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macrumors 68040
Oct 23, 2006
What has that got to do with anything? :confused:
It's not "money she wants to take from Paul", it's their shared assets. Are you married?

No, I am not married. I also would get a prenuptial agreement before marrying if my wife-to-be were 25 years my junior and had less assets than I.

Mills married a lonely man 25 years her senior who had just lost his wife and life partner and callously played him through the media to walk away with as much money as she could get.

I do not think marrying for money is a respectable job and I think Mills brings women down with her behavior.

Well said.

Bluevelvet, I really bet Paul Mc wished he did not pursue her at all. What a waste of time and money. I bet he's glad to see the back of her.

I don't even like Paul. I don't like Heather. It's the case, not the people, that I am struggling to come to terms with. It just isn't right.


macrumors G4
Jun 29, 2002
Republic of Ukistan
Is this £500k her own money, or money she wants to take from Paul? Does she not have her own savings? What did she come in with?

You think £40M is a good figure? Why does she need a bodyguard? OK, she does - people want to kill her. Gym? £30 a month? Private school? Why not a normal school? Running costs?? Why does Mills need a chauffeur? A cook? A cleaner? Holidays? Will she not work ever again? She is not royalty. She does not need ponies. If she earns money, she can buy ponies.
I see class war is alive and well. Good luck with the prenuptial.


macrumors 68040
Oct 23, 2006
I see class war is alive and well. Good luck with the prenuptial.


What do you mean by "I see class war is alive and well"?

Didn't she get in with Paul, have a good style of life, leave Paul but want his style of life? It just doesn't add up to me.

Are you married? Thanks for the luck with the prenup, though I won't need it.


macrumors G4
Jun 29, 2002
Republic of Ukistan
Why the hell shouldn't she send her daughter to a private school, why the hell shouldn't she have a bodyguard for the child, a good house with some privacy, and so on? If you had made £800 million, wouldn't you want those things for your wife and child?

Yes, since you ask, I've been married for thirty years.


macrumors 6502
Jan 14, 2008

What do you mean by "I see class war is alive and well"?

Didn't she get in with Paul, have a good style of life, leave Paul but want his style of life?

I'm not getting a prenuptial. I am never getting married.

As I think I've said earlier on this thread.

A 32 year old woman I know who owned her own house in London (not easy) married a man she totally supported for some years and when they divorced he dragged it out for four years trying to get half her house. He also wanted the dog which was also hers.
She was eventually grateful to buy him off with a mere £25K which she will still have to sell her house to afford but at least she has some chance of being able to buy a flat or something with the remainder.

I'm not ever getting married either and I'm a woman but all I've got is my home which I've worked all my life for.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
If you had made £800 million,

Well the judge only thinks he's worth £400 million, but still your point is reasonable.

She was eventually grateful to buy him off with a mere £25K which she will still have to sell her house to afford

Can't she just remortgage her home? £25k is almost certainly a lot less than her house is worth if its in London.

I'm not ever getting married either and I'm a woman but all I've got is my home which I've worked all my life for.

That is sad, what if you meet someone special?


macrumors 6502
Jan 14, 2008
I have no idea what her life will be like. I do not know what kind of a mother Heather Mills is. The payout certainly isn't going to dent McCartney's lifestyle, at any rate.

And no, I am not in the slightest interested in reading the judge's ruling.

Well that's fair enough. I just though you wanting to know how I obtained my:

I see I must defer to your in-depth knowledge of their relationship, her motives and his state of mind.


macrumors 68040
Oct 23, 2006
Why the hell shouldn't she send her daughter to a private school, why the hell shouldn't she have a bodyguard for the child, a good house with some privacy, and so on?

You're right. She should have gotten about £40M actually. Then she could live how she wants to, with her child being brought up in the best possible environment.

I guess I was getting caught up in the moment.

That is sad, what if you meet someone special?

I have met someone special and have been with them for many years. Hopefully, for the rest of my life. I don't see how getting married would make anything better or make our love more real. We don't feel sad for not being married.


macrumors 6502
Jan 14, 2008
Well the judge only thinks he's worth £400 million, but still your point is reasonable.

Can't she just remortgage her home? £25k is almost certainly a lot less than her house is worth if its in London.

That is sad, what if you meet someone special?

No sadly. He left her with a lot of debts on joint accounts too and the mortgage market has just hit the skids in the UK as a knock on of the American sub prime thing.

I'm not sad about not wanting to marry, there are plenty of other things you can do if you meet someone special, why drag lawyers into it at hundreds of pounds an hour?.
Not very interested in cooking. cleaning and football anyway and I'm told that the sex goes downhill after marriage anyway.


macrumors Core
Mar 17, 2005
London, England
I'd be careful with that one. :D
That sentence is the only way to acceptably say never.

(seriously, I've said so many "nevers" and watched them pop right up in my life later. live and learn, I suppose)

edit: oh, heee, I think I get what you're saying... and: NEVER! :p

emac kinda guy

The Judgment (which I have only briefly scanned) notes several exaggerations by Heather for which she is not held accountable. It's payday.

Isn't it Paul's money? Don't you think he would want and provide all of those things and more to his daughter? It is joint custody.

Why does that money for children go to the person filing for the divorce? Does anyone else question why Paul's contribution to raising his daughter will go though Heather?

The ruling just helps destroy our definition of marriage. Divorce needs to be up front and center on any body's personal relationships in the future.

She just doesn't want to be his wife anymore. Fine.

EDIT Shame on the Judge.

Why the hell shouldn't she send her daughter to a private school, why the hell shouldn't she have a bodyguard for the child, a good house with some privacy, and so on? If you had made £800 million, wouldn't you want those things for your wife and child?


macrumors 601
Jan 15, 2008
Holocene Epoch
Isn't it Paul's money? Don't you think he would want and provide all of those things and more to his daughter? It is joint custody.

Why does that money for children go to the person filing for the divorce? Does anyone else question why Paul's contribution to raising his daughter will go though Heather?
Let me guess, this is your first foray into the bizarre and sometimes surreal world of family law?

emac kinda guy

Not my first foray - but part of the reason I'm trying to keep a eMac going. :-(

Let me guess, this is your first foray into the bizarre and sometimes surreal world of family law?
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