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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 1, 2009
A note says the search engine is temporarily disabled so I must ask this question here. Hope it hasn't been asked before many times.

I love 1Password. Used it for years but need to buy a new one and I see they are now asking $50 for it.
Personally I think they are asking too much and $35 I might have agreed to but feel $50 I feel is gouging......( some might disagree but its how i feel )

So, perhaps the time has come to use a different password manager.
In doing so I realize i would not be able to import my passwords from 1Password but most of the main ones i use daily I know and the dozens and dozens beyond that, are to pages I rarely use BUT if i needed, 1Password is set up on my phone and other MBP.

Can anyone recommend any other password managers that are frequently touted and/or used by mac users here that would do the trick that are either free or at a price thats reasonable?

I would want it to have the ability to do what i do with 1Password is that it automatically backs itself up into DropBox which I use. My phone is a One Plus One droid and I use it on that but everything else i own, plus a second phone is apple so by using drop box, I have 1Password for android installed on the One Plus One phone, which synched with the file in Dropbox. If I synched it with the cloud, my android would be left out of it-hence, why i use dropbox
(before anyone suggests I use it with the cloud) :)



macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2009
KeePass and LastPass are the two that seem to come highly recommended. I have no personal experience with either, as I am a staunch 1P supporter, but you should check those out.


macrumors member
Jun 21, 2013
To be honest with you, after using 1Password I would not go back to using LastPass. Not only is the UI of 1P gorgeous, but due to your data being locally stored (with cloud/dropbox sync optional, rather than forced cloud sync), it does not suffer from a major issue that LastPass did (for me, observed on both Windows and 2014 rMBP laptops).

You're connected to your home network
You close the lid on your computer
You bag your laptop and take it to work
You re-open the lid on your work network

LastPass freezes the entire computer for 30s-2m. LastPass also loses authentication with the server, forcing me to re-login before I can use the autofill features.

Before I realised it was LP, I thought the OS installation was broken, but considering it happened for me on both Windows and OS X, that doesn't seem to be the case. I should also point out I only ever tested this with WiFi.

Add this to the fact that I have the option of only syncing via WiFi, thereby eliminating the security concerns with storing your information in the cloud. This can be especially prudent if you are dealing with customers' website login information more so than your own.

That being said, 1P isn't perfect. The way they fill out your address & payment card information is not perfect, and I would like the option of autofilling my login information vs Cmd-\ but this is a small price to pay for a piece of software that works exactly how I need it to work.

In summation, OP, if money is the only reason why you are considering switching away from 1P, I personally would advise you to stick with it, because 1P is software of absolute worth.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2012
A note says the search engine is temporarily disabled so I must ask this question here. Hope it hasn't been asked before many times.

I love 1Password. Used it for years but need to buy a new one and I see they are now asking $50 for it.
Personally I think they are asking too much and $35 I might have agreed to but feel $50 I feel is gouging......( some might disagree but its how i feel )

So, perhaps the time has come to use a different password manager.
In doing so I realize i would not be able to import my passwords from 1Password but most of the main ones i use daily I know and the dozens and dozens beyond that, are to pages I rarely use BUT if i needed, 1Password is set up on my phone and other MBP.

Can anyone recommend any other password managers that are frequently touted and/or used by mac users here that would do the trick that are either free or at a price thats reasonable?

I would want it to have the ability to do what i do with 1Password is that it automatically backs itself up into DropBox which I use. My phone is a One Plus One droid and I use it on that but everything else i own, plus a second phone is apple so by using drop box, I have 1Password for android installed on the One Plus One phone, which synched with the file in Dropbox. If I synched it with the cloud, my android would be left out of it-hence, why i use dropbox
(before anyone suggests I use it with the cloud) :)


As mentioned by another user here. You do qualify for upgrade pricing if you are an existing user:

This only applies to our website version as we cannot do upgrade pricing on the Mac App Store. At the moment, upgrade pricing is $25 for existing users.

Please note that if you want iCloud syncing you will want to get the application from the Mac App Store, we cannot sync to iCloud via the website version.

If you have any questions please let me know.


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2014
I've been using mSecure for a while and have been generally happy with it. The user interface is nothing special, but it gets the job done.

I am not sure what their pricing is, but I believe that they have, iphone and Mac versions, as well as Windows versions, if needed.


macrumors 68040
Mar 21, 2014
I, too, am a committed 1Password user, but you might consider "Dashlane"see this review in the WSJ

No offense intended, that post by the WSJ isn't a review but, rather, an article about a new service in beta, incorporated into the Dashlane service for beta users. I read a post on The Verge this morning about the beta service (

I'm a happy 1Password user, but will be checking out Dashlane when they get the service up and running and they've stomped out the bugs.


macrumors 604
Oct 13, 2008
A note says the search engine is temporarily disabled so I must ask this question here. Hope it hasn't been asked before many times.

I love 1Password. Used it for years but need to buy a new one and I see they are now asking $50 for it.
Personally I think they are asking too much and $35 I might have agreed to but feel $50 I feel is gouging......( some might disagree but its how i feel )

So, perhaps the time has come to use a different password manager.
In doing so I realize i would not be able to import my passwords from 1Password but most of the main ones i use daily I know and the dozens and dozens beyond that, are to pages I rarely use BUT if i needed, 1Password is set up on my phone and other MBP.

Can anyone recommend any other password managers that are frequently touted and/or used by mac users here that would do the trick that are either free or at a price thats reasonable?

I would want it to have the ability to do what i do with 1Password is that it automatically backs itself up into DropBox which I use. My phone is a One Plus One droid and I use it on that but everything else i own, plus a second phone is apple so by using drop box, I have 1Password for android installed on the One Plus One phone, which synched with the file in Dropbox. If I synched it with the cloud, my android would be left out of it-hence, why i use dropbox
(before anyone suggests I use it with the cloud) :)


I would never use a cloud base service like LassPass. I recommend 1Password, DataVault and Onesafe.


macrumors 68020
Nov 16, 2006
1password isn't cheap but they have fantastic customer service and are always really fast with updates so I feel its worth the price.

Never hurts to try the competition but I cant ever imagine using anything but 1pass.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 1, 2009
Thanks everyone. Its a toss up, from all of your suggestions between 1Password and One Safe.

Former copy owned by former work place. I just had to let it go so I am not entitled to an upgrade, although they would be.
But I assumed 1Password was in the $35 area which i found acceptable.
$50 I feel is too high especially as its not a one-time purchase.

Does anyone happen to know how often they require upgrades? Is it yearly, bi yearly, etc?

I read though all of the ones listed here and the only other one people mentioned that i liked the looks of is OneSafe
It has great write ups but I am yet to find a price for it.
(which makes me wonder LOL)

But I already have 1Password on my android and would likely need to buy it for the hubby's iPhone, so i have to keep those in ind when i choose one as well.

Thee was one I quite liked the looks of, called pwSafe
If I read it correctly, it costs $20 but is on sale right now for $9.99.
Again, I have to consider that I would then likely have to buy the mobile versions. I see they charge $8.99 for cloud services each year but i send mine to dropbox so I believe I would not need that extra option.

The one mentioned that has an article on WSJ i didn't like. It takes too much control.

There are aways of doing passwords manually, in a system, which I might consider for a of now i have not made a decision.
I still love1Password but will decide in a few days.

Thanks for ALL the info and if anyone knows how often they require payment for it, I'd love to know as this might determine the final answer. Yearly, every second year, year and a half, etc.....

( I have a few software titles to buy and have to be careful while taking care of hubby spending more than I should)



Interesting..although it doesn't apply in my case as I like 1Password but i can't switch from it.

Special Offers
Did you purchase another password manager for iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch and find that you are not satisfied? Ascendo offers Competitive Upgrades to make the switch. For more information please email including the name of the product you are considering switching from.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 1, 2009
In summation, OP, if money is the only reason why you are considering switching away from 1P, I personally would advise you to stick with it, because 1P is software of absolute worth.

U r right. I re-read a few and decided u and the others were right about 1Password being the best. Its not perfect though and I feel its not worth $50 BUT, I don't have time to wait for it to go on sale and IF i bought another one, not quite as good I still had to deal with repurchasing those ones for the mobile phones so, on that it won out.

Thanks all for talking me into it BUT...I still don't like the price for it.

Did i say that already? :D


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
Thanks everyone. Its a toss up, from all of your suggestions between 1Password and One Safe.

Former copy owned by former work place. I just had to let it go so I am not entitled to an upgrade, although they would be.
But I assumed 1Password was in the $35 area which i found acceptable.
$50 I feel is too high especially as its not a one-time purchase.

Does anyone happen to know how often they require upgrades? Is it yearly, bi yearly, etc?

I read though all of the ones listed here and the only other one people mentioned that i liked the looks of is OneSafe
It has great write ups but I am yet to find a price for it.
(which makes me wonder LOL)

But I already have 1Password on my android and would likely need to buy it for the hubby's iPhone, so i have to keep those in ind when i choose one as well.

Thee was one I quite liked the looks of, called pwSafe
If I read it correctly, it costs $20 but is on sale right now for $9.99.
Again, I have to consider that I would then likely have to buy the mobile versions. I see they charge $8.99 for cloud services each year but i send mine to dropbox so I believe I would not need that extra option.

The one mentioned that has an article on WSJ i didn't like. It takes too much control.

There are aways of doing passwords manually, in a system, which I might consider for a of now i have not made a decision.
I still love1Password but will decide in a few days.

Thanks for ALL the info and if anyone knows how often they require payment for it, I'd love to know as this might determine the final answer. Yearly, every second year, year and a half, etc.....

( I have a few software titles to buy and have to be careful while taking care of hubby spending more than I should)



Interesting..although it doesn't apply in my case as I like 1Password but i can't switch from it.
OneSafe is $19.99 for Mac and $9.99 for iOS. They are still working on new versions to be compatible with Yosemite. That is how far behind the small staff is.

I used OneSafe before 1Password and while I liked it at first, I soon realized that it was sorely lacking in features and stability, compared to 1Password.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2011
Sacramento, CA
For those who worry about LastPass info being in the cloud, don't. Yes, your passwords are stored but they are encrypted. If someone breached LastPass servers, they just get a bunch of gibberish.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2014
Sticky Password

I can recommend Sticky Password - I have used them the whole time for the PC and recently they have introduced the Mac version as well, so it is a killing combo for me since they offer an offline approach to your passwords and local WiFi synchronization. Worth trying out.


macrumors newbie
Dec 21, 2011
I've been using Dashlane and think its great. I like that I can install it on as many devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs and Windows) as needed for one price. They are coming out with this new feature soon.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2012
Thanks everyone. Its a toss up, from all of your suggestions between 1Password and One Safe.

Former copy owned by former work place. I just had to let it go so I am not entitled to an upgrade, although they would be.
But I assumed 1Password was in the $35 area which i found acceptable.
$50 I feel is too high especially as its not a one-time purchase.

Does anyone happen to know how often they require upgrades? Is it yearly, bi yearly, etc?

But I already have 1Password on my android and would likely need to buy it for the hubby's iPhone, so i have to keep those in ind when i choose one as well.

There are aways of doing passwords manually, in a system, which I might consider for a of now i have not made a decision.
I still love1Password but will decide in a few days.

I snipped a lot out of that but here are the answers to what I can answer:

I may be able to help you with the upgrade pricing since your situation is rather unique. Please PM me and I'll see what I can do.

We charged for 1Password 4 but gave 1Password 5 away as a free upgrade. I have no idea what we'll do for 1Password 6 (it's not even on the radar at the moment).

1Password 3 was out for 6 years, we're clearly trying to get away from long release cycles but we gave 1Password 5 away to all users on Mac and iOS who had version 4. This does not mean free upgrades for life, that just isn't sustainable. But we try to be generous.

The iPhone version of 1Password is free now with in-app purchase for Pro features (multiple vaults, extra categories, attachments, custom fields, folders and tags, among others and there is at least one feature in beta that will be Pro only). But the Pro features are on sale right now as well.

Making your own system for password storage is not a wise decision:

Happy to answer any questions you might have.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
+1. I've been using it for years on my Mac's, PC's, and now my ChromeBox and Nexus 7. It may not have a pretty interface, but it does what it's supposed to do, and securely..

Plus it's free to use on desktop's and only $12 per year for the mobile app.


macrumors 604
Oct 13, 2008
U r right. I re-read a few and decided u and the others were right about 1Password being the best. Its not perfect though and I feel its not worth $50 BUT, I don't have time to wait for it to go on sale and IF i bought another one, not quite as good I still had to deal with repurchasing those ones for the mobile phones so, on that it won out.

Thanks all for talking me into it BUT...I still don't like the price for it.

Did i say that already? :D

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