The cat-and-mouse game between Apple and Palm continues today with Palm's announcement that it has released webOS 1.1, bringing a host of new features and improvements to the Palm Pre including restoration of iTunes media syncing.
While the Palm Pre running webOS was initially able to sync directly with iTunes by presenting itself as an iPod, Apple disabled the functionality just last week with the release of iTunes 8.2.1. The iTunes syncing spat is the latest in a series of incidents between the two competitors, as Palm has hired several former Apple executives and engineers to lead the company's turnaround and Apple has issued veiled threats against Palm regarding intellectual property contained in iPhone that has appeared in similar forms in the Palm Pre.Oh, and one more thing: Palm webOS 1.1 re-enables Palm media sync. That's right -- you once again can have seamless access to your music, photos and videos from the current version of iTunes (8.2.1).
The full list of new features available in webOS 1.1 can be found in Palm's release notes for the update.
Article Link: Palm Releases WebOS 1.1, Restores iTunes Media Syncing