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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 19, 2014
Now that Apple has shipped out the first round of watches for arrival on April 24th, I'm wondering when they will be starting the next round of shipments. The last few days have seem quiet as to new shipments and I know a lot of us with 4/24 - 5/8 delivery dates are still in the "processing" hole.
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My SS 42MM BSB went to preparing to ship last night, and I was charged last night as well. I order at 12:03 AM PST
I cant believe they are still trying to ship the first 3 minutes of pre-orders taken 2 weeks ago... Makes things look bad for my 3:07 order
I cant believe they are still trying to ship the first 3 minutes of pre-orders taken 2 weeks ago... Makes things look bad for my 3:07 order

It seems to vary by country. Example, in the U.S., they are at about the 3 minute mark, while Canada is past 9 minute. Also depends on the model ordered.
I cant believe they are still trying to ship the first 3 minutes of pre-orders taken 2 weeks ago... Makes things look bad for my 3:07 order

No matter when you get it, I will be still waiting mine :rolleyes: (just ordered a 38mm SG after realizing that the 42mm I had ordered, might be too big for my taste)
No matter when you get it, I will be still waiting mine :rolleyes: (just ordered a 38mm SG after realizing that the 42mm I had ordered, might be too big for my taste)

Lol, yes I suppose this is all relative... Although I expect now that they have a few weeks of data they will be ramping up the right production models and dig themselves out of this backup... My guess (and Apple's statement) is that these later delivery windows will arrive much sooner than they quoted... It is this first batch that got clusterf%#*+d.
Yea I am in the first order window and have a confirmation time of 04:36 and have seen absolutely NOTHING happen!!

I can't believe that in some parts of the US there are people in the next delivery window getting shipment notifications and charges but I have seen nothing.

It seems like we are not going to see any further activity this weekend and I have already heard that the few people who got charged today were quoted with delivery estimates of I guess that is the soonest we will see them...
It'll be happening every day. Probably less on Sunday, but still. Next week id imagine a ton of us getting watches. Not sure if the 4-6 week batch will be in more luck next week though.
Yea I am in the first order window and have a confirmation time of 04:36 and have seen absolutely NOTHING happen!!

I can't believe that in some parts of the US there are people in the next delivery window getting shipment notifications and charges but I have seen nothing.

It seems like we are not going to see any further activity this weekend and I have already heard that the few people who got charged today were quoted with delivery estimates of I guess that is the soonest we will see them...

Yeah, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the order in which deliveries are shipped. I don't understand why some people in later delivery windows seem to be getting their Apple Watches before those in the first delivery window. I would imagine that has led to some frustration to those in that first window.
BTW, I'm in the May window :eek:
One watch in my order switched to shipping last night. 42mm Sport with Green band - ordered at 7:11pm EST. Sucks because it's chilling at the UPS center down the road from me and I can't touch it til Monday when it gets delivered. This is why FedEx is better.
I was wanting a black stainless but was going to wait to see what people thought about them before ordering. I am watching closely what peoples thoughts are. I have read in several posts that people are being told by Apple reps that they are starting to see the black SS orders moving to August now. If true, it effectively means that if I order one at all now it won't be until the next version comes out. I am an Apple fan but I have been losing confidence in them since Jobs passing and this release has not helped.
my space gray 42 mm was ordered on 4/10 at 12:06. Which changed to "shipped" today at like 8 am EST and I will get it by monday via UPS.


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Frankly I'm shocked at how difficult this is for Apple. They've had lots of practice in product rollouts and distribution. Seriously, they had supposedly 2.5mm (est) preorders. There are 4 (yes 4) basic models. What complicates this is the bands. Almost everyone will own a sport band so sell the watch with a black or white sport band and let people buy the expensive bands ala carte. More people would have their watches. Also, what's the point of getting up at 2am CDT time jut to get put in a que? If you can stream video to millions concurrently you can solve the order deluge of a "business hours" launch.

Now, I overslept until the late hour of 3:20am CDT (that's 1hour and 20minutes late). Apparently that was a big error. I'm in the May13 window and presumably, it will be awhile based on Apple still working on 12:03 orders. Not the end of the world, just want to say my peace.

There's been a lot of things said about "brand loyalty" in the last 2 days.... how Apple doesn't reward it's returning customers. I think this is true. There isn't anything in their business model on the sales side that indicates return customers matter to them. When people get up at midnite to order a watch, I suppose they don't need to worry about "loyalists". It would be nice to know that my loyallty is worth something. I don't care about discounts btw.
Shipments will be daily as watches are made. They really don't keep any inventory except for the first couple of weeks to help with the initial surge. (I think the oldest "birthdate" was 3 weeks ago)

Unfortunately they can't meet the initial demand simply because it does't make financial sense to sit on a lot of inventory or to build manufacturing capability for peak demand. If you keep products in a warehouse and don't sell them when you could, you've left money on the table. If you build manufacturing capability for max demand, it will sit underutilized.

Having said that Apple does this better than most, especially when they can predict demand (iPhones) or they can easily retool a factory/workforce when they have a lot of experience with a give product (MacBooks).

This is a new product and a new os, so predicting demand was tough.

Nintendo had high demand for the wii for over a year because they didn't build enough manufacturing capacity. In this case they lost sales as people who couldn't get it eventually lost interest or moved on to a competitor systems.

You should be happy that some models are unavailable and there is now a long waiting list. It means that Apple sold it as soon as they could. If they waited to build up stock, no one would have gotten one until June.
It seems to vary by country. Example, in the U.S., they are at about the 3 minute mark, while Canada is past 9 minute. Also depends on the model ordered.

I'm in Canada (Toronto) and I ordered at XX:02:29 and nothing has changed since the 10th. No preauthorized CC, no EOD, no nothing.
Frankly I'm shocked at how difficult this is for Apple. They've had lots of practice in product rollouts and distribution. Seriously, they had supposedly 2.5mm (est) preorders. There are 4 (yes 4) basic models. What complicates this is the bands. Almost everyone will own a sport band so sell the watch with a black or white sport band and let people buy the expensive bands ala carte. More people would have their watches. Also, what's the point of getting up at 2am CDT time jut to get put in a que? If you can stream video to millions concurrently you can solve the order deluge of a "business hours" launch.

Now, I overslept until the late hour of 3:20am CDT (that's 1hour and 20minutes late). Apparently that was a big error. I'm in the May13 window and presumably, it will be awhile based on Apple still working on 12:03 orders. Not the end of the world, just want to say my peace.

There's been a lot of things said about "brand loyalty" in the last 2 days.... how Apple doesn't reward it's returning customers. I think this is true. There isn't anything in their business model on the sales side that indicates return customers matter to them. When people get up at midnite to order a watch, I suppose they don't need to worry about "loyalists". It would be nice to know that my loyallty is worth something. I don't care about discounts btw.

I feel the same way. Us fanboy/girls are always the 1st to get these new products and look at what we get now botched launch and no word from apple has why so many order wasn't filled on day 1. now i know there was some supply issues, but isn't Tim supposed to be this "master wizard" when it comes to the supply chain. But what really made me mad was that some stores was selling the watches on day 1 with no pre order makes me wonder what the point of "order now exclusively online" BS was on the apple store home page.
my space gray 42 mm was ordered on 4/10 at 12:06. Which changed to "shipped" today at like 8 am EST and I will get it by monday via UPS.

I'm confused. Were you on the May 13 - May 27 group, or later? My confirmation email was at :05 and I'm on the May 13 - May 27 group. I'm really not expecting to get a shipment notification until the "first batch" orders are shipped. BTW, I ordered the same one you did.
I feel the same way. Us fanboy/girls are always the 1st to get these new products and look at what we get now botched launch and no word from apple has why so many order wasn't filled on day 1. now i know there was some supply issues, but isn't Tim supposed to be this "master wizard" when it comes to the supply chain. But what really made me mad was that some stores was selling the watches on day 1 with no pre order makes me wonder what the point of "order now exclusively online" BS was on the apple store home page.

This is a very different launch. It's pure guesswork as to why at seemingly the last minute, luxury boutiques were given watches to sell, but Apples flagship stores were not. Very odd indeed.

Apple being the highly successful company they are simply doesn't shoot from the hip. They calculate and plan every last detail. Surely they anticipated unhappy Apple customers, yet went ahead anyway and made watches available in what I think was a very small number of stores.

Going forward this week it will be interesting to read the various news reports and just what happens going forward.
I will be waiting for mine for a while still it appears. I bought one at xx:06 and no movement on the SG sport. But I did get to make this unboxing vid for my friend.
This is a very different launch. It's pure guesswork as to why at seemingly the last minute, luxury boutiques were given watches to sell, but Apples flagship stores were not. Very odd indeed.

Apple being the highly successful company they are simply doesn't shoot from the hip. They calculate and plan every last detail. Surely they anticipated unhappy Apple customers, yet went ahead anyway and made watches available in what I think was a very small number of stores.

Going forward this week it will be interesting to read the various news reports and just what happens going forward.

i couldn't agree with you more. I wonder if they will come out a statement. To me the main thing that was missing the lack of transparency. It was always "i don't have any more info at this time" that too me was the biggest slap in the face.
my space gray 42 mm was ordered on 4/10 at 12:06. Which changed to "shipped" today at like 8 am EST and I will get it by monday via UPS.

Really? 12:06? What was your shipping window? I was 12:04 and got 4-6 weeks
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