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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 24, 2013
I did not purchase AppleCare+ along with my order because I'm contemplating if I should or should not purchase it.

Now, my first iPhone was a 3gs, and I've bought AppleCare for every iPhone model including last year's iPhone 5s.

I thought about it and wondered the last time I broke my screen, or got my phone water damaged. Turns out - I never did.

Now, I've dropped my phone countless times before (usually when getting out the car) and the screen just never broke on me.

The only time I've actually used AppleCare was when the iPhone 5s' home button was loose the day I got it. I'm sure that problem would have been fixed with the regular one year AppleCare regardless.

I am most likely going to buy a new model when it comes out next year.

So... Do you think I should just "wing" it and not get AppleCare+ this time around, and if any defects arise, to take advantage of the 1 year AppleCare already included? By the time the one year regular AppleCare+ expires, I'll be getting another phone by then.

Cool Pup

macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2010
Dallas, TX
What do you feel is best? AppleCare+ is purchased without the desire to want to use it. It's only an extra hundred on your purchase and it happens to be one of, if not the best, insurance out there.

AppleCare+ can also be transferred to new devices, so I wouldn't let that deter your interest regardless to if you get the new model next year.

I'd say it's fairly safe to get it, considering you never really know what might be beyond the manufacturer's warranty.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2006
the OC
if you know you'll be getting another phone next year anyway, i'd go ahead and get applecare+. if you break your device accidentally, you'll be glad you have it. and if you don't, request a partial refund when you sell your device next year. should get you back about fifty bucks, and i think $50 is worth it for the just in case factor.


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2008
The Beach
What about square trade? They seem to have excellent customer service/ turn around times. $99 gets you 2 years protection from everything but theft, $75 deductible and up to 4 claims. May not be as seamless as AppleCare but you get 2 extra claims


macrumors 65816
Oct 2, 2011
Applecare is insurance. That's what insurance is for: unexpected situations. However, since it's UNEXPECTED, past history is no indicator of future events. So you just need to decide if having that extra peace of mind is worth the extra money you pay upfront to protect you from a situation you may never encounter.

Most people never file claims on their insurance policies. That doesn't make insurance useless...


macrumors 68000
Aug 30, 2011
I did not purchase AppleCare+ along with my order because I'm contemplating if I should or should not purchase it.

Now, my first iPhone was a 3gs, and I've bought AppleCare for every iPhone model including last year's iPhone 5s.

I thought about it and wondered the last time I broke my screen, or got my phone water damaged. Turns out - I never did.

Now, I've dropped my phone countless times before (usually when getting out the car) and the screen just never broke on me.

The only time I've actually used AppleCare was when the iPhone 5s' home button was loose the day I got it. I'm sure that problem would have been fixed with the regular one year AppleCare regardless.

I am most likely going to buy a new model when it comes out next year.

So... Do you think I should just "wing" it and not get AppleCare+ this time around, and if any defects arise, to take advantage of the 1 year AppleCare already included? By the time the one year regular AppleCare+ expires, I'll be getting another phone by then.

I've bought it 3 time for 4 different phones.
The one time I didn't buy it was for a used 3gs that already had it and
I transferred it.

3 2 swaps baseband & battery wouldn't charge
3gs 2 swaps broken mute switch & failed motherboard on it's replacement
4s 1 Swap Battery 100% to 0% in 4 Hours
With This One Apple Genius would not replace phone without keeping it for
a week to "Run Diagnostics"
Called AppleCare they overnighted a replacement put the defective one in
the postage paid box and sent it back
5 2 swaps lighting connector wouldn't sync & delaminated screen digitizer where Apple just replaced the screen.

Other coworkers have different results
One runs the phone naked manages to drop it at least once a month and eats a screen once a year. No AppleCare

One runs a otterback case drops it at least once a week and has never had a problem except that one toilet dunk. She was quick. Some disinfectant and a bag of rice later and it was still ok. No AppleCare

When I take my umbrella it never rains. So I bought it for the iPhone 6

So do you feel lucky ?

Best Wishes whatever you decide


macrumors regular
Sep 17, 2014
Somewhere in Texas
I have brought phones back from the dead before but I think I'm going to roll with AC+ on my 6+ simply due to the size of it. Larger size = not as far down in my back pocket which CAN = drops. Once I get my Lifeproof it'll be a little less important to have the extra protection but hey, you never know.

Same reason why I pay around $1200/year for car insurance. You never know.


macrumors newbie
Dec 11, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I did not purchase AppleCare+ along with my order because I'm contemplating if I should or should not purchase it.

Now, my first iPhone was a 3gs, and I've bought AppleCare for every iPhone model including last year's iPhone 5s.

I thought about it and wondered the last time I broke my screen, or got my phone water damaged. Turns out - I never did.

Now, I've dropped my phone countless times before (usually when getting out the car) and the screen just never broke on me.

The only time I've actually used AppleCare was when the iPhone 5s' home button was loose the day I got it. I'm sure that problem would have been fixed with the regular one year AppleCare regardless.

I am most likely going to buy a new model when it comes out next year.

So... Do you think I should just "wing" it and not get AppleCare+ this time around, and if any defects arise, to take advantage of the 1 year AppleCare already included? By the time the one year regular AppleCare+ expires, I'll be getting another phone by then.

On this one, risky not to I think. With the curved glass wrapped around to the sides, top/bottom, one bad drop on the exposed corner, you have a busted screen... Either get one VERY strong case and have it completely covering all sides (not like the Apple leather/silicone covers. ) Just my opinion.

ET iPhone Home

macrumors 68040
Oct 5, 2011
Orange County, California USA
I did not purchase AppleCare+ along with my order because I'm contemplating if I should or should not purchase it.

Now, my first iPhone was a 3gs, and I've bought AppleCare for every iPhone model including last year's iPhone 5s.

I thought about it and wondered the last time I broke my screen, or got my phone water damaged. Turns out - I never did.

Now, I've dropped my phone countless times before (usually when getting out the car) and the screen just never broke on me.

The only time I've actually used AppleCare was when the iPhone 5s' home button was loose the day I got it. I'm sure that problem would have been fixed with the regular one year AppleCare regardless.

I am most likely going to buy a new model when it comes out next year.

So... Do you think I should just "wing" it and not get AppleCare+ this time around, and if any defects arise, to take advantage of the 1 year AppleCare already included? By the time the one year regular AppleCare+ expires, I'll be getting another phone by then.

You obviously haven't read up on SLIP-GATE. I went to Apple, held on to the 6+, slipped twice.


macrumors regular
Jun 18, 2009
99$ for Applecare, $79 deductible.

Or $109/129 (iPhone 6 vs iPhone 6 plus) to replace screen.

Drop it twice. 99+79+79 = $257
Or $109 + 109 = $218. (258 for the plus)

Hardly seems worth it, especially if you are getting a new phone next year. Apple will almost certainly fix other problems short of water damage or cracked screen with free applecare in the first year. And they may even replace cracked screens if they are hairline fractures for free.

Terrible deal for anyone planning on upgrading next year. Debateable if you plan on keeping it two.


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2012
Portland, Oregon
I added applecare + early this morning by calling in to Apple.

After a few hours, I noticed how it is not as easy to grip (slip gate) and I don't feel like I have as strong of a grip on it like I did the smaller iPhone 5. I have NEXT through ATT, so I expect I will only have this phone for a year, but I can get a refund on the Applecare when I get rid of it.

For the feeling of "I'm covered", I found it money well spent. Its my only phone, so if it breaks, I don't have a phone(home, mobile, etc..).

In previous years I have also purchased Applecare. Sometimes I have used it, sometimes not. But when I did, I always thanked myself afterwards for having purchased it. The pain of knowing I broke the phone was bad enough-I didn't want to have the financial burden of having to repurchase a new phone too.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 26, 2006
AppleCare repair/replaces it twice and Squaretrade will four times - are there payout limits?


macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2013
If you buy it for $99, you can use your current phone for a year knowing that if the unexpected did happen as far as accidental drop, water, etc. you're covered. Then when you get a new phone in a year, you can transfer the remaining year (+/-) to the new phone and be covered on that one (provided you haven't already used your 2 replacements at that point).

Then the year after, you can upgrade again, buy a new AC+ policy on that one and start the whole process over.

So if you look at it like that, you're really spending $50 per year to help cover the "unexpected." Plus $79 per incident if you need it replaced/repaired (and from most of the stories I've heard, Apple tends to just give you a new or refurbed phone in most cases). Really not that bad when you think about it, especially considering that pretty much everyone who has ever had to use their AC on any Apple device has said it is usually a very easy process.

Also, insurance often comes in handy to protect you against other people, as opposed to protecting you from yourself. You may be extremely careful with your phones, but who is to say you won't be standing in line at a concert, movie, or anywhere else reading something on your phone and someone who is drunk, not paying attention, or is just plain clumsy runs into you and accidentally knocks the phone out of your hand, it lands square on a corner and the screen shatters.

Point being, you can take all of the care in the world with your phone, but that doesn't mean anyone else can't start a chain reaction that leads to you either being glad you bought AC+ or wishing you had.

Full Disclosure: I just bought it yesterday on mine. Have never had it on prior iPhones (though I have had carrier insurance through AT&T on my last several phones, which were Android. Though I may keep this just to have theft/loss coverage - even though I have never lost a phone or had it stolen - and my business reimburses my cell phone cost anyway). Hopefully I don't ever need to use it, but with a 16 month old in the house and people in general outside of the house, I figure for an extra $100, it can't hurt.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 24, 2013
99$ for Applecare, $79 deductible.

Or $109/129 (iPhone 6 vs iPhone 6 plus) to replace screen.

Drop it twice. 99+79+79 = $257
Or $109 + 109 = $218. (258 for the plus)

Hardly seems worth it, especially if you are getting a new phone next year. Apple will almost certainly fix other problems short of water damage or cracked screen with free applecare in the first year. And they may even replace cracked screens if they are hairline fractures for free.

Terrible deal for anyone planning on upgrading next year. Debateable if you plan on keeping it two.

That's what I was thinking. I use a case on all my phones, and I've never been clumsy enough to encounter water damage. I feel like if I actually cracked my screen, I can just pay the $109 upfront for it to be fixed. I'm pretty confident that I wouldn't break my screen twice in a year. I think I'm going to wing it, and not buy AppleCare+.


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2014
Use an AMEX and the standard 1 year warranty gets doubled to 2 years, so defects to phone are coveres same as AC+. Screen cracks end up costing less or the same if you just do an Apple store repair. So really the only advantage to AC+ is water damage.


macrumors member
Dec 29, 2013
I think people forget that AC+ also covers the earpods and lightning cable/power brick. I'm off contract T-Mobile so I don't plan on upgrading for another 2 years. Plus thinking about skipping the whole case/screen protector setups


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 24, 2013
I think people forget that AC+ also covers the earpods and lightning cable/power brick. I'm off contract T-Mobile so I don't plan on upgrading for another 2 years. Plus thinking about skipping the whole case/screen protector setups

I have so many spare lightning cables that are still wrapped and in older iPhone boxes, same with earpods and adapter brick, so I think I'm fine :)


macrumors 68000
Dec 24, 2008
This has me wanting to buy this for my iPhone 6 Plus. I bought it through ATT, can I still get it and how does it link?


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2013
Portland, OR
That's what I was thinking. I use a case on all my phones, and I've never been clumsy enough to encounter water damage. I feel like if I actually cracked my screen, I can just pay the $109 upfront for it to be fixed. I'm pretty confident that I wouldn't break my screen twice in a year. I think I'm going to wing it, and not buy AppleCare+.

You never know about the water damage. I was getting my phone out of my coat pocket hanging on the back of a chair and it slipped right out into the dog water bowl. Or dropping it outside and it falls in a mud puddle. You just never know where water is going to be ;) Or any liquid for that matter.
Last edited:


macrumors 604
Jun 10, 2006
What about square trade? They seem to have excellent customer service/ turn around times. $99 gets you 2 years protection from everything but theft, $75 deductible and up to 4 claims. May not be as seamless as AppleCare but you get 2 extra claims

Thanks for posting! Didn't know much about that... looks like a good deal!


macrumors regular
Nov 17, 2012
Townsville, Australia
I reckon it's waste of money. you need to pay for applecare+ and if you break it you need to fork out some more money on top of that. out-of-warranty service fee is only about A$100 more in Australia than initial cost plus service charge if the damage actually occurs. It's not significant enough for me to consider applecare+.


macrumors member
Nov 14, 2013
If you have AppleCare, you only need to pay the $79 if it's accidental damage or you have your device for more than a year right? If there's a hardware problem in the first year, it's still covered under the usual free one year warranty right?
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