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macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2004
Number of teams blacked out

Anyone blacked out from 4 or more MLB teams? I am. Phillies, Pirates, Orioles and Nationals. Kind of ridiculous imo. Btw, I'm in central PA. Closest of those ball parks to me? Baltimore a 2:45hr drive.

I'd love to buy the MLB package but why should I? Now if they offered me a package to only see the Phillies game I'd pay for that service. Why don't they offer that and give a percentage of that income to the local tv rights holder. Then I'd get what I want and everyone would make money from me.


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
But curious that the image they're showing is from a video game instead of actual baseball footage.
That's not a video game, it's the play by play view (I forget the exact name they use in the app) within the app. It's actually pretty neat although it's frustrating to watch because there can be big delays in screen updates. You might wait 2 minutes for a pitch to be thrown and then four pitches will happen within 10 seconds.

I agree with the others, until I can stream my home team, I see no reason to pay the $125. I understand the local tv contracts etc but it doesn't mean I like it. I like that I can at least stream the radio broadcasts.
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Lara F

macrumors 6502a
May 5, 2005
Montreal, Quebec
Anyone blacked out from 4 or more MLB teams? I am. Phillies, Pirates, Orioles and Nationals. Kind of ridiculous imo. Btw, I'm in central PA. Closest of those ball parks to me? Baltimore a 2:45hr drive.

I'd love to buy the MLB package but why should I? Now if they offered me a package to only see the Phillies game I'd pay for that service. Why don't they offer that and give a percentage of that income to the local tv rights holder. Then I'd get what I want and everyone would make money from me.

I'm in the Philly area and got the exact same teams with the website ISP check. Must be a Comcast hub unfortunately.


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
Which is a hell of a lot of people, and this app is AWESOME. Also, you can get radio streaming even in-market, which is great for those of us who have crappy AM stations broadcasting play-by-play. The quality of the streaming audio is great.
Still far fewer than would simply like to receive all their home games, and are willing to pay to get them. It's absolutely ludicrous that you can't have any way to get around blackouts. Speaking of all sports, here, I actually care little about baseball myself. And while this may be affected by the cable companies that want to keep programming, it is also due to ticket sales. They want you at the games. So, all the people saying it's not the team's fault, it's not MLB's fault...I disagree.

I know NFL used to have a commercial package that did this, not sure if they still do. Still didn't help individuals.


Aug 1, 2010
It's you that doesn't "get it."

MLB is at the FOREFRONT of live video streaming. They've been doing it for a decade now. In fact, a large portion of live streaming broadcasts that you watch from anywhere are using servers on loan from MLB.

In-market games are unavailable due to contracts with local broadcasters. If your local Fox affiliate has a contract with the Diamondbacks to show their games, they're not going to want the MLB allowing potential viewers to watch games on computers or iPad or Apple TVs. Then you're not seeing any of the advertising, which is what makes it profitable for the local affiliate to carry the games.

If you really want to stream local market games to your phone, just get a Slingbox. It can be had for about the cost of two seasons of or less. That way you watch your local market games, get your local ads, and your local affiliate receives the ratings.

As a Yankees fan living in Texas, is a godsend. And when the Yanks play the Rangers, I'll just watch it on my Slingbox.

And this new model is further proof that MLB gets it. I have been annoyed the last two years that as a subscriber to I've still had to pay just to have the app (last year $30 to get it for both my devices). Glad they found a smooth way to rectify that.

You must not have read that I don't have cable, therefore a slingbox is useless. My local team plays less and less every year on broadcast TV and more and more on a cable channel. There needs to be a way for people who don't want to be ripped off by the cable companies to watch these games other than going to them. Right now I have to resort to illegal streaming sites.

NFL isn't so bad because I can watch 90% of the games I want to watch over the air. (and in HD too!!) Those games are on NBC/FOX/CBS, so it's really not a big deal.

Why not make a true streaming package for people who don't have cable and then give that money to the networks. There is a way to work this where the right money goes to the right people. The networks and the MLB are the ones who resist. The networks don't understand that they can get their ad revenues and subscription money from the streamers just as well as from cable subscribers. The MLB's thinking is that if they delay the game you'll actually attend more games in person (and you're right, they're keeping the local stations happy too.)

I'm just sick of sports programming lagging so far behind other streaming content. If they can figure it out for TV shows, they can figure it out for sports. But unless you live outside your home team's market area, MLB.TV is a ripoff.


macrumors regular
May 6, 2006
MLB is yet another streaming content provider that doesn't "get it". They're better than the NFL about this stuff, but as a cord cutter, I look at this service as a waste of money. If I pay for MLB.TV, I want to watch the games live whether they're in my market area or not. If they would get rid of the game delays for local games, I would be all over this service.

These big companies these days just don't understand where things are moving. In ten years time, I honestly think we'll be streaming everything we watch and paying for only the content we want rather than 500 channels of stuff we don't care about.

Completely agree. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER subscribe to any sports package that blacks out my local team. I want to give you my money and you won't just give us what we all want for it!


macrumors regular
Jul 20, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Not a baseball fan, but even if I were, this is overpriced. Pass.


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
You must not have read that I don't have cable, therefore a slingbox is useless. My local team plays less and less every year on broadcast TV and more and more on a cable channel. There needs to be a way for people who don't want to be ripped off by the cable companies to watch these games other than going to them. Right now I have to resort to illegal streaming sites.

NFL isn't so bad because I can watch 90% of the games I want to watch over the air. (and in HD too!!) Those games are on NBC/FOX/CBS, so it's really not a big deal.

Why not make a true streaming package for people who don't have cable and then give that money to the networks. There is a way to work this where the right money goes to the right people. The networks and the MLB are the ones who resist. The networks don't understand that they can get their ad revenues and subscription money from the streamers just as well as from cable subscribers. The MLB's thinking is that if they delay the game you'll actually attend more games in person (and you're right, they're keeping the local stations happy too.)

I'm just sick of sports programming lagging so far behind other streaming content. If they can figure it out for TV shows, they can figure it out for sports. But unless you live outside your home team's market area, MLB.TV is a ripoff.

I agree that it sucks that there isn't a better solution to the blackout. I'm sure if there were a live streaming option, it would be much more expensive than $125/season. At least you can watch the archived games (even blacked-out ones) 90 min after end of the game so not a complete ripoff.


macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2010
If you live in-market, all your games should be on TV anyway. For those of us out of market, this app is great. Throw in how cool the iPad version is, plus the retina display, and I'll probably have to get the new iPad. Have an iPhone and Macbook Air, so I really question whether I need one, but it is a new toy.


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2003
Audio on AppleTV

This may have been addressed already but can you get the audio over AppleTV or do I have to use Home Sharing/Air Play to send the signal to my speakers out on my porch?

Either way I will not get the full because I would much rather listen to Hawk Harrelson on the radio than the TV people (ok, that may be Hawk too) and $125 is too much for me but I will do $15. This app is great for me because I have been a White Sox fan since before many on this site were born and I am one of the grumpy old guys who prefers to listen to baseball on the radio like God intended it.

I do listen to some Rockies games but I can get all their games with KOA here in Denver so that's no big deal. I may well wind up listening to some Giant's games as well. Personally I would love to hear minor league games or the Japanese leagues (if I understood Japanese or there was an English service).


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
If you live in-market, all your games should be on TV anyway. For those of us out of market, this app is great. Throw in how cool the iPad version is, plus the retina display, and I'll probably have to get the new iPad. Have an iPhone and Macbook Air, so I really question whether I need one, but it is a new toy.

I can't watch live in-market game without subscribing to cable so only option is MLB.TV. Only nationally televised games are shown on TV without cable.


macrumors newbie
Sep 30, 2011
No good

I've been an MLB At Bat user for 3 years, but I'm done. Why? Not because I'm upset with MLB, or MLB At Bat, or because of blackouts (which do stink, btw).

My reason is much more practical:

"This App Is Incompatible With This iPhone."


Time to finally upgrade from my iPhone 3 (no GS) to something with shorter teeth. :D


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Many stations do not broadcast games online via the station website. You either get silence or alternate programming in Tunein. The Yankees games on WCBS are not streamed online like their news programming, so for many teams the MLB app is the only option. Plus you get way more than just the audio. Video highlights during the game, live box score updates, Game Day, etc. If you like baseball, it really is a great app. The blackouts are really the only negative, in my opinion.

I loved this app last year, and I'm super excited I can get it for "half price" now as it's a universal app. The way the games are presented in the app is excellent. The stats of each player, the break down of plays in the game, the detailed pitching stats, the video highlights, etc etc. are all very cool (especially for a fantasy baseball player - btw if anyone wants in a league I've got one with some openings). Plus, you can listen to the home or away announcers of the radio broadcast, of the same game you are "watching" or a different one, and get the entire leagues current score.

And none of that is subject to blacksout, for $15 on all your iOS devices.

A very confusing article. I can't figure out what services are available for what price.

As far as the product is concerned, for a good part of last season whenever I tried to access a team web page on my iPad, I was directed to download the iPad app for MLB. It cost $14.99, which naturally I wasn't going to pay for web content that is free to view on my Mac. Fortunately MLB fixed this dumb thing somewhere around midseason, but the whole forced march approach left me with a bad taste in my mouth for any product MLB offers that doesn't involve a bat and ball.

If you are a baseball fan, don't let that bad experience keep you from checking this out. It's a fantastic app. See above for all the stuff you get for $15. Also, last year they offered a "free trial" period where everyone got those features in the light version, I think, so you might be able to try it for free. Oh, and I also believe I read that if you get the $15 "Gameday" plan you would be able to watch all the spring training games live (as well as a selected Game of the Day throughout the season), so it's a pretty good value.

But curious that the image they're showing is from a video game instead of actual baseball footage.
That's not a video game, it's the play by play view (I forget the exact name they use in the app) within the app. It's actually pretty neat although it's frustrating to watch because there can be big delays in screen updates. You might wait 2 minutes for a pitch to be thrown and then four pitches will happen within 10 seconds.

I agree with the others, until I can stream my home team, I see no reason to pay the $125. I understand the local tv contracts etc but it doesn't mean I like it. I like that I can at least stream the radio broadcasts.

It is actually from a video game. They used the art assets from a game called "MLB the Bigs" for all the stadium renderings and stuff. It's one of my favorite features, though I actually prefer listening to baseball on the radio than watching it, so this gives me all the info and stats that you would typically see on TV (and more!) along with the play by play.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
I can't watch live in-market game without subscribing to cable so only option is MLB.TV. Only nationally televised games are shown on TV without cable.

That's not true in Southern California. Many Dodger home games are shown on KCAL and a few on KTTV (the local Fox affiliate). The majority are on cable, though, and you won't get any away games.


macrumors member
Jun 18, 2009
One thing is different this year which will make me stay away from the MLB.TV package (although I will probably purchase the app for audio).

AT&T is now throttling unlimited data- this is big and, I believe it will end up stifling technological innovation (like MLB.TV). Have you ever streamed an entire game over 3g? I did this last year before the throttling began. A three hour game will use up almost 2GB of data by itself. The new model of data limitation that is being imposed by AT&T (and, I suppose Verizon and T-Mobile to be fair) will put an end innovations like this. Having the ability to put my phone on my desk at the office and work while keeping an eye on the game was awesome. It was worth the purchase because I could follow MLB from wherever I was. But what's the point of paying $125 if you're like me and wish to primarily watch on the go during the day, via 3g? Most of us don't work near a WIFI hotspot and very few are lucky enough to work for an employer that will allow video steaming over the corporate network. I would suspect that most baseball geeks like myself have day jobs and are chained to a desk from 9-5. I think that the carriers are closing a market to MLB and other video-streaming providers. A good number of people will choose not to purchase streaming content from providers, due, simply, to the fact that we cannot exceed our caps (despite the fact that we are paying for unlimited data, which, to me, is downright despicable).

Now one question remains: is it worth it to switch to Sprint, with true unlimited data, so that we can continue to enjoy the content that we pay for?


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
That's not true in Southern California. Many Dodger home games are shown on KCAL and a few on KTTV (the local Fox affiliate). The majority are on cable, though, and you won't get any away games.

What I meant to say is that I can't watch it in MY local market without cable. Of course, it would depend on the regional TV agreement. Even you claim majority are on cable.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
What I meant to say is that I can't watch it in MY local market without cable. Of course, it would depend on the regional TV agreement. Even you claim majority are on cable.

Well right, understood -- I'm simply adding that not every market shows all home games on cable only. I realize this doesn't help you any. ;)


macrumors demi-god
Jul 24, 2002
South Orange, NJ
This is really great news. I have been an MLB TV Premium subscriber for 3 seasons now. For 3 or 4 seasons prior to that, I subscribed to just the Audio broadcasts. So I have a lot of experience with the various incarnations their product has taken over the years.

Of all the professional sports, and arguably for all video content owners, they reign supreme. In terms of live streaming, multiple broadcasts, HD quality, access from nearly anywhere, and access on multiple devices. Plus, their interface is pretty nice.

I'm perfectly happy to save an extra $30 this year. It was lame to charge us for iPhone and iPad clients when my PS3 client was free.

If you're a recurring subscriber, like me, they also knock a little off the yearly subscription costs.


macrumors 68030
Dec 29, 2010
Aside from the debate about streaming games/blackout restrictions, this really is one of the better apps for the iPad (the iPhone version is nice, too).

I've always used it as a showcase app of what an iPad can do. Most people that see it begin to understand the applicable uses of an iPad to supplement the things they are already doing in day-to-day life and interested in.


macrumors 68000
Jan 23, 2006
Where I live
Lots of people care. MLB is one of America's top sports leagues and happens to be enjoyed internationally in many other markets as baseball is particularly popular in the Caribbean, Central America, and southeast Asia.

Compared to other major sports, MLB is often at the cutting edge of new technology including streaming video, social media, etc. The MLB At Bat app is arguably the benchmark standard for iOS sports apps as it generates a sizable amount of revenue.

Note: you aren't expected to "like" every single MacRumors article, nor care about every single iOS app.

Exactly. I couldn't care less about baseball, but it looks awesome for those who do care. (Don't even know I read the comments... :D)


macrumors demi-god
Jul 24, 2002
South Orange, NJ
I can't watch live in-market game without subscribing to cable so only option is MLB.TV. Only nationally televised games are shown on TV without cable.

They don't broadcast over terrestrial HD? I suppose only some of the games are going to be on the local affiliates. I know a lot of larger clubs have their own network so they can get all the revenues from advertising– like YES (Yankees) and NESN (Boston.)

I'm an out of market Boston fan, so life is great with this app for me.


macrumors regular
Jul 13, 2003
The iPad/iPhone app uses GPS to determine location. VPN would only work for streaming to a computer.


If this actaully works, I have a reason to jailbreak again.

it works.
at least it did last year... Loc spoof on jailbroken iphone and ipad worked flawlessly to get my in market team.... if you tell Loc Spoof to always spoof only that app, then set the location for somewhere in mexico, you can rig it so the app gets the time zone correct, and be able to watch all games without fussing with it after the initial setup


macrumors 68000
Sep 15, 2004
They don't broadcast over terrestrial HD? I suppose only some of the games are going to be on the local affiliates. I know a lot of larger clubs have their own network so they can get all the revenues from advertising– like YES (Yankees) and NESN (Boston.)

I'm an out of market Boston fan, so life is great with this app for me.

Life is great for you, except for being a Red Sox fan! :D
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