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macrumors newbie
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Apr 22, 2016
Okay so yesterday I was sitting with a glass of lemonade, happily listening to music on my Mac air 13'. I went to turn up the volume, knocked over my cup and splash!! 60% of my lemonade went on my keyboard. I didn't know what to do as it is my first time. So I just wiped the keyboard with a cloth. my parents don't know about this, they're gonna kill me it's only two month old... And it was an accident!! I went online and 45 minutes after the accident I turned the air upside down. I tried turning it on a few times nothing would happen. Today also i tried turning it on , nothing. I'm worried that my MacBook is dead, if so then im going to be doomed!! What should I do! I really need my MacBook. Accidents happen, I'm totally freaking out. HELP ME PLEASE!?!?!?!?! Also it happened to spill on power button. LEmonade.
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You've already turned it on much sooner than you should have.

Take it to an Apple service provider to get a quote, and STOP trying to turn it on - this is causing more damage every time you try.
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60% of your lemonade.... well you're out of luck. If it were 58%, maybe even 59% you could have had a chance.

In all seriousness. I know accidents happen and that sucks but all those times your tried to power up your device probably ended up sealing it's fate. Theres really nothing to do at this point other than telling your parents and getting a quote to have it repaired. The sooner you come clean with your parents the sooner certain "doom" will be over.
Sorry about the liquid spill on your Air. Do you know if it was purchased with a credit card? Many cards offer purchase protection for the first 60-90 days. The protection can include accidental damage, theft etc.

If a credit card was used check the terms and conditions online. Maybe you can have a reasonable solution when you tell your parents.

Hope this works out for you. Good luck!
Seconded, I would find out what the deal is with any extra insurance and I would fess up the parents. It'll be easier in the long run, trust me!
Do NOT try to turn it on again. Sending an electrical charge through the liquid is only going to damage things further. If it were water, allowing it to dry out fully *might* have worked over time. Maybe. Anything with sugar in it like lemonade will dry sticky though. Agree with everyone else, anything more that you try will only make the situation worse. Tell your parents now so they can check on insurance through their credit card, or so they can get the Air into Apple right away.

Good luck, hopefully it can be fixed or replaced under insurance.
Through the Genius Bar it is $755 plus tax to fix a MacBook Air with liquid damage. Definitely check to see if you have any purchase protection through the credit card it was purchased on.
okay so i told my parents about it, of course they scolded me about it but today we are taking it to an Apple service center. we tried Genius Bar and they said that they had too many customers and it would take 20 + days to repair my mac, and i cant wait that long... so im keeping my fingers crossed that this service center repairs my mac!! and i hope its not too exorbitently priced...:apple:o_O
Hi OP, your parents were ok about it. Most parents goofed something up when they were younger and are pretty reasonable. Hope your Air can be repaired successfully. I was thinking of your MBA today. I was in Best Buy to pick up an 11 inch/128 Air. A lady was buying an Air for her daughter. I got the young lady to the side and cautioned her about liquid. That being said I'll probably spill something on the new Mac in the next few days. It hasn't happened to me yet so I'm due.

Thanks for the update. Please post back and let us know what happens.

Good luck!
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hey there
i still havent heard from the repair store yet. they said the air was really damaged, they would need to fix the logic board, mother board and other parts of the system. although there is some severe damage we are going ahead with the repair because buying a new one is out of the question. i tried best buy but as you said they wont ship it. so i was out of luck for that one. anyway at least my macbook is getting repaired, and im happy that you got yours. DONT spill anything on it!!! Thanks for all your help, and everyone else too!
Hi OP, hope you got good news on your MBA. Just wanted to let you now that Best Buy has the 13" base MBA on sale this week for $749.99 in case you get bad news on yours.

The site indicates store pickup only. They won't ship to you.

Good luck with your MBA!
Is there a unofficial thread?
yes there are unofficial threads if you check
Hi OP, your parents were ok about it. Most parents goofed something up when they were younger and are pretty reasonable. Hope your Air can be repaired successfully. I was thinking of your MBA today. I was in Best Buy to pick up an 11 inch/128 Air. A lady was buying an Air for her daughter. I got the young lady to the side and cautioned her about liquid. That being said I'll probably spill something on the new Mac in the next few days. It hasn't happened to me yet so I'm due.

Thanks for the update. Please post back and let us know what happens.

Good luck!

LOL! Did you really pull some random lady aside to tell her the Air's are susceptible to damage if liquid is spilled on them? I would have laughed in your face if you did that to me or my child. Come on, is this really something people need to be cautioned about?
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LOL! Did you really pull some random lady aside to tell her the Air's are susceptible to damage if liquid is spilled on them? I would have laughed in your face if you did that to me or my child. Come on, is this really something people need to be cautioned about?

Were you there?

I was buying a MBA or trying to anyway. It was a take my money and give me the Mac I have perishables in the car deal for me. No questions or need for conversation.

A woman was buying her twelve year old daughter a computer. The woman asked me tons of questions. She was frazzled and a little upset as the purchase was not a planned scheduled event. Funds were tight. The kids computer died that day. She needed it for school. The dead computer ran Windows.

MBA was on sale. That's the only reason it was considered. People do have budgets. Yours may be unlimited. The price of the MBA was sofa cushion change for me. I'm not raising a family so that may be the difference. All situations are not identical.

In my world if someone asks for a little help it's ok to step up. BB was busy. Blue shirts were bouncing from one customer to anther keeping people engaged. No time to give welcome to Mac classes. Sorry if I offended you in some way by answering questions posed to me by a fellow human being IRL.

Sometimes I am amazed at the level of snark on this site. Keeps thing interesting, I guess. Hope this response suffices. If not talk to a few single moms. I think they can give you better info than I did.
hey there
i still havent heard from the repair store yet. they said the air was really damaged, they would need to fix the logic board, mother board and other parts of the system. although there is some severe damage we are going ahead with the repair because buying a new one is out of the question. i tried best buy but as you said they wont ship it. so i was out of luck for that one. anyway at least my macbook is getting repaired, and im happy that you got yours. DONT spill anything on it!!! Thanks for all your help, and everyone else too!

Hope you get your Mac back soon. Let us know how it goes. Thanks for the update!
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Were you there?

I was buying a MBA or trying to anyway. It was a take my money and give me the Mac I have perishables in the car deal for me. No questions or need for conversation.

A woman was buying her twelve year old daughter a computer. The woman asked me tons of questions. She was frazzled and a little upset as the purchase was not a planned scheduled event. Funds were tight. The kids computer died that day. She needed it for school. The dead computer ran Windows.

MBA was on sale. That's the only reason it was considered. People do have budgets. Yours may be unlimited. The price of the MBA was sofa cushion change for me. I'm not raising a family so that may be the difference. All situations are not identical.

In my world if someone asks for a little help it's ok to step up. BB was busy. Blue shirts were bouncing from one customer to anther keeping people engaged. No time to give welcome to Mac classes. Sorry if I offended you in some way by answering questions posed to me by a fellow human being IRL.

Sometimes I am amazed at the level of snark on this site. Keeps thing interesting, I guess. Hope this response suffices. If not talk to a few single moms. I think they can give you better info than I did.
Umm ok. Thanks for all that background information. Really cleared things up :confused:

If you frequent internet forums, you may need to invest in some thicker skin ;)

All that said, people really need to be told not to spill liquid on their computers?

Haha I still would have laughed in your face :p :D
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Umm ok. Thanks for all that background information. Really cleared things up :confused:

If you frequent internet forums, you may need to invest in some thicker skin ;)

All that said, people really need to be told not to spill liquid on their computers?

Haha I still would have laughed in your face :p :D

I do visit forums. Each has it's own charm. Not a problem. As for laughing in my face, I doubt you would have been asking me about the Mac. Laughter is good for the soul. Have a good one!
I do visit forums. Each has it's own charm. Not a problem. As for laughing in my face, I doubt you would have been asking me about the Mac. Laughter is good for the soul. Have a good one!

I was just giving you a hard time. Sorry if I offended you. Have a nice day :)
My friend spilled coffee on her MacBook Air.

Apple want to charge $755 to fix it.

I went to eBay and bought a replacement keyboard for $25 and replaced it for her.
There are two issues with spilling liquids on electronics.

The first is the initial combination of liquid (that conducts electricity) and the applied electrical power. Together, that kills most things pretty quickly.

The second issue is more insidious, and often more damaging - residual effect, including corrosion of circuits and components caused by the residue of whatever was spilled. Water contains chemicals and minerals, but other drinks (like lemonade, coffee, soda, etc) often contain milk products and sugars that will wreak havoc way beyond the initial liquid spill, if not cleaned thoroughly and properly.

Getting the device dried out inside without frying the innards is just the beginning.
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There are two issues with spilling liquids on electronics.

The first is the initial combination of liquid (that conducts electricity) and the applied electrical power. Together, that kills most things pretty quickly.

The second issue is more insidious, and often more damaging - residual effect, including corrosion if circuits and components caused by the residue of whatever was spilled. Pure water contains chemicals and minerals, but other drinks (like lemonade, coffee, soda, etc) often contain milk products and sugars that will wreak havoc way beyond the initial liquid spill, if not cleaned thoroughly and properly.

Getting the device dried out inside without frying the innards is just the beginning.

I have cleaned quite a few a liquid spills. A lot of them works fine after a good cleaning.
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Glad you got it back.

For what it worth I bought a silicone keyboard cover for my 2009 macbook.
It prevents liquids getting though the keyboard.

It is not perfect but should stop minor spills.

See if they do them for air think they do.

was it same cost to fix as apple quoted you?
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