I love the idea and the screen-shots look great.
Would an app geared around a rumor site which publishes information regarding unreleased products make it through Apple's control and onto the App Store?
Interesting question... I think Apple would be smart to stay out of things like this, though.
For one thing MR is basically a self-sustaining community of fans. Companies can spend millions of marketing dollar and not get the same results. Sure, info that's bad for Apple gets passed around. But if MR was a cocktail it would be 1 part worms (bad for Apple), 10 parts sunshine (good for Apple).
But even that's beside the point. Once you get in the business of deciding which content to allow and not allow you expose yourself to all kinds of problems. Every time you make a questionable call your reputation suffers. Who wants their own customers not to trust them? There is a lot of content to review and it can't be done by low-level grunts without large numbers of poor decisions being made. Even experienced reviewers can't always understand the full implications of every decision. There is legal exposure, too. You need to be very consistent and even then you'll be getting sued for letting this in or keeping that out.
A workaround:
It could be developed as a general RSS viewer that supports a particular form of UI customization template. The MR template could be hosted, for example, on the MR site itself: it would be entirely separate from the app itself. It would containt the MR-specific art, menus, etc.
A user would then download the app and then point it at MR. The app reads the template and from that point on, it's a MR RSS reader.