This is my recent experience with this Company in the UK:
Wed Dec 12 2012 05:30 pm
Dear Sirs I have registered with you to unlock my iPhone 4 which is a genuine bona fide phone purchased outright from Orange, and therefore should not be locked in the first place. Orange advised me to contact you because they had a delay in the system. Having taken the sum of £19.99 + VAT (£23.99)from me you now are advising me that you want an additional £109.99 before you will unlock the phone. Sirs I believe that this is ridiculous when the Orange cost to unlock the phone is £20. I require you to cancel my request to unlock this phone and refund my money at your earliest convenience. Roger Chambers
Their Reply
Thu Dec 13 2012 10:52 am
If you go to the FAQ's page it states A pre-order simply means that those unlocks are currently offline whilst we are in negotiations to confirm a price with the carrier and Apple. Hence why the price is always £19.99. Please note this isn't the final unlocking price which may be substantially more expensive - see the pricelist for typical unlock prices, they vary between £29 and £119 so expect something in this region. You can of course wait for the cheaper service which should be resuming in January, or you can transfer the cost towards a different unit. Yes we can cancel for you but unfortunately as per our terms and conditions we can't refund a pre-order as the service has been delivered (informing about when the unlock is available and a place reserved in the priority unlocking queue) Please note prices are set by the suppliers and not by us , we make on average £15 per unlock
My Reply
I am disappointed in your reply. The very fact that an iPhone 4 only has a value of under £150 (see eBay where you can buy them every day for under £150) makes your price for unlocking nothing short of usery. The price you are charging me £19.99 +VAT + £109.99 presumably + VAT which you don't mention, makes a grand total of £155.98.
You say that your price is only based on that charged by the suppliers, yet Orange are charging me £20 for the same service and this is not a jailbreak!
I will without further ado start to post on all the review sites and social networking pages that your service is quite deliberately misleading, takes longer than everyone thinks and is QUITE extortionate in pricing as it is more than the phone is worth.
There may be some satisfied customers from you but based on my own experience with your Company I find that difficult to credit.
My advice is get your phone unlocked by the network provider. If you can't or can't wait then buy a s/h one on eBay that's already unlocked, it will be much cheaper and at least with eBay you have some way of getting action if your ripped off, which in my own experience is unlikely.