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macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
it's gonna be lit!

From quick skimming, seems they've properly hacked iPhone 7 kernel patch protection, woo!

edit- really really sorry but from reading more its not a guarantee.. so

dont do any leaping.. yet

BUT (quoting this here from the article):

The most tenuous, but most exciting piece of news is the following, which was posted by a Twitter user who appears to be attending the conference. Remember, this could be a lie or a mistake, I include it only in the interest of full information:

正在和pp助手公司谈合作。如果谈妥,一周之内发布10.3-10.3.1 jailbreak

The translation of this is roughly as follows:

We are working with PP Assistant company. If agreed, within a week released 10.3-10.3.1 jailbreak.
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I hope this is real. This is the longest I have had an iPhone unjailbroken.
I'll be going on two years jailbroken on 9.0.2 for my iPhone and 8.1 for my iPad in October. ;)
The hype is real. I've been waiting since september for a decent iPhone 7 jailbreak.
Is this going to be the same old same old or will it be fully untethered?
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I'll be going on two years jailbroken on 9.0.2 for my iPhone and 8.1 for my iPad in October. ;)
Is this going to be the same old same old or will it be fully untethered?
If it's not at least 9.3.3 semi tethered, i'm not gonna do it. I'm on 10.1.1 on my 7, but haven't bothered to install anything because i reboot so often.
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10.1.1 has treated me well on 7+ honestly for all of the flack it gets, I so rarely get reboots anymore, its gotten better over time but that might be because I respring and tinker a lot in general, anyways

still its solid.

but I would look forward to a first 'proper' jb, of course

and 10.1.1 to 10.3.1, thats a leap of like a handful of months of hopefully just tightening up iOS 10. Not to the magnitude of 9.0.2->9.3.3, but hopefully notable.

I don't expect much of a difference from an OS perspective, going 10.2 to 10.3.1 on 9.7 Pro and SE but I like consistency

It would be great to have a proper untether, but I'm expecting 9.3.3/yalu treatment with a one-click app to re-inject the JB

you'd also think they'd be touting that at this security chat if it were back to the old school early iOS 9 days,

I would also love to get off the path of side loading, limiting to 7 days/1 year with dev account/ expired enterprise cert in case of 9.3.3 pangu... a boy can dream!

I don't like being dependent on apple's good graces to let us side load,

looking forward to more details in coming days... hopefully

I hope this is real. This is the longest I have had an iPhone unjailbroken.

how long has it been?

If it's not at least 9.3.3 semi tethered, i'm not gonna do it. I'm on 10.1.1 on my 7, but haven't bothered to install anything because i reboot so often.

I wouldn't hold my breath for that, the expired ent cert thing was a specific exploit to 9.3.3 I think, or a loop hole, ro something

those days seem done, best we can hope for is like a jbme to not be dependent on side loading, but I think even thats a pipe dream

I would LOVE to be wrong tho, on all accounts
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I'm really excited!!! lol. I've been sitting on 10.1 for a while now. No j/b just means my phone is a stale piece of technology. Can't freakin' wait for this!!
The ipad 2017 is a 64 Bit so did they just forget and it leave it off the list? it says all 64 Bit.
I used to be an avid jailbreaker but kind of lost interest after the iphone 6.... I am kind of bored lately so I might jump back in if this jailbreak works with the iphone 7+.... I will definitely need to brush up on any new developments and procedures since its been so long. anyone have a good site to get a nice overview?
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here are some more details will be untethered as well.

Quoting r/jailbreak top post top comment:
"The blog post's Pangu section (title: 盘古 ≠ 越狱) doesn't contain any release information. It talks about how "Pangu has always been more than just iOS jailbreaking" and goes on to discuss vulnerabilities and information security. One of the sentences does confirm that iOS 10.3.1 can be jailbroken, but it doesn't mention the hardware or if it's untethered, or if it will even be released."

This yalujailbreak site is a load of click bait crap.

And sorry but I'm dubious of a new user created just today, with username pangu103 to capitalize on the hype. It almost certainly won't be named that if released , since the version number without dots (I.e yalu102) was specific to Luca. Pangu team hasn't released jailbreaks with this naming convention. Get your facts straight if you're here to educate people-- and if so, welcome! We don't want to further add to confusion , and with jb scene , there's always plenty of that going around
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Wasn't Pangu the ones who were selling user's data to some shady Chinese companies? Legit question, it's been years since I left the jailbreak community but Eclipse kinda makes me wanna do it again.
Wasn't Pangu the ones who were selling user's data to some shady Chinese companies? Legit question, it's been years since I left the jailbreak community but Eclipse kinda makes me wanna do it again.

No they bundled their jb with a pirate App Store tho.

But there was always a way to opt out afaik

I think one version of pangu might've phoned home too but people never found any wrongdoing
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No they bundled their jb with a pirate App Store tho.

But there was always a way to opt out afaik

I think one version of pangu might've phoned home too but people never found any wrongdoing
Thanks for the enlightenment :)
This would be great. JB on 7+ and 10.1.1 had been remarkably stable, but does have issues like notifications on my apple watch, slowdowns, random reboots and a decent amount of apps just freezing up. But really I don't get many of this often and I've been ok running the JB full time.

I was hoping to get the AW update for the theatre mode, but of course I can't update my watch while my phone is on 10.1.1, so a 10.3 update will be nice. Doing a google search I already see a lot of scam sites saying they have the JB ready for download, sigh.
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