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macrumors regular
Apr 22, 2009
Detroit Rock City
my question is.....

How are we going to prove we have Leopard when we go to pick up SL? :confused: I've been really excited about the price for Leopard users ever since the keynote but this has been bothering the crap out of me. If anyone knows, i would greatly appreciate the answer :D


macrumors regular
Jun 29, 2007
I hope this will fix the green pixels that happen after waking from sleep. This has been plaguing my mac pro 2008 since day 1, with no real help from Apple thus far.


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2007
Plymouth, MN
How are we going to prove we have Leopard when we go to pick up SL? :confused: I've been really excited about the price for Leopard users ever since the keynote but this has been bothering the crap out of me. If anyone knows, i would greatly appreciate the answer :D

Nothing has been formally announced but the way I see is is that the stores will only offer upgrade discs that will either detect a Leopard installation or require you to provide one for verification. That's how it will work. Tiger users will need to get a updated Mac Box set (which won't be available initially, but will follow Snow Leopard). The way I have interpreted Apple's website is that the only retail copy will require Leopard.

Weather or not the disc has some kind of system checker is not known nor will it since the GM does not exist yet.


macrumors 6502
Mar 4, 2006
It's great to see some attention still remaining in 10.5. With the iPhone OS and Snow Leopard right around the corner, it's good to know they're not neglecting the stuff that's needed right now!


macrumors regular
Dec 21, 2008
I am pretty upset that there are no changes to Finder in Snow Leopard. The biggest pain of switching from windows has been getting used to Finders shortcomings.

Moving a bunch of folders into a folder that contains the same folder names completely overwrites the folders instead of merging. This is a huge pain when a move operation fails half way and you cant pick up where you left off.

There is no address bar in finder to copy a path.

No Cut and Paste. (Thats right I said it!)

Viewing a folder full of images in thumbnail mode is a pain in the ass to switch between thumbnail sizes. You have to go into view options to change it.
Coverflow is about as useless as my tailbone!

Mapped network drives are a huge pain. Once you get one mapped they only show up on your desktop and under your computer name in the devices list of finder. You have to manually drag it so that it shows up directly on the devices list.
Shared list of network computers in the finder side bar is a waste of time. Try using it on a network with a couple hundred computers. Even if you are already connected to a network share when you click the computer name on the network shares side bar you still have to wait a few seconds until finder gets a refreshed list of available shares on that computer....


macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2006
I am pretty upset that there are no changes to Finder in Snow Leopard. The biggest pain of switching from windows has been getting used to Finders shortcomings.

Moving a bunch of folders into a folder that contains the same folder names completely overwrites the folders instead of merging. This is a huge pain when a move operation fails half way and you cant pick up where you left off.

There is no address bar in finder to copy a path.

No Cut and Paste. (Thats right I said it!)

Viewing a folder full of images in thumbnail mode is a pain in the ass to switch between thumbnail sizes. You have to go into view options to change it.
Coverflow is about as useless as my tailbone!

Mapped network drives are a huge pain. Once you get one mapped they only show up on your desktop and under your computer name in the devices list of finder. You have to manually drag it so that it shows up directly on the devices list.
Shared list of network computers in the finder side bar is a waste of time. Try using it on a network with a couple hundred computers. Even if you are already connected to a network share when you click the computer name on the network shares side bar you still have to wait a few seconds until finder gets a refreshed list of available shares on that computer....

There is copy and paste, but you're right about cut and paste.

You can view the Path of a file in Finder, though I don't think there's any way to copy it.

Thumbnail size will be easily changed in SL - there's a slider. (If you have a laptop with Multitouch, this really isn't an issue)

Sure, it's not perfect, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it needs to be changed. I still prefer it over Windows any day.


macrumors 6502
Oct 1, 2007
At this point (as in PPC hardware perfectly usable), I am way more interested in Leopard being perfected (for the PPC hardware still alive for years to come) than the development progress and release date of Snow Leopard.

I can wait - but PPC hardware users will have to use the last Leopard release "forever".

"forever" seems so long. Leopard works fine right now. It will pretty much stay the same forever without updates. If you do not want to update your perfectly usable hardware than you will be fine with leopard forever in its current state.

I have some computers that we still need OS 9 for!!! They feel like they have been working forever.


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Long live the G5

I have a quad core G5 among my collection of 4 Macs (only non-Intel). I'm hoping Apple keeps doing Leopard updates at least throughout the next year. Ugh...need to upgrade!


macrumors member
Jun 14, 2006
Silicon Valley
Finder File Path

There is no address bar in finder to copy a path.

Highlight the file or folder in the finder window then from the Menu Bar select Finder scroll down to Services and select TextEdit > New Window Containing Selection

Opens a TextEdit window with the path to your file which you can then copy & paste into an email or whatever!

Steve Jobs=God

macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2007
so it's $29 for leopard users,

What about for non leopard users?

I'm in the Uk so SL would only cost me £15, bargain!


macrumors 68030
May 29, 2007
it's frustrating to be remind again and again that they still can't permanently fix the sleep/wake issue.....up to 10.5.8
It boggles the mind how badly broken sleep is and that they can't fix it. I have zero problems with sleep on my Dell/WinXP. On my MBP and ACD I probably have to force reboot 5 times a week because sleep/wake fails.


macrumors regular
Apr 30, 2009
American Price

I assume this site caters only to Americans since I haven't seen mention of the prices in other currencies. In Canada, I'll have to pay $39 instead of $29.

Doesn't bother me, though! I had $150 saved up already because I didn't realize one could get this deal.


macrumors 65816
Apr 15, 2009
It boggles the mind how badly broken sleep is and that they can't fix it. I have zero problems with sleep on my Dell/WinXP. On my MBP and ACD I probably have to force reboot 5 times a week because sleep/wake fails.

I've had 0 issues with sleep on 2 MB's and an iMac. Yet, any HP/DELL with XP/Vista I've had, sleep has never worked well. It's either incredibly slow, or fails to do anything.


macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
I've gotta say, finder seems like a "good enough at the time" solution to a file browser & it could use some help. My three things:

1. "Folder Up". In both finder and in the "save" dialog box of apps, having to retrace your whole file path one folder at a time from the start, from memory, while holding a selection set, just to move up a level or two is a hassle. The fore/back buttons are nice, but when the window opens at an end of the line folder, they're pretty useless.

2. Coverflow is neat, but coverflow with columns instead of detailed view would be easier to navigate. The detailed view runs vertically, which means it's competing for space with coverflow. Columns runs horizontally, and means you can see your navigational structure easier under your pretty preview.

3. Also, the springing open of new windows when you go to drag folders seems a little unnecessary. If it could just show you the folder and not go nuts, that'd be nice.

4. If Apple insists on refusing the "cut" command, perhaps they could have one called "move". Or something. Turning every file move into a four step operation is not progress in the direction of simplification.


macrumors regular
Dec 21, 2008
Highlight the file or folder in the finder window then from the Menu Bar select Finder scroll down to Services and select TextEdit > New Window Containing Selection

Opens a TextEdit window with the path to your file which you can then copy & paste into an email or whatever!

Although highly inconvenient it is still a very nice find! But I noticed that paths to network shares point to the volumes mount point.

IMHO Vista got file browsing right. You can do just about anything you want with files (exept make love). Group, stack, filter, cut/paste, merge folders, view exif/id3 tags in list view. The address bar is a combo click/type on any part of the path. Get to network resources quickly \\servername\sharename \\servername\printername.

Seems very trivial and important. I just cant understand why they dont put some effort into it. Perhaps Microsoft has a patent on some of those things.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2008
I've had 0 issues with sleep on 2 MB's and an iMac. Yet, any HP/DELL with XP/Vista I've had, sleep has never worked well. It's either incredibly slow, or fails to do anything.

I agree, no one i know has sleep/wake issues, nor do I. This might be an issue in some specific set-ups but it's not a "standard" issue for all users. I'm pretty sure that if this was something standard, affecting a majority of users it would have been sorted - as it stands if it's about a specific configuration/conflict issue then i can see why it would be so difficult to fix...


macrumors member
Jan 25, 2009
I've had 0 issues with sleep on 2 MB's and an iMac. Yet, any HP/DELL with XP/Vista I've had, sleep has never worked well. It's either incredibly slow, or fails to do anything.

i've only had issues with my macbook not waking from sleep. i'd open the lid and it would flash the apple logo quickly then shut itself off. happens very sparingly, but it does happen once in a while. hopefully the fix in 10.5.8 is for it.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2009
i really hope this update brings some fixes or new graphical goodies. :p
or possibly faster?

I'm on SNOW Leopard and i compared the two, snow leopard is smooth
maximizing and minimizing to dock is really smooth!!
stacks animation is great!
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