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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2005
The Netherlands


Haha, you're right about that ;) Hmm..... I wonder who draws up those pattent images and if they still got their job? ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2007
Edmonton Canada
I also think that these pics are fake. But I would say that Apple must come out with a netbook soon. There is a huge market that they are missing out on. I would guess that we will see a netbook from Apple before the end of summer. Its my guess that it would be sold for 700-1000 range like the Sony P. I will be the first in line for one....I have wanted a ultraportable from Apple that is smaller than the 13inch MBA for web and email. I have the Sony P and love it but it would be better with OSX.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2005
I just don't understand why people really need netbooks? An iPhone is way smaller and does pretty much everything a netbook does and more.

For many people they need the use of multi-tasking like having a pdf or powerpoint open while using word or openoffice to take notes.

BTW for those who say 10in netbooks are a little large the Lenovo S10 and the HP mini series are both 10in devices and are closer to size of many 9in netbooks.


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2007
ɹǝpun uʍop 'ǝuɐqsı&#
haha, this would really be great if it hadn't been april fools...

I'd so want to get this! i only have 1 computer now, a plastic macbook, which is maxed out in RAM, but i am thinking of splitting the job up to desktop and laptop, coz an imac would be nice to have everything on and have the capacity to run the apps while a netbook would be light enough to carry it to uni or wherever... coz the current macbook is too large and heavy to carry it around to get some work done -- then you have to carry the charger as well... not to mention the books -- and there's no place to put them in uni besides my own bag :p

the only problem is that if apple were to sell this at 899, it would defeat the purpose of a "netbook" in the first place.


macrumors regular
Nov 8, 2007
Kyoto, Japan
Is this really possible? I'd be all over this! :D


I and now most of my friends run Hackintoshes as our main machines.

You have to be sure to have compatible hardware, but nice examples are the netbooks like Dell Mini 9 and MSI Wind U100.

A good resource is forums and Google:)


macrumors 6502
Jul 20, 2005

You're right, I should have read that other person's post more closely.

No one is selling them with OS X _legally_ pre-installed. I suspect that as soon as the lawsuit against that one company (pystar? something like that) finishes, that anyone selling non-apple netbooks with OS X on them will quickly exit that market. But, that wont mean that the DIY hackintosh netbooks will go away.

And, that's really the reason Apple SHOULD enter the netbook market. There are Apple customers who want netbooks. They want them badly enough that they'll go the hackintosh route. That means some hardware vendor other than Apple is getting the hardware money in that sale (even if it is very low margin, it's still there). It also means one more reported sale for Windows and/or Ubuntu, altering the marketshare stats away from Apple even though these are OS X users. And all Apple has to do to capture those sales numbers is release a product in that market segment, because the "OS X netbook" customers already exist.


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2004
Is it only me who thinks that the width of the number '1' key is way too thin?

Why would the other number keys be standard width? - This does not make any sense. - If it is photoshopped - the photoshopper should have made the backspace key a bit thinner, and shifted all the other keys along. Making enough room for the correct width key.

Looks like he/she couldn't be bothered.


macrumors member
Feb 9, 2009
What "ideas" have Apple said they're working on?

As far as I know, Apple hasn't said much about specific "ideas." They just said they had some, and that they are working on them. I think the original poster was just saying that this thing is too lame to be Apples "next big thing."

I'm sure someone else on here could give you the exact quote about the "ideas," and then be able to extrapolate on any allusions anyone has made to the specifics of said "idea."


macrumors 65816
Sep 21, 2008
I also think that these pics are fake. But I would say that Apple must come out with a netbook soon. There is a huge market that they are missing out on. I would guess that we will see a netbook from Apple before the end of summer. Its my guess that it would be sold for 700-1000 range like the Sony P. I will be the first in line for one....I have wanted a ultraportable from Apple that is smaller than the 13inch MBA for web and email. I have the Sony P and love it but it would be better with OSX.

Sorry, I don't get it. :confused: Why do people even buy computers "for web and email" anymore? I hear this at work from customers all the time--- "Is this a good computer? All I'm going to be doing is checking my email." If that's really, truly all you're going to be using it for, you should just get an iPhone or a BlackBerry instead...or hell even an iPod touch...instead of an underpowered little netbook with an Atom processor that renders it pretty much useless. 1.x GHz anything is 5 years ago. :cool:


macrumors newbie
Mar 30, 2009
commercial netbooks featuring osx

Check out the above website. Fantastic stuff--they don't support piracy, you have to buy a copy of leopard or attest to owning a legit copy. They're asking for a call from Apple's attorneys, but all the same, the best defense for apple is to come out with their own netbook, competitively priced. (For Apple, that means not more than about twice what everybody else is charging.)


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2005
I'm not going to trawl though the whole thread, but has anyone else noticed the the word 'mini' is in a different/smaller typeface than 'MacBook'?


macrumors member
Feb 9, 2009
Sorry, I don't get it. :confused: Why do people even buy computers "for web and email" anymore? I hear this at work from customers all the time--- "Is this a good computer? All I'm going to be doing is checking my email." If that's really, truly all you're going to be using it for, you should just get an iPhone or a BlackBerry instead...or hell even an iPod touch...instead of an underpowered little netbook with an Atom processor that renders it pretty much useless. 1.x GHz anything is 5 years ago. :cool:

I understand why you and others wouldn't have a use for a small underspeced computer, thats only for the internet because I don't want one either, and I already have a Macbook; but I also understand why someone else would want one. I can't really imagine only owning an ipod touch for portable internet when I could have a full keyboard and a screen that I can actually read. I think this is where those rumored 10" itouch whatevers will help fill in some gaps: portable internet on a compact device. and hopefully a bluetooth keyboard. Of course it's all speculation; But I see it as a much more practical option if its affordable to those who can't buy a notebook, but still want to do a little mobile computing/web surfing.


macrumors 6502
Jul 20, 2005
Sorry, I don't get it. :confused: Why do people even buy computers "for web and email" anymore? I hear this at work from customers all the time--- "Is this a good computer? All I'm going to be doing is checking my email." If that's really, truly all you're going to be using it for, you should just get an iPhone or a BlackBerry instead...or hell even an iPod touch...instead of an underpowered little netbook with an Atom processor that renders it pretty much useless. 1.x GHz anything is 5 years ago. :cool:

I don't get why people keep suggesting that someone who wants a 7"-10" screen device for web and email should instead get a 2"-3" screen device. It's like the person making that suggestion isn't even paying attention.

I know what I want, from experience. 2"-4" is too small for all of my email/web/rss/notes/IM needs. Sure, for the very basics, my G1 is fine for that, and I use it for that (and for those who don't need a physical keyboard, I'm sure the iPhone is an acceptable substitute for the G1). But there are definitely things where I need to pull out something bigger. I need more screen, I need to type more/faster than thumb typing allows, etc..

(also, from interacting with people who use their iPhone or iPod Touch for IM, the IM options for that platform are pretty abysmal)

But, I don't need a laptop for it. A laptop is definitely overkill for what I want/need. From experience, a 7"-10" screen device is just about perfect for what I need to be doing when I'm not at my desk, but also need more than my phone. An iPhone, iPod Touch, or Blackberry (or even my G1) is not going to fulfill this need. Their input is too limited, and their display is too small.

The one exception would be that I will soon be able to use the Redfly device with my G1. That would give me a bigger screen and keyboard to use with my G1. But that doesn't really fulfill the role of "I'd like an Apple product in this space". When the Refly software becomes available, I will hopefully be able to use any linux netbook with my G1, in this manner.

What I REALLY want to see from Apple is:

1) a 7" - 10" ultra-mobile device (tablet, convertible/swivel screen netbook, netbook; USB+DisplayPort and/or docking port for attaching KVM; SSD and/or HDD options; Wifi; SDHC card slot; some sort of 3G option; runs Mac OS X (full or iPhone))
2) ability to use Redfly (device or software) with the iPhone and/or iPod Touch
3) Refly software for full Mac OS X, and for the 7"-10" ultra-mobile device (regardless of whether that device runs full OS X, or iPhone OS X), so that I can use it to control any redfly compatible phone (including the iPhone, if #2 is fulfilled).
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