Where’s the Ifix it tear down?
There isn't one, there's a page full of rubbish.
To be fair to iFixIt, iFixIt didn't write it, for one thing. The person that did has since fixed all the pictures. And they never claimed it was a teardown to start with, simply a guide on how to upgrade the RAM.
Yes, this should be close to internal speedGood information. To achieve ~2800 externally would I need nvme ssd in a tb3 enclosure? May consider smaller internal drive for os and rest external.
Good information. To achieve ~2800 externally would I need nvme ssd in a tb3 enclosure? May consider smaller internal drive for os and rest external.
Define "published it". As far as I can tell, literally anybody can write a guide for their site, and iFixIt, the company, doesn't review them prior to being available to the public. Following your logic, MacRumors published your post and therefore to the extent that it's wrong, should be ridiculed simply because they allow people to post on these forums.To be fair to iFixit, iFixit published it. As far as I know, publishers decide what to publish and are responsible for what they publish.
This was disgraceful, and had no apparent purpose other than to sucker people into going to their site and taking the drivel that they published seriously.