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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 29, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
Hey guys,

The LCD on my uni macbook 2.4 has this manufacturer and model:

Manufacturer: 00000610
Model: 00009CA5

I've searched around to no avail. Anyone else have this screen, and know what the vendor/model is?


macrumors 6502
Apr 28, 2008
Yea the panel in my new Unibody 2.4GHz Macbook also shows this model number etc. Doesn't seem to match the known "list" of panels. Maybe its a new brand/panel Apple is using for recently built unibody MB's?


macrumors member
Jan 5, 2009
What's its year/week of manufacture ?

Serial Number: LLYWWSSSSSS

LL location of manufacture
Y year
WW week


macrumors regular
Apr 2, 2008
i heard these panels are supposed to be better than the ones out there currently. can any of you testify to this? or maybe a side by side pic with another alubook thats using a different panel..thanks.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 29, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
A lot of people say the macbook air's screen is "much much better" than the macbooks. I owned a macbook air for a while before exchanging it for my macbook, which has this newer screen, and I don't notice a quality difference at all. Beautifully bright, vivid and balanced.

One complaint I read was that the macbook's screen had a horrible black. I've watched a few movies on the macbook (one being "let the right one in", which has some very dark scenes), and the blacks are very black, no different from the macbook air's, which i also watched a few films on.

Here are a couple of (horrible) photos of my screen i just shot with my iphone. Sorry if they are of such horrible quality that they aren't worth your time. :(





macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
fuz10n, do you mind taking the time to take some photos of your MB with movies playing on it & also with a black wallpaper (such as that Apple Earth wallpaper) or something? Thanks in advance. :)

Based on your photos, I guess this new screens Apple are using in the MB are a whole lot better because when I compared your screen to the screen on my Alu MB, yours is simply better than mine. I guess I should have waited for one more month before buying it with these new screens (I bought my base Alu MB at the end of March). :(


macrumors 6502
Jun 27, 2007
How are the viewing angles? Do the colors shift horribly when you move up/down, left/right.


macrumors member
Apr 17, 2009

that looks awesome. i am so psyched to get mine now after the exams. when do you reckon they will become more common? is there any way to buy a macbook with a broken screen, and simply replace the screen with this one?


macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
fuz10n and Sareth, thanks to both of you guys for taking the time & effort to post those photos/video for us. I really appreciate it. :)

Man, I have to say that these new screens look to be way better than the old ones. The black levels look really black. The black color also seems to be perfectly event across the screen, which seem to highlight the fact that these newer screens have got very good viewing angles. :)

I really regret buying my Alu MB (with a s**ky 9C89 screen) at the end of March. :( Why can't I wait for just one more month? :mad: :( Oh well, that's how life goes sometimes. :( By the way, anyone interested in buying a 5-6 weeks old base Alu MB with AppleCare for cheap? :confused:


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 29, 2009
Charlottesville, VA
fuz10n and Sareth, thanks to both of you guys for taking the time & effort to post those photos/video for us. I really appreciate it. :)

Man, I have to say that these new screens look to be way better than the old ones. The black levels look really black. The black color also seems to be perfectly event across the screen, which seem to highlight the fact that these newer screens have got very good viewing angles. :)

I really regret buying my Alu MB (with a s**ky 9C89 screen) at the end of March. :( Why can't I wait for just one more month? :mad: :( Oh well, that's how life goes sometimes. :( By the way, anyone interested in buying a 5-6 weeks old base Alu MB with AppleCare for cheap? :confused:

:( Sorry to hear that. You might want to try ebaying it for relatively cheap. Maybe you can get apple care to replace your screen or macbook as well if you explain.


macrumors 6502
Jun 27, 2007
Is it possible to get pictures from different angles? I'm curious as to see if the colors still shift and moderate viewing angles.


macrumors regular
Apr 29, 2009
So is this post saying that the most current UMB come with a better screen than earlier UMB? Will you definitely get this screen if you buy it new?

I was thinking about the refurbished route but if there is a difference between March's and April's screens then I would go new.

Or, does anyone know what month refurbished are shipping? Like are refurbished UMB shipping now built in like January or even February?

Please help! Thanks!


macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
So is this post saying that the most current UMB come with a better screen than earlier UMB? Will you definitely get this screen if you buy it new?

I'm afraid that it seems like it is true that the latest Alu MBs are coming with these "MBP quality" screens. :( You should have a fairly high chance of getting these screens if you buy your Alu MB new as of now. Good luck. :)


macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
:( Sorry to hear that. You might want to try ebaying it for relatively cheap. Maybe you can get apple care to replace your screen or macbook as well if you explain.

I doubt Apple will do anything for me because they'll most likely tell me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my screen & that it is within their stringent specifications. :D

I'll probably take your suggestion to ebay it or something. The worst thing with news of Apple using these new higher quality ("rev. B") screens is that my Alu MB's resale value is definitely going to take a huge bump. :( I guess there is a reason why people always advise not to buy a rev. A product. :( Oh well, I just hope I don't loose too much money selling my Alu MB. :( Wish me luck. :)


macrumors regular
Apr 29, 2009
Thanks Speed... two more quick questions:

1. Does this come on both the 2.0 and the 2.4 because it seems everyone who posted has a 2.4

2. Is there a way to tell which screen you are getting on the outside of the box? Like is the serial number printed on the outside or will the Apple store try to make you happy and figure it out before you purchase.

Thanks again.


macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
Thanks Speed... two more quick questions:

1. Does this come on both the 2.0 and the 2.4 because it seems everyone who posted has a 2.4

2. Is there a way to tell which screen you are getting on the outside of the box? Like is the serial number printed on the outside or will the Apple store try to make you happy and figure it out before you purchase.

Thanks again.
1) I think it should. There is no reason it shouldn't because the 2.0 & 2.4 are using the same kinds of screens.

2) Unfortunately, the only way to tell what screen you have is to open up the box, turn on the MB & check for the screen model using the system preferences menu.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2008
Waterloo, ON
I'm buying a MB in July and was a little disappointed about what people thought about the screen. I have low standards and probably wouldn't have noticed but damn these ones look a lot better.
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