I bring this question up because I am not tech savvy; have been using my 2011 iMac since new and time for a new machine. Have been waiting for the new iMac because I like the all-in-one arrangement and the beautiful screen. I don't know about scaling, etc, and tend to prefer the glossy look of the iMac screen to most of the free-standing monitors I have seen. But I am really having to look at the mac mini since there is no sign of the newer iMacs coming out yet. I am not a power user; I use my machine for basic files, photos, music library, email, web use. No power video editing, etc, so I know the mini would serve me from that standpoint. I see so much varying info on screen size, resolution, scaling, etc, that is beyond my casual knowledge, so just looking for help. I would want at least a 27" screen, good resolution for photos, and under $600 to keep the configuration in the same price ballpark as the current iMacs. My other option is ordering a current iMac with SSD drive. thanks for any insight!