You have no idea how many times I've laid down my phone at the base of my monitor and thought, wireless charging would be great right about now. Well, Sammy has read my mind.
I am sure I remember that there was a monitor years ago that had Some form of wireless charging built into the monitor
What a great idea! This would be very useful feature to have.You have no idea how many times I've laid down my phone at the base of my monitor and thought, wireless charging would be great right about now. Well, Sammy has read my mind.
While you can argue it's only a couple of bucks to include the hardware not sure what the use case really is like.I recall something along those lines as well. Its too bad that now in 2015 we still don't have anything like that. Its a good idea to be sure.
While you can argue it's only a couple of bucks to include the hardware not sure what the use case really is like.
In my house I'm the only one with a monitor. The rest have laptops, MacBooks and iPads. Sure at work it would be nice.
While you can argue it's only a couple of bucks to include the hardware not sure what the use case really is like.
No I'm not kidding wondering what the real use case is, however handy it might be.Are you kidding me? Lol.
- User sits in front of computer.
- User puts phone down on base of monitor.
- User benefits from wireless charging.
This feature completely eliminates having an additional device on the desk to plug in. And uses a space that a lot of people use as a resting place for their phones that would otherwise be dead space. Bottom line, this will become a very common feature. Bet on it.
Yep totally agree....even if you area business laptop user you still dock it at work. If your work has monitors with wireless charging built in then no need to have a separate charger for your personal or business phone.Are you kidding me? Lol.
- User sits in front of computer.
- User puts phone down on base of monitor.
- User benefits from wireless charging.
This feature completely eliminates having an additional device on the desk to plug in. And uses a space that a lot of people use as a resting place for their phones that would otherwise be dead space. Bottom line, this will become a very common feature. Bet on it.
You have no idea how many times I sit down in front of a monitor and my phone either stays in my pocket or is in another room, or in some other location that is not the base of said monitor.You have no idea how many times I've laid down my phone at the base of my monitor and thought, wireless charging would be great right about now. Well, Sammy has read my mind.
You have no idea how many times I sit down in front of a monitor and my phone either stays in my pocket or is in another room, or in some other location that is not the base of said monitor.![]()
In a way, we are all supporting companies which advance tech, just that each company chooses to advance it in a different way. Isn't this what you are doing right now - making a big deal out of a hardware feature a certain company has made available?Well it's not my fault or Sammy's fault that your device of choice has dated inferior hardware. Obviously this is no use for anyone without wireless charging. But as users, that's the choice we make. We either support companies that advance the tech industry and forces developers to think and become more creative with their software. Or we become apologists for the company that we blindly follow and only make a big deal of hardware features once said company makes it available. I have no idea what phone you use, but just sayin'.![]()
"Blind apologists" talk is the start of where threads get derailed.Well it's not my fault or Sammy's fault that your device of choice has dated inferior hardware. Obviously this is no use for anyone without wireless charging. But as users, that's the choice we make. We either support companies that advance the tech industry and forces developers to think and become more creative with their software. Or we become apologists for the company that we blindly follow and only make a big deal of hardware features once said company makes it available. I have no idea what phone you use, but just sayin'.![]()
Yes they could in theory incorporate a wireless Qi area in the palmrest area of a laptop. Would be a cool feature.I think it's a good feature and would be nice as a standard just for added choice. I doubt very much it's a costly feature to include, but at this stage will be exclusive therefore earning manufacturers extra cash.
It would be useful for my works computer as that is the only desktop monitor I actually use. My home computer is a laptop but there is no reason why it couldn't be incorporated into a laptop. These days however I rarely use my phone between 8am and 5pm as I'm busy working, so I use about 15% battery anyway. A useful feature nonetheless.
Not entirely sure what the OP means by inferior hardware in a response above. That's nothing to do with Samsung monitors? Strange.
While you can argue it's only a couple of bucks to include the hardware not sure what the use case really is like.
In my house I'm the only one with a monitor. The rest have laptops, MacBooks and iPads. Sure at work it would be nice.
Yeah, I rarely use a desktop with monintor, and most of the people I know use laptops exclusive. And even the few times I use a desktop, I normally set my phone on the left of the keyboard, putting it under the monitor isn't the ideal place for me as I can't read notifications when they come in and I'd have to reach over the keyboard to get it, though maybe I sit further back from the monitor as most people.
People overuse the word "innovative" imo. To me, innovation means something that changes our habits and how we live, something like the car, or windows for pc, and the original iPhone are innovative products as they changed our daily lives. Something like this, while a neat and useful feature, isn't innovative imo. Samsung innovation, to me, consists more with what they've done with flash storage and chips.
It's an innovative way to get some more money out of consumers, but that's about it.![]()
The issue with wireless charging are the limitations. I can charge my iPhone in any room in my house at a cost of $30. If I did the same thing with wireless charging it would be $350.Never mind words like innovation or whatever. Let's not get bogged down with terms.
This is just simply cool technology. Anybody who uses wireless charging currently can tell you of its convenience and usefulness. Again, it isn't so much about not having to plug something in (though that is part of what makes it convenient); it's more about always topping off your devices' battery so that you're not in danger of running out.
Anyone who uses wireless charging can also tell you what it would mean if wireless charging can one day advances to WiFi-like prominence. It's already happening with furniture makers and, naturally, with tech makers. Heck, even Apple patented a form of wireless charging through their iMacs, where you just have to have your device nearby and it'll charge (or something like that). Look it up. It happened.
We're gonna get there and this is how it -- and technology in general -- gets there. In steps.
Also, if you don't care for wireless charging, for heaven's sake, you can still use the charging cable! At this point, wireless charging is an optional feature. Not mandatory. If you're uninterested, okay you're uninterested. Thanks for your input. If you don't have a device that can wirelessly charge, okay, continue to happily use the cable; your world isn't going to turn upside down.
For those that are interested, this is all very cool stuff. We shouldn't get bogged down with wanting to call something innovation. This day and age, that is a loaded word.
This is just cool stuff and a prelude of even cooler things to come.
The issue with wireless charging are the limitations. I can charge my iPhone in any room in my house at a cost of $30. If I did the same thing with wireless charging it would be $350.
As far as you don't have to use it:
Customer: I want a basic car.
Sales person: I have a fully loaded car for 10 grand more.
Customer: I said I wanted a basic car.
Sales person: sir you don't have to use the extra features.
It's not like this is a game changer like wifi. This is a minor convenience factor; which is why at least to me I'm like warm. At least with my lighting cable I can use the phone while plugged in.
Only in an Apple forum can you read that statement about another OEM only. LOOOOOL.. Oh the irony.