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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 14, 2020
First post, first ever Apple Watch - so I'm not sure whether the following is typical...

Does anyone know if it's normal to see the marks circled below on an Apple Watch (series 6 Space Grey Alu 44mm) through the screen glass? Looks like outlines of the components beneath... Admittedly it’s under bright light but was the only way I could reproduce for a photo. They're more prominent in the flesh.

This uneven texture of the inner display is occasionally visible with normal use, hence my question. I'm picky but when you pay this much - etc. etc.

Thanks in advance!


And I anticipated your post!

I hope your next step is contacting your reseller!
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I can't see anything either - but if you picked it up at an Apple store, go back and compare it to other watches. I suppose you could do that in any case but ...
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And I anticipated your post!

I hope your next step is contacting your reseller!
I’m not sure why you’d anticipate this.

I may contact Apple Support (bought online through them) but just came looking for a second opinion.
I can't see anything either - but if you picked it up at an Apple store, go back and compare it to other watches. I suppose you could do that in any case but ...
Thanks - I’d have done that before posting here, but for our second lockdown here in the Uk - so Apple stores are all closed for walk-ins.
My S3, S5 and S6 stainless watches all has this to some degree in different places on the screen. It’s been discussed on the forums a few times. It is only visible is really bright direct light but I forget it’s even there until I see a post such as this.
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I don’t have an S6, however my aluminum S4 has these “bumps”, also only seen in bright direct light. In fact, I went thru 2 other S4s originally thinking it was a “defect” only to realize all of them had this. Apple might send you a replacement but wouldn’t be surprised if the replacement is the same, and risk having something else “wrong” with it. Hope that helps!
I had this with my 44mm graphite. I returned it. Got a 40mm stainless steel it had the same issue so I returned it.

I was upgrading from a 42mm SSSB S2 with the link bracelet so I decided to get the 44mm S5 SSSB so I could use the bracelet. It doesn’t have any issues with the screen.
It's 100% normal, unfortunately, and present on every model year thus far. I've owned 10 Apple Watches in total, and noticed it on all 10 (across Series 0-5, and SS, Ceramic, and Aluminum). I genuinely hope an upcoming MicroLED fixes it.

When Series 5 was released, and I was contemplating returning my Watch for this reason, I went through every single Watch on the show floor with an Apple employee, and we noticed it in all models. Stainless Steel models tend to display it more significantly than Aluminum. Those here who say they don't have it have not looked under the "right" light and angle... nor should they, because it drove me crazy.

Some examples:
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I have never been able to see them except under very very bright light at an angle. This seems beyond what I would expect. If you can see then during normal use I would take it in for replacement.
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I have the same issue with 44mm s6 alluminium. Also there are two micro dust inside the screen. One of them is next to the up Black border, the other is on the center.


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It seems to be normal. If you look closer on the correct angle you can see it’s is a square. Mine has it and after a quick google search seems to be a common thing. Thought it was something to worry about it but doesn’t seem to be. Also using the series 6

also to the people who can’t see what’s in the photo what sort of potato of a phone or pc are you using
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