Does anyone know what motion calibration is for and why is it constantly using location services?
Where is the setting for motion calibration?
It seemed like having Motion Calibration turned on was burning through my battery so I turned it off. Can't tell if it's just a placebo but it looks like it helped my battery life a bit. But now the health app isn't recording anything
Does anyone know what motion calibration is for and why is it constantly using location services?
Does anyone know what motion calibration is for and why is it constantly using location services?
I'm having the same issue, but it JUST started yesterday. I've been running iOS 8.1 on my iPhone 6 since the day 8.1 came out and had nothing weird happen until just yesterday. Yesterday, the location arrow turned on on my top bar and stayed on. Turning off the phone and rebooting didn't help! So looking in my privacy, location, system services settings I see that motion calibration is on ALL THE TIME now. All the time! ???
Yes, I could turn it off. But.. Apple obviously put it there for a reason, and I *do* reference my motion data in the health app (where I also keep workouts, etc). So maybe they could fix this? Please Apple?
I've had it turned off since the original post and have not noticed any difference in the health tracking app
But did turning it off result in a significant increase of battery life?
After a month I got a replacement iPhone 6+ and the battery didn't last like the other one. So I called and just spent a half hour with 2 AppleCare perps, a Jr and Senior tech to find out what Motion Calibration is, how it works and what it's for and why do I need it to waste battery power. It should only work when an App is on that needs it. All I got was a royal runaround and finally gave up. AppleCare doesn't know, and won't admit it! So much for tech help from AppleCare!I had battery issues and discovered Motion Calibration running all the time. I was not even getting a full day of battery.
Turned it off and now I get almost 2 days from my battery. Health app still records steps and elevation.
I had the same issue with my iPhone 6 Plus, so I was playing around with turning it on/off - reboot. no help...
I decided to try to reset location & privacy (Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Location & Privacy).
So far its been 6 hrs and my location icon hasn't been present .
Right.. But.. Have you checked to see if resetting those settings also turned off the "show icon" option for system location processes? Because that's an option that comes (ships) "off", so OF COURSE you aren't seeing the arrow. I turn mine on for a reason - so I can see what, if any, crazy system process is running location. And *that* is how I noticed that this Motion Calibration thing apparently doesn't ever quit.