Most people are on here to find out rumors of possible new products, to find out about useful applications for our Apple products, to learn of problems with the hardware, os or Apple or 3rd party applications. To sing the praises of Apple, and to have the occasional moan about Apple.
Maybe the Politics, Religion and Social issues section should go to another website. But for crying out loud, can we enjoy a tech site (and other sites), without race baiting. I would welcome this site being tech only.
To address the original poster though, many countries have free speech, you are responsible for what you say and it is illegal in these countries amongst other things to encourage violence against others with your words. People saying what you or I don´t like about a race, (which may be factually correct), does not make it racist. Saying anything against any religion is never, and can never be racist, as the religion someone follows is down to "independent thought", you chose your religion if you are free to do so, (if you want to follow one at all) - you can´t chose your race.
I am sure the moderators here would quickly delete any illegal, hateful or factually incorrect posts, but I don´t see why they should take down posts you or I don´t like.