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Apr 12, 2001

Microsoft today updated its OneNote app for the iPad to version 2.1, allowing users to create new notebooks within SkyDrive for the first time. In-app notebook creation means OneNote for iPad can now be used as a standalone product without the need for a PC connection.

Previously, users were not able to create new notebooks within the app, meaning that a desktop or web version of OneNote was necessary. Now users can add, rename, and delete their notes directly on the iPad. Unfortunately, while the iPhone version of OneNote did receive an update to decrease the size of the app, it did not receive the same standalone functionality.

In addition to the ability to create notebooks, the iPad version of OneNote has also received improved Japanese typing responsiveness, automatic list detection, and bug fixes.
- Create new notebooks within SkyDrive
- Create, rename or delete sections
- Improved Japanese typing responsiveness
- Automatic list detection
- Bug fixes
OneNote is available for free for the iPhone or iPad. [Direct Links: iPhone/iPad]

Article Link: Microsoft OneNote for iPad Untethered From PC, Updated With In-App Notebook Creation
There was news today that Mulally CEO of Ford will be tapped to become the next CEO of Microsoft.

Article: Seven years ago this week, Ford poached Mulally from Boeing CO to revive the automaker, which lost $12.7 billion in 2006. At the time, Ford was marred by what Chairman Bill Ford has described as a culture of "empire-building and back-biting."

Mulally is credited with creating a more open, collaborative atmosphere that allowed problems to be tackled more quickly. He arranged for Ford to borrow $23 billion and instituted a plan, dubbed "One Ford," to simplify and unify product development.

As a result, the automaker was able to avoid bankruptcy and the federal bailouts needed by its U.S. competitors, General Motors Co and Chrysler Group LLC, in 2009.

So the unlinking from a PC which is a trend Apple spearheaded is clearly the trend now.

MS management style has to adapt and change.

The news that MS CEO Ballmer intends to step down in a year is consistent with this.

Microsoft is so lame. Even the name micro + soft has always made me think bad thoughts about certain things belonging to Bill Gates.

The success of Windows was just an industrial fluke. What else has Bill Gates ever done? He stole the idea from Xerox (admittedly along with Jobs et al), and made billions off of that one product -- but what else did he ever do besides try to pose as a UN eugenicist?
Microsoft is so lame. Even the name micro + soft has always made me think bad thoughts about certain things belonging to Bill Gates.

The success of Windows was just an industrial fluke. What else has Bill Gates ever done? He stole the idea from Xerox (admittedly along with Jobs et al), and made billions off of that one product -- but what else did he ever do besides try to pose as a UN eugenicist?

I don't pick software (or buy anything really) based on the accomplishments of the company's CEO. If Windows was a better product than Mac OS, or Linux/FreeBSD (which I used before OS X) I would use it... its just not. If Microsoft makes a superior product I will use it, like I did with the Xbox, and their mice and keyboards.
Microsoft is so lame. Even the name micro + soft has always made me think bad thoughts about certain things belonging to Bill Gates.

The success of Windows was just an industrial fluke. What else has Bill Gates ever done? He stole the idea from Xerox (admittedly along with Jobs et al), and made billions off of that one product -- but what else did he ever do besides try to pose as a UN eugenicist?

have you ever worked a real job in your life?

someone who is able to 'steal' an idea and commercialize it, earning $50 billion along the way is definitely not someone riding on a 'fluke'.
The android model of adoption that eclipsed iOS despite its almost 2 year long lead?
Bill Gates' Microsoft's. Did the same on the Macintosh.

Pose as a UN eugenicist? What the hell have you done in your life that mirrors even an ounce of his initiative?

Oh and by the way, Bill Gates was way better an engineer than Jobs - so he's not without inherent skills. And Microsoft is lame? You know the Time Coalescing feature on Mavericks that everyone got hard on? Windows 7's.

You are naive.
Microsoft is so lame. Even the name micro + soft has always made me think bad thoughts about certain things belonging to Bill Gates.

The success of Windows was just an industrial fluke. What else has Bill Gates ever done? He stole the idea from Xerox (admittedly along with Jobs et al), and made billions off of that one product -- but what else did he ever do besides try to pose as a UN eugenicist?

Well done. This post makes you a serious contender for MR troll of the year. It has bias, petty insults and ad-hoc misguided opinions being presented as facts all in one post.
The success of Windows was just an industrial fluke. What else has Bill Gates ever done? He stole the idea from Xerox (admittedly along with Jobs et al), and made billions off of that one product -- but what else did he ever do besides try to pose as a UN eugenicist?

Stole idea after idea, stepped on multiple heads on his way to the top, created a nearly unbreakable monopoly, and nearly hobbled the computer industry with their crappy software and horrible bsuiness tactics. Now he's killing starving kids in Africa using "vaccines" in an attempt to solidify the white Anglo-European power base.


Created a company that capitalized on multiple ideas across the industry, was responsible for making the computer revolution a truly widespread success, created a platform that became the go-to standard for nearly 15 years, and fostered MS from a poor startup to one of the richest companies of the past 50 years (only Apple has recently surpassed them on that front). Now he's responsible for organizing and spending billions on various charities across the world.

Pick whichever answer you like best.
I'm a big fan of One Note but I also own a Surface Pro.
I would use it much more on the Ipad if I could take notes with a stylus.
Not sure why they won't add that feature.
Have just installed this update. First it seemed to not install, settings/onenote said version 2.0 and couldn't create new notes. Deleted app and re-installed, settings said version 2.1 but still can't create new notes.

Notability seems much better.
I haven't tried it on ipad, but on my Nexus 7 it does not support Bluetooth keyboard. What a freaking joke!
I'm pretty sure Microsoft only released to show people how I pads are limited. If you get a surface device you get the whole set of features with OneNote


Microsoft is so lame. Even the name micro + soft has always made me think bad thoughts about certain things belonging to Bill Gates.

The success of Windows was just an industrial fluke. What else has Bill Gates ever done? He stole the idea from Xerox (admittedly along with Jobs et al), and made billions off of that one product -- but what else did he ever do besides try to pose as a UN eugenicist?

if you troll any harder, you're going to have to start charging a toll over the bridge when you're not eating goats under it
Bill Gates can't even grow a mustache, so that's even more proof that Microsoft was a fluke. The Surface is garbage as well, hence why Microlost had to slash the price in half and Steve Balmer is now retiring.
Microsoft is so lame. Even the name micro + soft has always made me think bad thoughts about certain things belonging to Bill Gates.

The success of Windows was just an industrial fluke. What else has Bill Gates ever done? He stole the idea from Xerox (admittedly along with Jobs et al), and made billions off of that one product -- but what else did he ever do besides try to pose as a UN eugenicist?

Bill Gates can't even grow a mustache, so that's even more proof that Microsoft was a fluke. The Surface is garbage as well, hence why Microlost had to slash the price in half and Steve Balmer is now retiring.

I'd love to know how you define the Xbox to be 'superior'.

I guess it was more of an example of a successful product more so than a superior one, though when the first and second generation Xbox came out, it was in many ways better than the competition. Xbox 360 was cheaper than the PS3 at launch, and most of its online gameplay was better if you had Live. When Sony released the PS3 its main focus really seemed to be pushing it BlueRay format more than the gaming experience.
The OneNote 2.1 Client still blows compares to Windows

The iOS OneNote client still blows in comparison to the Windows 8 or WindowRT versions. But this is the best part: where I work, SharePoint is the corporate standard and OneNote is the preferred client. The irony in all of this: all of the executives and managing partners have iPads and want better tools. The solution: use Evernote Enterprise rather than SharePoint.

I love this because the old MS strategy of making non-Windows platforms second-class clients doesn't work anymore when you're #4. The other impact is that it's now affecting their server side tools since consumers are now looking at alternatives that are better supported on their platform of choice.
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