I loved the Mini from the start. So small, capable, easy to live with. Until...
The Bluetooth would flake out on the second Intel based mini, and finally I got 'permission' to bring it in for service at the 2 hour away Apple Store. They had it for nearly a week (I bought an M1 Mini) and they couldn't duplicate the problem but found a 'cooling problem' and replaced the main board. I picked it up and 'happy days'. Until the rain came.
I was getting tearing and horrible flickering while using the only app I bought that Mini to run. I got videos of it, and opened another case, and got permission to bring it in, again. I went through the whole presentation of the video issues, and even with another app. They said it would be a week (or so), and I left it. They called that evening and said they couldn't find anything wrong. They kept it another day because I wanted them to make sure they abused it to see if it was a heat issue (like I thought the Bluetooth issues was). Nope, no problems. 4 hours later, it's sitting on my drafting table again. Hesitantly I hooked it up, and it actually *seemed* better.
EXCEPT now I hear a warbling through any Bluetooth speaker I hook up to it. Oh no! After spending 16+ hours on the road, I am thinking of just scraping it when Apple Care expires. (There are still some occasional video issues too)
Oh, the Mini is on the 'No send in support' list. (So is the new iPad Mini that is having battery issues), so to get service I either have to take it to the local Worst Try, or hike to that nearest Apple Store.
If I lived a lot closer to the store (and it was an actual Apple owed store?) I feel like I'd get better support, maybe. And as much as I like going to 'the big city' and walking the aisles of Whole Foods, the ownership experience of the Mac Mini lately is pinching and digging in sensitive spots. I can honestly say I'd very likely pass on buying another one* (I have 3 total currently) and won't be replacing the ones that die with new ones.
And saying/thinking that, I find really depressing. I do LOVE those little boxes, but it's feeling rather one way of late. Sad...
As to the other 2? One is a media server, and is just a poor persons NAS box, and the other is sitting under the misbehaving Mini in case the naughty one needs to go back again (You can keep it this time!). The M1 Mini is also 'not optimized**' for the app I run, so the video is rather primitive, and largely to be avoided, but in a pinch it'll get me by. I did buy a Windows notebook, and am trying to get along with Windows 11. It seems to be like talking to a person tripping on shrooms or something. Almost not worth the effort.
The iPad Mini will be the last Mini I buy, sadly.
* Unless Apple changes their support options for the new just released ones.
** First world problems...
The Bluetooth would flake out on the second Intel based mini, and finally I got 'permission' to bring it in for service at the 2 hour away Apple Store. They had it for nearly a week (I bought an M1 Mini) and they couldn't duplicate the problem but found a 'cooling problem' and replaced the main board. I picked it up and 'happy days'. Until the rain came.
I was getting tearing and horrible flickering while using the only app I bought that Mini to run. I got videos of it, and opened another case, and got permission to bring it in, again. I went through the whole presentation of the video issues, and even with another app. They said it would be a week (or so), and I left it. They called that evening and said they couldn't find anything wrong. They kept it another day because I wanted them to make sure they abused it to see if it was a heat issue (like I thought the Bluetooth issues was). Nope, no problems. 4 hours later, it's sitting on my drafting table again. Hesitantly I hooked it up, and it actually *seemed* better.
EXCEPT now I hear a warbling through any Bluetooth speaker I hook up to it. Oh no! After spending 16+ hours on the road, I am thinking of just scraping it when Apple Care expires. (There are still some occasional video issues too)
Oh, the Mini is on the 'No send in support' list. (So is the new iPad Mini that is having battery issues), so to get service I either have to take it to the local Worst Try, or hike to that nearest Apple Store.
If I lived a lot closer to the store (and it was an actual Apple owed store?) I feel like I'd get better support, maybe. And as much as I like going to 'the big city' and walking the aisles of Whole Foods, the ownership experience of the Mac Mini lately is pinching and digging in sensitive spots. I can honestly say I'd very likely pass on buying another one* (I have 3 total currently) and won't be replacing the ones that die with new ones.
And saying/thinking that, I find really depressing. I do LOVE those little boxes, but it's feeling rather one way of late. Sad...
As to the other 2? One is a media server, and is just a poor persons NAS box, and the other is sitting under the misbehaving Mini in case the naughty one needs to go back again (You can keep it this time!). The M1 Mini is also 'not optimized**' for the app I run, so the video is rather primitive, and largely to be avoided, but in a pinch it'll get me by. I did buy a Windows notebook, and am trying to get along with Windows 11. It seems to be like talking to a person tripping on shrooms or something. Almost not worth the effort.
The iPad Mini will be the last Mini I buy, sadly.
* Unless Apple changes their support options for the new just released ones.
** First world problems...