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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 3, 2020
Just a question for those who already replaced the battery of your rmbp.

Recently replaced mine with one from OWC (newertech).
I took a look at the istats menus and the battery sensor 1 and 2 are showing constant values since then.
this values are from SMC with respective TB1T and TB2T codes.

I suppose that's because this is a non-oem battery and don't have those sensors but still showing something constant ?
Anyone with the same ?
If you do diagnostics by pressing D at boot what is the result?
it always passes the apple diags because it never reaches the threshold, the outputs are steady values ~30ºcelsius

here's a reddit user u/brakepump, i hope he doesn't mind i use his screenshot with the exact issue:


source :
Don't worry too much if it passes apple diagnostics test. Also monitor charge/discharge rates. There shouldn't be any sharp jumps. Here are the results from my battery info. You can compare with yours and see if there are any big differences:

ioreg -l -w0 | grep Capacity
    | |           "AppleRawCurrentCapacity" = 7987
    | |           "AppleRawMaxCapacity" = 7988
    | |           "MaxCapacity" = 7988
    | |           "CurrentCapacity" = 7987
    | |           "LegacyBatteryInfo" = {"Amperage"=0,"Flags"=5,"Capacity"=7988,"Current"=7987,"Voltage"=12911,"Cycle Count"=307}
    | |           "BatteryData" = {"StateOfCharge"=100,"PMUConfigured"=0,"CellVoltage"=(4304,4304,4304),"AdapterPower"=1099104170,"LifetimeData"={"UpdateTime"=1645130697},"SystemPower"=1826,"Serial"="C0171020G9RFWLMF0","DesignCapacity"=8755,"CycleCount"=307,"Voltage"=12912,"Qmax"=(8683,8626,8695)}
    | |           "DesignCapacity" = 8755

ioreg -l | awk '$3~/Capacity/{c[$3]=$5}END{OFMT="%.3f";max=c["\"MaxCapacity\""];print(max>0?100*c["\"CurrentCapacity\""]/max:"?")}'

bc <<< "scale=3; `ioreg -r -n AppleSmartBattery | grep Temperature | cut -c23-`/100"
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