I am incredibly excited about this game. Lately, the details of this game seem to be much more concrete, and I like what I hear. I have played quite a bit of elite dangerous and am patiently waiting on star citizen.
Elite suffers very shallow gameplay. Elite also tries to be a "sandbox," but unfortunately it is a very pretty sandbox with a very shallow amount of sand. It is fun to begin with, but it can quickly become a chore. Once you dig into the game a bit, you realize that there are only a few different ways to make money, and they can all be very repetitive and unrewarding. That, coupled with the fact that there is no end game, and player vs player combat is so costly, makes it hard to stay interested in the game over time.
What I am hoping is that No Man's Sky can address some of this shallow gameplay. It sounds like some of their plan is to try and do this. First, I think the exploration is going to be more interesting. Their terrain generation is similar to minecraft, and sometimes it was cool just to run around in a cave or above ground just to check things out. Add to that generated wildlife and ships, there is going to be a lot to see. Next, things like the robot police might keep things more interesting as well. Plenty of people run around in grand theft auto and just cause mayhem. Last, one of the objectives is to get to the center of the galaxy. This should provide some motivation to try and mine and trade, so you can upgrade your ship so its capable of getting there. Comments I heard on the video make me believe that "end game content," a la world of warcraft, could be unlocked once you get there, providing more to do.
What I am hoping to see is more things about player interactions. From what little I know, it sounds like this is not going to be a key part of the game, despite this being a critical piece of the lasting appeal for a lot of games.