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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
A couple of months ago, on a low end social media kick I set out to try and setup Mastodon on PowerPC but was scuppered as usual by TLS/security issues.

For a while, the Pinafore frontend - designed to be ultra low-resource - worked (but incredibly slowly and crashed often) in InterWebPPC/TFF only but eventually stopped functioning.

Fast forward a few months and after a management shift at Twitter being billed as an Extinction Level Event, a whole surge of refugees seeking a Twitter-like experience elsewhere have put a greater focus on Mastodon.

Enter Brutaldon - a highly effective and genuinely low resource front end with lots of CPU saving options and works for InterWebPPC/TFF and Leopard Webkit - here I have an InTheBox instance running it.

Picture 1.png

Picture 3.png
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macrumors newbie
Sep 15, 2021
A couple of months ago, on a low end social media kick I set out to try and setup Mastodon on PowerPC but was scuppered as usual by TLS/security issues.

For a while, the Pinafore frontend - designed to be ultra low-resource - worked (but incredibly slowly and crashed often) in InterWebPPC/TFF only but eventually stopped functioning.

Fast forward a few months and after a management shift at Twitter being billed as an Extinction Level Event, a whole surge of refugees seeking a Twitter-like experience elsewhere have put a greater focus on Mastodon.

Enter Brutaldon - a highly effective and genuinely low resource front end with lots of CPU saving options and works for InterWebPPC/TFF and Leopard Webkit - here I have an InTheBox instance running it.

View attachment 2122402

View attachment 2122403
Got here just to see if there was a native PPC mastodon client, this should do for now.

What's that viewmaster reel app?
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macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Not to burst your bubble, but didn't Action Retro literally make a video about PPC Mastodon a few days ago?

I guess it's just a coincidence?



macrumors 68030
Jun 4, 2017
Wisconsin, USA
There is a Mastodon plug-in available for bitlbee. Maybe i'll build it for my tiger/leopard bitlbee package at some point if there is enough interest. I won't use it however, so it may not happen. I also deleted all my various social media accounts 3 years ago, and i don't miss any of the vomit spewed on them at all. Family and friends have my cell number and we call or text like people use to do back in the day. I have no need for facebarf, ****ter, instacrap, etc, as i really don't care to see what somebody had for lunch, or hear about how much they dislike the orange man, etc. I'm quite content with IRC (and discord for it's irc-like experience) and some select forums for my daily dose of social networking.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Attempting to return your thread back on topic... :D This program seeing as its PPC code could also run an Intel Mac under Snow Leopard, right?
Maybe with the normal Rosetta CPU penalty - but on Snow Leopard you could use Intel TFF and a Foxbox or simply whatever browser is optimal - the 'boxing' is only a strategy really needed on PowerPC.


macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
Maybe MR admins could be convinced to host a Mastodon server, to run a SM network aligned with our favourite techy distractions :apple:
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Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Moderator Note:

Quite a few political and off-topic comments regarding Twitter and Elon Musk were removed. Please stick to the thread topic of Mastodon On PowerPC.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 13, 2022
Seems like as long as we have web browsers still capable of fairly new standards we will have access to the web interface for these platforms. Once there is no longer a current web browser then a native client will be the only option.
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