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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has seeded yet another version of Mac OS X 10.5.5 (9F23) to developers on Friday as well as a new version of Safari 4.0 Developer Preview, according to AppleInsider.

The latest Mac OS X 10.5.5 seed came just days after the previous seed. Unlike the previous seed, this one had one known issue related to general searching of email messages in Mail.

Perhaps more interesting was that Apple released a new Safari 4.0 Developer Preview for Leopard, Windows and Tiger. Apple first gave developers a look at Safari 4.0 in in June. Safari 4.0 incorporates many of the latest enhancements found in WebKit. The latest HTML 5 features supported, according to AppleInsider, are said to include:

- CSS support for masks, gradients, reflections, and specifying a named canvas.
- Rudimentary support for the WAI-ARIA (Rich Internet Application) and cross-site XMLHttpRequest specifications.
- the ability to send messages between documents
- storage of data either locally or just for the user's session
- the option of running web applications outside of a browser or when disconnected from the network
- canvas pixel manipulation

Safari 4.0 also incorporates the latest SquirrelFish technology which provides dramatic JavaScript speed ups. Apple has not yet announced the expected release date for Safari 4.0.

Article Link


macrumors newbie
Apr 19, 2008
Apple seems to be reallll busy these past few weeks. With pretty much their whole non-iphone line in desperate need of an upgrade, while i think they all will around the same time, i'm sure they are trying to prevent another mobileme, iphone, itunes meltdown scenario again.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2007
Safari 4.0 is looking really good (going by the information released). Hopefully by the time Snow Leopard is released there will be 4.5 or 5.0 released :)


macrumors 601
Dec 2, 2003
i hope 10.5.5 fixes ical

Hah! Yeah right!

I don't know what problem you're having with the program, but ical is the single most neglected major application in Apple's software lineup. So whatever issue you're having with it, I wouldn't pin my hopes on it getting fixed by an update. Personally I don't recall ever encountering bugs in ical, but I can tell you that ever since ical first came out I've been waiting for ical to get some absolutely basic functions added, such as being able to move more than one event at a time. Such a basic simple function! Yet ical doesn't have it!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 20, 2008
Hah! Yeah right!

I don't know what problem you're having with the program, but ical is the single most neglected major application in Apple's software lineup. So whatever issue you're having with it, I wouldn't pin my hopes on it getting fixed by an update. Personally I don't recall ever encountering bugs in ical, but I can tell you that ever since ical first came out I've been waiting for ical to get some absolutely basic functions added, such as being able to move more than one event at a time. Such a basic simple function! Yet ical doesn't have it!

lol they can start by fixing the "today" button


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
Just to bring this home for people who miss hearing iPhone news: IIRC, iPhone Safari doesn't yet use SquirrelFish, so it too stands to get faster in future :)


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2007
51.50024, -0.12662
the latest build of Safari 4.0 kept on beach balling for me and i had to force quit it. i sent 5 crash reports to Apple in half an hour earlier today. im now back to 3.1.1 and hasnt crashed once.


macrumors member
May 24, 2008
How about Apple adding a feature to Safari that warns you when you are entering a web site that can be dangerous to you or your computer, like a site that tries to phish personal information from you, like bank details etc?

I know people should take care about where they hand over personal information, but that feature can't hurt, right? :confused:


macrumors member
May 24, 2008
the latest build of Safari 4.0 kept on beach balling for me and i had to force quit it. i sent 5 crash reports to Apple in half an hour earlier today. im now back to 3.1.1 and hasnt crashed once.

When I was on Tiger, Safari did that to me all the time. When I installed Leopard, Safari was great, but with every minor update to Safari, it has slowly been getting worse. I hope Safari 4 fixes it again, but minor updates for it will probably ruin it again lol.


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2008
Safari 4 will need to have some new features - currently I'm on the fence between Safari and Firefox, as while FF is more functional (with the add-ons, etc), there are a few nice things like smooth scrolling in Safari which just make the whole browsing experience ... more enjoyable, really.


macrumors 604
Oct 2, 2006
The Land of Hope and Glory
the latest build of Safari 4.0 kept on beach balling for me and i had to force quit it. i sent 5 crash reports to Apple in half an hour earlier today. im now back to 3.1.1 and hasnt crashed once.

It's a preview version. Your supposed to be trying to make it crash (and reporting bugs) so that Apple can fix them. Don't expect to use it as your primary browser.


macrumors 68040
Nov 26, 2003
LOL .. I love Apple. I love using reflections and all that stuff but how useful is it if it's only for one browser..

-Proudly posted from firefox 3

[1] lol at your inability to see the complete picture (or any picture for that matter!). All these features are shared back to the community (hopefully some will make the CSS 3 spec) and will help to create and immersive, interactive web experience based on open standards.

Leave the proprietary web to Microsoft and Adobe.

[2] lol at your Firefox fanboy-ism without being able to comprehend any of the issues at stake. In many ways Apple and Mozilla want the same thing (although for different reasons).

Apple doesn't want to rely on plugins for the web because they would rather not be dependent on a third party to provide the internet experience on their future gadgets, tablets and computers.

- proudly posted by someone who want a web based on open standards, not locked to one vendor and appreciating anyone who makes an effort to get us there.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2004
It's a preview version. Your supposed to be trying to make it crash (and reporting bugs) so that Apple can fix them. Don't expect to use it as your primary browser.

well, I'm running the Developer preview 5526.11.2 which i wanted to try out, and basically forgot about, as I HAVE been using it as my primary browser, and have had virtually no problems at all. Seems to be as stable as the last v3 version for me.


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2007
51.50024, -0.12662
It's a preview version. Your supposed to be trying to make it crash (and reporting bugs) so that Apple can fix them. Don't expect to use it as your primary browser.

OK thanks! but it overwrote my earlier 4.0 developer preview that was quite stable and then when i used the uninstaller it gave me back 3.1.1.

so what primary browser are you supposed to use if you only use Safari and it overwrites your current version?


macrumors 68040
Nov 26, 2003
OK thanks! but it overwrote my earlier 4.0 developer preview that was quite stable and then when i used the uninstaller it gave me back 3.1.1.

so what primary browser are you supposed to use if you only use Safari and it overwrites your current version?

There's an installer (“Safari40PreviewUninstall.pkg”) on the disk image you downloaded which removes Safari 4 puts Safari 3 back.

If you don't have the disk image, download it again from the ADC.
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