s a monster."

you have to remember.....these people have opinions just like you and me. for a true phone ONLY...yes it's probably too big. today's age, a lot of us don't really call it a phone. Sure it makes calls etc. but i only make calls a couple times a week if that. It does so much more. A lot of these reviews base it more on the phone aspect. When I think it's so much more than that.


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
Ugh, I respect his opinion, I've ordered two iPhone 6+, so they may get returned if he is right.

"A few days into testing the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, I accidentally left my personal iPhone 5S on a desk next to the iPhone 6 Plus. While my back was turned, the Plus tried to eat my 5S. It’s a monster."

Why has none raised a concern that the 6 Plus is a cannibal. I mean, it's right there in black and white.... must be true.



macrumors regular
Mar 20, 2012


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Gruber plummeted to his death from the Nakatomi plaza in the first Die Hard. I wouldn't put much into anything he says about the iphone 6.
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macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2008
Everyone on the Android side says that it takes a little bit to get used to a large screen phone. So why is it that on the Apple side then everyone is expecting the adjustment to happen overnight?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 17, 2002
you have to remember.....these people have opinions just like you and me. for a true phone ONLY...yes it's probably too big. today's age, a lot of us don't really call it a phone. Sure it makes calls etc. but i only make calls a couple times a week if that. It does so much more. A lot of these reviews base it more on the phone aspect. When I think it's so much more than that.

Sure, that was my thinking when choosing the 6+, I use it for so much more than calling or texting as just a phone.


macrumors 601
Mar 15, 2005
Question - When Apple ships phone, it takes several days to arrive. AT&T took away upgrade last Friday a full week before arrival.

If you ship the phone back to Apple, it will take a few days to get to them.

*IF* you return the phone, how long will AT&T still reinstate your upgrade?

IE, if it takes 2 days to get to you, you try it 12 days then return it, and then it takes 2-3 days for Apple to get the phone back and process the return. Are you going to get your upgrade back then, or will AT&T say it has been too long?


macrumors 68020
Jun 19, 2010
FWIW, there are more people considering going to the 6 from the 6+ than the other way around. The 6+ may have sounded good at first, but questions re: size remain that are not trumped by some massive increase in specs. Whereas the 6 is more of a no-brainer.

I'm in the camp where if I could get a 6 on launch day I'd cancel my 6+ pre order. Since I dont have that option, I plan on using my 6+, checking out a co-worker's 6 and making a decision within the first few days.


macrumors member
Sep 15, 2014
Gruber hits the nail on the head for me as far as why I want to try the 6 Plus.

If you simply want a bigger iPhone, get the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. That’s what it feels like: a bigger iPhone.

If you want something bigger than an iPhone, get the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. It feels more like a new device — a hybrid device class that is bigger than an iPhone but smaller than an iPad Mini — than it feels like a bigger iPhone.

If you don’t want a bigger iPhone — and in recent weeks I’ve heard from numerous readers who still pine for the 3.5-inch display iPhones — you might be disappointed by this year’s iPhone lineup, and should consider sticking with the iPhone 5-class models. (Note that Apple is continuing to sell two models of the iPhone 5S: 16 GB for $99, and 32 GB for $149. That 32 GB model to me looks like a hedge on Apple’s part.)


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Gruber is crazy. Who the hell is "pining" for the 3.5" screen of the original iphone? Seriously.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 14, 2014
Have you people never held a bigger device before? It isn't going to be all that different. I don't understand the angst.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2009
New York
I always thought phones over 5" would be too big - but then I starting using a Note 3 as my work phone for the past year and I find it completely fine to use. I opted for the 6 Plus, with no hesitation.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 9, 2007
He also mentioned the graphical stuttering on the 6 Plus that seems to have been mentioned by several with hands-on experience so far.


macrumors 65816
May 20, 2009
Gruber is crazy. Who the hell is "pining" for the 3.5" screen of the original iphone? Seriously.

that is what i meant. He is only defending his view that 3.5 is great, 4 is perfect, 4.7 is grumble grumble acceptable and 5.5 is a monster
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