Okay I've read alot of stuff but still would like some general opinions. Here is my scenario. I have a mid2010 27" iMac with a faulty video card which causes it to lock up and reboot frequently. It has an i7 quad core. So because if this I swiped my kids 2009 core2duo 21" iMac. To say this computer is slow is an understatement. I want to get a new computer that will last me a couple of years at least and currently money is tight (kid getting ready to go to college). I am looking at a 2010/2012 MacPro with either an 6 or 8 core processor, I have seen a number of these on eBay for pretty cheap (under 800 bucks). I primarily do lots of spreadsheets and desktop publishing and some GoPro video editing. Not really interested in 4k stuff as of yet. I like the idea of being able to upgrade hard drives/RAM easily. Plus I think I can add cards for thunderbolt and usb 3.0 and upgrade it Bluetooth 4.0 fairly easily. So my questions are these: 1. Will the purchase of the MacPro model described be faster than the core2due and i7 I currently have? Given the tasks I perform. 2. Will it last me at least 5 years or longer? What I don't want is another slow ass failing computer after a couple of years. I really hate the spinning beach ball and the lag when working on complex desktop publishing or video projects (even with enough RAM). My first Mac was a Mid2007 iMac that lasted until about a couple of years ago. Now it just sits on a desk collecting dust. The 27" I was thinking about setting it to target display mode and using it as a monitor for the MacPro. On a side note what video card would I need to get to support Mojave. Welcome all thoughts and opinions.
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