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Jun 10, 2015
I would like to buy a 15inch rMBP that could potentially last for 8 years - I'm not one to upgrade every 3-4 years so could you suggest a build that would last me 7 years+? Should I upgrade the processor? Should I buy the dedicated or integrated graphics version? Sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forum.
I currently have a late 2008 aluminum 13" MacBook (2.0GHz dual core) and while it's not blazing fast, I still use it when I don't feel like sitting at a desk. I can still do some minor photoshop work, edit some basic videos in iMovie, browse the web, email, etc just fine. If I threw an SSD in there I'm sure it'd be even better.
So even just the base model could get you 5-8 years of use, but upgrading the processor and RAM would probably keep it more competitive with future hardware. It really depends on what you plan on doing with it. If you want to do some light gaming, upgrade the graphics. If you're going to need more storage, upgrade that. But I think no matter what you go with you'll be able to use it for years to come, it'll just continually appear to be slower as computers around it get faster.
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The 2008MBP is looking like it will last me a bit longer yet, whilst still get Safari Updates for it then won't need to replace. This November will see it hit 7 years but all I use for now is Web/Mail etc. I use my Mac Pro for ripping/video editing etc so if I was using my MBP for that would probably have replaced before now.

I will probably get whatever the current rMB is at the time when I do come to replace it

I think the 2008/2009 computers which made the switch to the 64 bit EFI will probably be the exception on there longevity though.
It's hard to say really. If your usage changes in that large amount of time, it obviously won't last you that long as you'll be looking for something that can handle your usage at an earlier time.

Beyond that, even if it fit your usage for that amount of time, it's impossible to predict whether it will last 8 years or not. It could, it could not. Upgrading specs or leaving them alone won't affect their physical lifespan, only further "futureproof" it if your usage is likely to change.
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If you're using your laptop at a level that looks like it will be acceptable on an 8 year old computer (ie. Mail, word processing, web browsing), you do not need a high-end laptop for $3k. Buy a nice Air for half that, and a second one 4 years later. That way you stay current with more of the little extras that come with newer macs like handoff or airdrop.

If you truly need the horsepower of a high end MBP, nothing you buy now will stay in that class for 8 years, and you'll be buying a new $3k computer in 3-4 years at most. If you truly need that level of power, that is.

Also, remember that 8 years ago, Apple computers were easier to upgrade yourself. You won't be throwing a new SSD in today's laptops. Even RAM is dicey anymore.
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I just replaced my early 2009 15" MBP this past week. No issues other than needing a new battery a year ago.
If the GPU doesn't fail and the battery doesn't expand and deform the case (two things that have happened on every MBP I've owned), I'd say it's completely possible. My recommendation would be no dGPU, 512GB SSD.

Quad core CPUs are very fast nowadays. Obviously usage patterns differ, but if it's just casual to moderate usage I don't see any problem with 8 years in completing similar tasks. My main desktop still runs an i7-920, which came out in 2008. It still does all my heavy lifting perfectly (obviously slower than a newer processor, but perfectly adequate for the majority of tasks). At 4GHz it's slower than the 4700MQ, just a testament on how far CPU performance has gone. I still can't see myself upgrading it anytime soon, and I use it for video, gaming, and statistical analysis.
It's definitely possible. At work, I know someone who is clinging to the mid-2007 MacBook Pro that was issued to them when they started their job. This is the generation right before the first unibody models were released. Granted, it was maxed out at the time it was purchased (4 GB RAM later upgraded to the max 6GB, 2.4GHz Core2Duo, NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT), but it runs the current OS, and will likely run El Capitan, and despite having missed 2 company upgrade cycles and just about to skip a third, the user is not interested in getting it replaced for a newer model. Go figure.

So, 8 years, and assuming no hardware failures (I'm shocked the GPU hasn't died on it, as this generation is where the MBP's dodgy GPU troubles began), this MBP could end up being in service for 9 years assuming El Capitan runs to the user's satisfaction on it.
my ibook G3 clamshell is still going strong after 15 years, but it's absolutely useless as anything other than a massive paperweight. i think you'll be lucky if you are still using a new mac in 8 years time for anything other than retro stuff.
Next to my rMBP sits a 2006 Asus laptop, working just fine, running Xubuntu (a Linux based OS). The battery isn't working anymore, other than that, it's still a 100 % machine. Well, 100 % 2006 machine. After nine years the HW is not just obsolete, it's ancient. A $200 laptop would run circles around this thing.

It doesn't matter how much cash you pour into it, eight years is like a century in IT. Get 16 gigs of RAM, that's a good idea, but don't waste your money on negligible upgrades. Buy something else that makes you happy, or save the price difference and buy your next MacBook in four years instead of eight.
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The engineering firm I work at and manage the IT infrastructure at as part of my duties tends to get ~10 years out of every computer we buy - they just get progressively rotated to lesser duties over the years. We still have a couple in use that are 20 years old.

I agree with the other suggestions though - if you really want to use this as a productive machine for 8 years, max it out now - it will pay off more in the long run than the short. Still - I think the suggestion to buy two less expensive models 4 years apart and selling the old one is a better option for a tiny bit of extra cash outlay over those 8 years. The only people I think this doesn't work well for are folks for whom end up with an environment so complex that they won't spend the time it takes to migrate to a new computer. We have a couple of engineers like this - even when I put a new machine on their desk, it might sit there for a year and they never make the move. Honestly though, even there, it's worth the effort as it's an excuse to sift through all the cruft that is bogging you down.
The idea to max out is the wrong one in my opinion.
Differences to the maxed out CPU are actually small. In a couple years either will feel equally slow. It is just a waste of money. Maxing out RAM is the only reasonable thing and getting enough SSD space.
Same goes for the GPU. A 750M i.e. is not fast enough that it really makes a difference in normal use and games won't play in 4+ years much anyway. It is just an additional point of failure.

I would say get the basic spec (or even a refurb) with enough SSD space and see how long it lasts. Everything else is just a waste of money that is put to better use on upgrading sooner.
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I have a mid-2010 MacBook Pro. Upgraded ram to 8Gb and 500Gb OWC Extreme Pro SSD. its still running like a champ and i am a power user. I am loooking for a new one prob next year. so i can see 6 years.... 8 years, yea, but u will want one in 6
Any of them will easily last 8 years and beyond. My daily driver is a 2004 T42.

Whether you should max it out depends on your use. If it involves video editing, photo editing, etc., and you plan to be doing this 8 years from now you may wish to get the AMD GPU. If not, there's no reason to. It should be fine 8 years from now. I wouldn't bother upgrading the CPU or RAM.
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I absolutely believe that it can.

I've got a Mid 2007 iMac that was purchased in August of 2007. It was the base model 20" iMac. That means it has a 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo, 128MB ATI 2400XT, came with 2GB of RAM (has 4GB now), 250GB HDD (120GB SSD now), and came with OS X Tiger preinstalled. I'm currently using Mavericks and El Capitan DP. It runs Logic Pro X, the Adobe Creative suite (PS, AI, LR, etc.), Office 2011 and 2016 preview, iTunes, Chrome/Safari/Firefox, Parallels, and more without a hitch since I put an SSD in it in 2012.


As mentioned, if your usage stays the same it'll be fine. I made my Late 2008 13" MacBook last till the middle of last year when I got my 13" rMBP and I expect it to last equally as long. The 2008 is still going strong for my brother and his family.

I think a new 15" will last because: everything is fully 64-bit now, the SSD out paces older HDDs in speed and reliability, it ships with 16GB of RAM which is more than enough right now, so it should work in 8 years even if it's the new minimum unlike my iMac that had 1GB, configured to 2GB at checkout and 4GB years later, and they are built better than the older ones as far as the cooling system goes and much more efficient. If anything it would need a battery replacement down the line.
so could you suggest a build that would last me 7 years+? Should I upgrade the processor? Should I buy the dedicated or integrated graphics version? Sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forum.

You can certainly buy a computer now with the intentions of using it for 7-8 years, but it's not cost effective.

Here's what I'd do: Take the maximum you'd like to spend on a computer now, cut it in half and buy a retina MacBook or MacBook Air. Stick the other half in a savings account and use it to buy another laptop in 4 years. Your 4 year old rMB or MBA will actually have some resale value too, so you can recoup some of your costs.

My parents have an old mid 2007 MacBook that still runs, but I can't stand using it because it's just too slow. My dad uses it to browse the Internet, but that's really all its good for anymore.
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I absolutely believe that it can.

I've got a Mid 2007 iMac that was purchased in August of 2007. It was the base model 20" iMac. That means it has a 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo, 128MB ATI 2400XT, came with 2GB of RAM (has 4GB now), 250GB HDD (120GB SSD now), and came with OS X Tiger preinstalled. I'm currently using Mavericks and El Capitan DP. It runs Logic Pro X, the Adobe Creative suite (PS, AI, LR, etc.), Office 2011 and 2016 preview, iTunes, Chrome/Safari/Firefox, Parallels, and more without a hitch since I put an SSD in it in 2012.


As mentioned, if your usage stays the same it'll be fine. I made my Late 2008 13" MacBook last till the middle of last year when I got my 13" rMBP and I expect it to last equally as long. The 2008 is still going strong for my brother and his family.

I think a new 15" will last because: everything is fully 64-bit now, the SSD out paces older HDDs in speed and reliability, it ships with 16GB of RAM which is more than enough right now, so it should work in 8 years even if it's the new minimum unlike my iMac that had 1GB, configured to 2GB at checkout and 4GB years later, and they are built better than the older ones as far as the cooling system goes and much more efficient. If anything it would need a battery replacement down the line.

I was just about to comment as well, what you have in that, "...if your usage stays the same it'll be fine...."

OP, if possible MAX Everything out and make sure it's a Retina MBP. The thing of it all is that as technology becomes faster and more efficient, the gap of having to upgrade often decreases.

A Mac can definitely last 8 years...easy...of course with proper care...don't beat it up and lay it on the ground etc...stupid habits that I see people do all the time with computers in general...

BrettApple...classic set up man...I like it.
I still use my 2007 iMac daily for email and internet browsing as well as music. It's perfectly fine. The biggest flaw in it is the slow HDD.

A 2010 rMBP ey?

2007 iMac still run strong? I am looking to used iMac for video editing like FCPX and use Handbrake for english SRT. Run with Yosemite?
The idea to max out is the wrong one in my opinion.

For years I would have agreed with you, but now, going on near 15 years managing out network, with most of our laptops living at least 10 years, somehow, in the latter years, the models that were top of the line always perform significantly better, and are less likely to get left behind by something major changing a couple of years down the road where they no longer meet the minimum requirements. And who remembers that you spent an extra $500 8 years ago?
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