Become a MacRumors Supporter for $50/year with no ads, ability to filter front page stories, and private forums.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Feb 10, 2019
$50 seems a bit pricey. I was subscribed then realized it expired so I went to resubscribe. I remember it being maybe $35.

I think you would get more subscribers if the price was lower or have a lower tier option. You could have the $50 gold one for people that can afford it and want to show off their increased support but a $25 silver one for most people. I think most people that subscribe do so to help the forms. Ads aren’t an issue because if someone is tech savvy enough to be a regular they have an ad blocker.

Sometimes having a lower price will actually generate more revenue because more people can afford the product versus if it’s so expensive. I think this is especially true in today’s economy.

Anyways, thanks for the great forms where we can have discussions about Apple products. I just thought I would throw this idea out there.
That's less than $.15/day for the entire year.. to remove ads, at the very least, from a site I frequent everyday. Seems like a bargain to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dividing it by the day is a great sales tactic but doesn’t change the actual cost. You can buy a Ferrari for $.07 a minute, but I’m not driving one now because I can’t afford one.

As to ads, as I said in my original post, most people use an ad blocker. At least people that are techie like ones in these forms. I don’t have ads either way and that was never a reason I became a contributor.

I’m not necessarily suggesting removing the $50 tier because obviously it’s not a problem for some people. Some of us on a more tight budget sometimes and would like to support a great website but maybe at a lower tier. The economy is not doing so great so when it comes time to cut unnecessary spending the first things that get cut are things like subscriptions.
It’s not for everyone, and I think that’s ok with MR. Those that are ok supporting at that price are just what they are looking for.
It’s not for everyone, and I think that’s ok with MR. Those that are ok supporting at that price are just what they are looking for.
So you think having a lower tier would be bad and if so, why? I think we both agree the current price is not for everyone, but perhaps there could be other options that would bring in more people.

Perhaps without the contributor label. When I was subscribed, I had that turned off. I didn’t care if other users knew I was a contributor.
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So you think having a lower tier would be bad and if so, why? I think we both agree the current price is not for everyone, but perhaps there could be other options that would bring in more people.

Perhaps without the contributor label. When I was subscribed, I had that turned off. I didn’t care if other users knew I was a contributor.
I don’t mind the lower tier at all, but I don’t think MR is looking for tons of supporters to function. But I don’t think a lower tier is bad. Just offer much less options.

I just don’t think they should lower the top tier of $50.
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$50 seems a bit pricey. I was subscribed then realized it expired so I went to resubscribe. I remember it being maybe $35.

I think you would get more subscribers if the price was lower or have a lower tier option. You could have the $50 gold one for people that can afford it and want to show off their increased support but a $25 silver one for most people. I think most people that subscribe do so to help the forms. Ads aren’t an issue because if someone is tech savvy enough to be a regular they have an ad blocker.

Sometimes having a lower price will actually generate more revenue because more people can afford the product versus if it’s so expensive. I think this is especially true in today’s economy.

Anyways, thanks for the great forms where we can have discussions about Apple products. I just thought I would throw this idea out there.
believe it was $25 for the longest as long as I remember on this site until recently

I don't think MR would object to any donations. Just may not get the "contributor" and removal of ads if not at 50
I don’t mind the lower tier at all, but I don’t think MR is looking for tons of supporters to function. But I don’t think a lower tier is bad. Just offer much less options.
You might be right that the contributor money is probably just some extra cash for them. I don’t suspect it’s a large portion of the income. I know you get access to some extra forms, but I don’t think I’ve ever posted there and the no ads thing doesn’t make a difference to me.

I just don’t think they should lower the top tier of $50.
I can understand that because you don’t want people that are already paying $50 to all of a sudden pay less. They could realistically create higher tiers with fancy badging like you could become a Pro or Pro Max supporter.
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I don’t mind the lower tier at all, but I don’t think MR is looking for tons of supporters to function. But I don’t think a lower tier is bad. Just offer much less options.

I just don’t think they should lower the top tier of $50.
A lower tier to only remove ads without the other perks makes sense to me. May even persuade some ad blocker users to make a small donation.
I can understand that because you don’t want people that are already paying $50 to all of a sudden pay less. They could realistically create higher tiers with fancy badging like you could become a Pro or Pro Max supporter.
I haven't seen a "macrumors demi-god" for a while but that used to be a thing. Always found that kind of funny.
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You might be right that the contributor money is probably just some extra cash for them. I don’t suspect it’s a large portion of the income. I know you get access to some extra forms, but I don’t think I’ve ever posted there and the no ads thing doesn’t make a difference to me.

I can understand that because you don’t want people that are already paying $50 to all of a sudden pay less. They could realistically create higher tiers with fancy badging like you could become a Pro or Pro Max supporter.
Yeah can’t disagree with any of your points. I think those are all reasonable suggestions.
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A lower tier to only remove ads without the other perks makes sense to me. May even persuade some ad blocker users to make a small donation.

I haven't seen a "macrumors demi-god" for a while but that used to be a thing. Always found that kind of funny.
Agree, just removing ads for a lower amount would not be a bad idea.

As for the Demi-god, I can put that in my title as a contributor. Any contributor can. I assume most just choose not to.
I believe if you were a previous supporter at $25 / year before the price increase, you are grandfathered into the $25 / year plan. If that applies to any of you, ask Arn to make sure you get the legacy rate.
I might have to check into this. I thought it would automatically renew but either my payment changed or it doesn’t. I really don’t use any of the perks. It just seemed like the right thing to do just to help out.
A lower tier to only remove ads without the other perks makes sense to me. May even persuade some ad blocker users to make a small donation.
I think most people now use ad blockers. Some government agency (FBI? I can’t remember) in the USA was recommending them to protect against malicious content. I think even a lower tier with ads would be fine because of this.
if you were a previous supporter at $25 / year before the price increase, you are grandfathered into the $25 / year plan


I will say the offerings are meager outside of supporting MR. The titles are ok but the private forums are dead with the exception of maybe a dozen members posting coffee and wordle, every single day. No ads of course is bliss but as others have mentioned, who isn't using an ad blocker these days.

There are some really easy things MR could do to increase value:
  • Either double entries in giveaways or at least an extra "contributor" entry (should be double), perhaps even contributor only giveaways
  • Increase/Remove the disagree daily limit
  • Discounts on apps/subs
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I will say the offerings are meager outside of supporting MR. The titles are ok but the private forums are dead with the exception of maybe a dozen members posting coffee and wordle, every single day. No ads of course is bliss but as others have mentioned, who isn't using an ad blocker these days.

There are some really easy things MR could do to increase value:
  • Either double entries in giveaways or at least an extra "contributor" entry (should be double), perhaps even contributor only giveaways
  • Increase/Remove the disagree daily limit
  • Discounts on apps/subs
I don't think MacRumors can charge real money for giveaway entries as that would be considered gambling. I didn't even know there was a disagree limit...
there is a road cycling group that rides in my area of the city
i wont join yet since they demand rear taillights (during the day?)

and 45 bucks a year.
This is a good subject I’m glad somebody Brought this to the top. US$50 is really weird. Especially since they’re getting paid from advertisers. If the Content was better and more reliable in there if there weren’t so many problems running around this forum. I said I would pay money but Not at all what I pay US$50. And I think they should have a dedicated app. If they’re raking in that much money from advertisers they can afford it.
This is a good subject I’m glad somebody Brought this to the top. US$50 is really weird. Especially since they’re getting paid from advertisers.
When you pay the subscription the ads are removed so they don’t make money from advertising from subscribers.

If the Content was better and more reliable in there if there weren’t so many problems running around this forum. I said I would pay money but Not at all what I pay US$50.
How could it be better? I’m genuinely asking because I’m not the creative type. Make some suggestions and maybe they will try it. I would love to see improvements.

And I think they should have a dedicated app. If they’re raking in that much money from advertisers they can afford it.
What would you want the app to do? Many apps are glorified webpages so pretty useless. It would have to have a function not available from the website.
When you pay the subscription the ads are removed so they don’t make money from advertising from subscribers.

How could it be better? I’m genuinely asking because I’m not the creative type. Make some suggestions and maybe they will try it. I would love to see improvements.

What would you want the app to do? Many apps are glorified webpages so pretty useless. It would have to have a function not available from the website.
In the dedicated app I would like to see the forum in it with a much friendly and app based UI. The mobile version of the site isn't that great at all, thats why Tapatalk is so popular. I think that would be the main request for the app. Better notifications
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When you pay the subscription the ads are removed so they don’t make money from advertising from subscribers.

How could it be better? I’m genuinely asking because I’m not the creative type. Make some suggestions and maybe they will try it. I would love to see improvements.
What would you want the app to do? Many apps are glorified webpages so pretty useless. It would have to have a function not available from the website. …….stated above
When you pay the subscription the ads are removed so they don’t make money from advertising from subscribers.

…….that is known but other parts of web based site is full of them . Hence that’s where is ad money is coming from and what I meant.

How could it be better? I’m genuinely asking because I’m not the creative type. Make some suggestions and maybe they will try it. I would love to see improvements.

………Problem with focus apps is they never easy to use. Truncated website not user friendly

What would you want the app to do? Many apps are glorified webpages so pretty useless. It would have to have a function not available from the website.

…….stated above
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