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macrumors 6502a
Mar 17, 2010
Apple kept the same price during a year of record inflation and added a whole bunch of features.
Was talked about this morning on CNBC. Expectation is that Apple will grow market share due to holding prices despite the inflation pressures. Unfortunately some inflation and currency values ie the EU just too much to overcome.


macrumors regular
Nov 13, 2004
I have a 12 Pro Max and will be sitting this one out. I normally upgrade every other year and this does have some nice features. My line in the sand though, is no USB-C charging port. People always talk about the Apple tax and greed and keeping the lighting port is a prime example along with RAM and SSD upgrade costs on the computers. The fact that Apple collects a royalty payment on every lightning cable, adapter etc. is why we are stuck with the damn thing.



macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2013
I’m glad I am not planning on getting a 14 since there is not a single model that I would want. This has to be the first time I have ever said that.

The Pro’s remain too heavy in weight and the regular 14’s are using a year old SOC. Plus, I think this is the worst color lineup I can ever recall in recent years.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
Personally I thought that the X to Xs was the weakest year-to-year upgrade that Apple ever offered, but 13 to 14 (not 14 Pro) might take the cake.


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
The competition is offering foldables, actually on their 4th generation by now, and Apple has been offering almost zero motives to buy a new iPhone, for exactly 5 years now.
Their workforce can't be bothered to actually go back to their workplace to innovate their products, they'd rather use COVID as an excuse to stay at home with smart working.

I’m not sure that foldables are any more than a niche product.

That said, get what meets your need/requirements best and let others die the same.
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Oct 21, 2021
I never understood the point of these kinda rant posts.
Saying the 14s weren't good enough to justify upgrading from recent releases is one thing but just outright statement that they're the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT in history is just calling for attention or straight up trolling.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2011
I’m not sure that foldables are any more than a niche product.

That said, get what meets your need/requirements best and let others die the same.

Foldable are in fact a niche product but they do appeal to a specific audience.
I still have to hear which is the target of the iPhone 14 not satisfied by the 13, other than previous iPhone users with a shattered screen.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
It’s simply too expensive in Europe. If this sells out, people truly need to get their priorities checked considering the climate we r living in right now OR there r more rich people than I thought
The expense is due to the currency exchange.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
Same as some people above, the biggest disappointments for me have been with their laptops, taking magsafe and ports off the MacBook Pros (and ruining the keyboard) then having the cheek when they put them back to try and tell us what a great favour they're doing us.

That and the removal of headphone jacks - really loathe the lack of one on my iPhone.

The iPhone 14 launch has met my expectations but then I was not expecting much. Each new phone these days is iteration not innovation.

Man, I just don’t get people still harping about the headphone jack.
Just use the little adapter.
If you need headphones and charging at the same time, there’s a small adapter for that.
Or better yet, use Bluetooth.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
I have changed my mind. I am getting the iPhone 14 Pro Max after I just traded in my other devices.
I didn't have this big of an emotional roller coaster with it but I wasn't planning on getting the 14 Pro Max based on the rumors. It turns out the rumors were sort of accurate but missed very critical details. This is why rumors can't always be trusted. As of now I'm going to trade in my 13 PM for the 14 PM.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2012
The competition is offering foldables, actually on their 4th generation by now, and Apple has been offering almost zero motives to buy a new iPhone, for exactly 5 years now.
Their workforce can't be bothered to actually go back to their workplace to innovate their products, they'd rather use COVID as an excuse to stay at home with smart working.

Oh my God if people blame work from home for something completely unrelated I’m going to scream. Did Apple suddenly stop making new stuff in 2020? I’d argue 2018-2019 Apple was much less innovate than 2020-2022 Apple.
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