Just wanted to share with you all a rather sad story. I'm a teacher, and I use a 1.5GHz 12" PowerBook that I've had since I was in college as my main machine for the classroom and lesson planning. I like it because it's small, relatively light, I have a long happy history with it, and it can be replaced for around $100 so I wouldn't be devastated if it walked off. My mother is also a teacher, and has become quite enamored with the little 'book. I was looking around for one to get her for Christmas this year, and I came across a 1.5GHz machine in nearly perfect shape on eBay for $70 shipped. The guy shipped it USPS priority, and that's where the story gets sad. Apparently the box took a few good whacks, and it was not packed very securely. It took a deep whack to the front right corner which smashed in and warped the base, palmrest, and lid. The lid doesn't close unless you mash it down, the frame is bent over the ODD, and the battery barely stays in. I haven't heard back from the seller on eBay when I reported the damage a few days back, so I may be stuck with it. It still works fine - if nothing else it will be good for spare parts for mine, or maybe I can whack it back into some semblance of shape. Moral of the story - pack your PowerBooks well.