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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 22, 2007
Exactly what the title says. I installed 10.5.2 on a 2.2ghz MB and when I restarted it, it didn't restart. The screen didn't come on and it gives 3 short beeps, 3 long beeps, and 3 short beeps - S.O.S. The sleep light also blinks with the beeps. It is really weird. I think it's kinda funny cause it's S.O.S., but not good because it won't start at all. It won't recognize any keyboard commands on startup (T for target disk mode, C to boot from the optical drive with Leopard DVD, Shift for safe mode, etc.), and the screen doesn't come on at all. I know three beeps means bad memory so I checked it, and it is good. I took the memory out of my 2.2ghz MBP and put it in the MB - same thing as before. I put the memory from the MB in my MBP, and it started just fine. I already called Apple and they are sending me a box. I figure it is the logic board. What about everyone else?


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2008
I've never heard of this either, but I have to say along with others here, that is one of the funniest computer errors I've heard of.
Sorry about the trouble you're having though. I hope Apple can fix it or exchange your MB.


macrumors regular
Original poster
May 22, 2007
Yeah, I'm kind of aggravated that it broke. It was just bought in December. Oh well. But the error is hilarious! It's ironic that it broke and it's sending out an S.O.S. signal. Haha!


macrumors newbie
Mar 7, 2008
Same Here!

The screen didn't come on and it gives 3 short beeps, 3 long beeps, and 3 short beeps - S.O.S. The sleep light also blinks with the beeps. It is really weird. I think it's kinda funny cause it's S.O.S., but not good because it won't start at all. It won't recognize any keyboard commands on startup (T for target disk mode, C to boot from the optical drive with Leopard DVD, Shift for safe mode, etc.), and the screen doesn't come on at all.

I have one of my MacBooks doing the exact same thing! I take care of 32 of these machines at my school (I'm an ECS). I figure that Apple must have put it on there for when the board fails. If I find out anything more I'll let you all know.


macrumors member
Dec 8, 2007
It means that there was a hardware failure. At least that is what I came up with. Anyways Apple should take care of the problem!


macrumors newbie
May 24, 2008
I have the same problem with a MACBOOK I purchased in December showing the exact same symptoms. I am at the Apple Store now. I will post my results once I am done here.


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
Well here's the Apple KB article:

It's for the Air, but I'm sure it's the same issue; says "To address this issue, please visit your nearest Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider, or call Apple directly."


macrumors newbie
Jul 27, 2008
MacBook did same thing this weekend

And at the Genius Bar, no less! The initial diagnosis is that the hard drive failed. I'm interested to find out other's root causes before I commit to sending in my baby :(


macrumors regular
I bought a MBP today and first start up and did the same sound. Called Apple and they said that it could be a Firmware issue or HD issue... but he wasn't really sure about it. Now I have to wait for work to end and then go and get a replacement...

First BAD impression. :p


macrumors member
Jun 1, 2004
I have an appointment with a genius later due to my MBP not starting up. It hanged yesterday, I shut it down and now it wont start anymore :(. Apple care said it might me a logic board issue maybe similar to yours.


macrumors 6502
Feb 1, 2007
it must be sinking.


that is funny though about the S.O.S.

why not put a voice in place for modern

"your hard drive is bad"
"your hard drive is bad"
"your hard drive is bad"

"your memory is bad"
"your memory is bad"

you know instead of having to go into the manual to figure out...oh was it 3 beeps or 2 ? 3 beeps mean hard drive or memory ?


macrumors regular
I bought a MBP today and first start up and did the same sound. Called Apple and they said that it could be a Firmware issue or HD issue... but he wasn't really sure about it. Now I have to wait for work to end and then go and get a replacement...

First BAD impression. :p

So, they couldn't reproduce the problem while at the store and the computer is working (feel really dumb wasting their time)... BUT, I just noticed that the computer doesn't close tight as my MB use to. Is this normal? I mean, is there supposed to be a little be of resistance before you can actualy shut it close? :confused:


macrumors 65816
Feb 25, 2009
Om nom nom nom
The 9 beeps(SOS) is legit from Apple...My Macbook is totally fried!

Just to let you all know, the SOS 9 beeps(3 short, 3 long, 3 short) on a Mac is totally true. I did a system update on my Macbook from the latest update(2/17/09), SMC update 1.3 that also included a firmware update(increase in efficiency for battery performance).

Guess what?...I clicked my trackpad for the system update, and my Macbook screen went blank, and made the (now infamous) 9 beeb signal. My day was ruined as I had an important meeting with a new client, and furthermore talked to AppleCare Technical Support for the next 2 to 3 hours that day.

For all of you who think this is's not - it is a legit Apple malfunction letting the user know that the logic board is defective.

I know have a new Macbook(kind of happy about that), but at the same time, may have lost an important client.

Best of luck to all of you who try SMC update 1.3 scheduled on 2/17/09...



macrumors 65816
Feb 25, 2009
Om nom nom nom
This happend in 2009...not 2007

That link is pretty old, and is also for an iMac...I just spoke with someone yesterday at the Genius Bar, and they told me that my computer needs to be replaced - I now have a new MacBook because of the 9 beep S.O.S signal.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
The beeping sounds calling for SOS are normal. Apple has a set of guidelines for the 3 different type of beeping they have for Macs. The SOS beep means bad logic board. Screens also flick with the beeps.

Since Apple sent you a box, it most likely means a replacement or a logic board change.
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