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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The only reason you should consider a PC Build is for dedicated gaming, otherwise, Macs are my first choice for general/specific computing tasks. And for traveling often, a MacBookPro offers the best option for Mac + gaming (via Bootcamp)- my opinion.

PC Build Quick and Dirty Guide

22Oct 13- Guide Established. Photos to be added in near future.

Ov3rlord Falc0r

macrumors regular
Apr 29, 2009
Not a bad guide tbh. The only thing I would bother with is trying to lower your over all price on that specific rig. Especially on Newegg they have sales all the time, if you give yourself a little time to research and get items in a bundle or on sale that'll easily knock off 150-200 bucks. That's not including a larger HDD over the SSD (if hard drive speed doesn't bother you, I use a 7200 and it does what I want it to) for less money, a cheaper case (or better yet, no case lol like I do), and not paying for windows.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Not a bad guide tbh. The only thing I would bother with is trying to lower your over all price on that specific rig. Especially on Newegg they have sales all the time, if you give yourself a little time to research and get items in a bundle or on sale that'll easily knock off 150-200 bucks. That's not including a larger HDD over the SSD (if hard drive speed doesn't bother you, I use a 7200 and it does what I want it to) for less money, a cheaper case (or better yet, no case lol like I do), and not paying for windows.

I agree, sales all the time, and I could have gotten a case for less than I paid, and gone cheaper on a video card. :)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2006
The only reason you should consider a PC Build is for dedicated gaming, otherwise, Macs are my first choice for general/specific computing tasks...

You forgot to mention computers for workstation duty. You can easily build a powerful workstation that meets or surpasses workstations from Apple, Dell, HP...blah, blah, blah for less money. For CAD/CAM/CAE work, which is floating point calculation intensive, Xeons are very good. However, a hot rodded non-Xeon can do quite well especially given that new Xeons are not overclockable anymore.

This may be a useless point since most builders do it for gaming and typical Mac Pro faithful are simply not open to discussing such heresy LOL. The typical reaction I receive is "you can't use more than one socket for non-Xeon procs". True but after being involved in nationally based user groups for high end software I can honestly say many, many users are only using single sockets in their two socket computers.

Regardless, keep up the fight.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
You forgot to mention computers for workstation duty. You can easily build a powerful workstation that meets or surpasses workstations from Apple, Dell, HP...blah, blah, blah for less money. For CAD/CAM/CAE work, which is floating point calculation intensive, Xeons are very good. However, a hot rodded non-Xeon can do quite well especially given that new Xeons are not overclockable anymore.

This may be a useless point since most builders do it for gaming and typical Mac Pro faithful are simply not open to discussing such heresy LOL. The typical reaction I receive is "you can't use more than one socket for non-Xeon procs". True but after being involved in nationally based user groups for high end software I can honestly say many, many users are only using single sockets in their two socket computers.

Regardless, keep up the fight.

There is a real reason I prefer MacOS, less hassles, the same as there is a real reason I game mostly in Windows, better gaming performance and more options. :):)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The MacRumor Guides have vanished with no ETA for their return. I'm working on a blog version of the PC Build Q&D Guide. Find it here: link. Parts 1 & 2 complete.


macrumors 6502
Jan 22, 2012
I think I will stick with my Mac Pro with PC 5870 and Apple 5770 for now...

I really want to build a new gaming rig but
(a) I have an 8 core now, so I might as well whore out on a new 8 core but I feel the 2011 socket is outdated and Xeon 8 cores are currently pricey, I shall wait until Broadwell...2011-3 socket?...
(b) I can run every game maxed out except Crysis 2 (and 3 but I don't own that) at 1920x1200
(c) Not any games I am interested in that would require a new PC anyway...

My 5870 really took a beating when I played Far Cry 3, kept overheating despite being cleaned regularly. Also the exhaust fan at the rear seems to be slowly becoming louder, maybe a bearing issue.

I think I will go with a CaseLabs case when I get around to it. I like the idea of using my own fans. For an air cooled build I was thinking 3 intake fans and an exhaust one, mounted close to the CPU/GPU. We shall see...


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
OK, the online article is finished- 5 parts, find it: Titanic's Quick and Dirty Build a Gaming PC/Hackintosh Oct 2013.

I think I will stick with my Mac Pro with PC 5870 and Apple 5770 for now...

I really want to build a new gaming rig but
(a) I have an 8 core now, so I might as well whore out on a new 8 core but I feel the 2011 socket is outdated and Xeon 8 cores are currently pricey, I shall wait until Broadwell...2011-3 socket?...
(b) I can run every game maxed out except Crysis 2 (and 3 but I don't own that) at 1920x1200
(c) Not any games I am interested in that would require a new PC anyway...

My 5870 really took a beating when I played Far Cry 3, kept overheating despite being cleaned regularly. Also the exhaust fan at the rear seems to be slowly becoming louder, maybe a bearing issue.

I think I will go with a CaseLabs case when I get around to it. I like the idea of using my own fans. For an air cooled build I was thinking 3 intake fans and an exhaust one, mounted close to the CPU/GPU. We shall see...

Looking forward to hearing more about it. :)

Old Muley

macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2009
Titletown USA
This would have been a super-helpful guide a few weeks back when my teen-aged son built his first PC. Like a lot of teen boys, his ratio of perceived knowledge to actual know-how was a little on the thin side, and his patience was lacking. He also made the mistake of choosing an enclosure based on looks rather than functionality; when his choice of CPU cooling didn't fit nicely with the enclosure he had to get friendly with my Dremel tool.

We got it to run, and it does what it's supposed to, but sure is ugly. I now have a lot more respect for all those custom builders out there who take the time to make their rigs look good on the inside and outside.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Great share, mate. This is just what I need. Planning to build a new gaming PC soon. This will help a lot.

Glad I can help!

This would have been a super-helpful guide a few weeks back when my teen-aged son built his first PC. Like a lot of teen boys, his ratio of perceived knowledge to actual know-how was a little on the thin side, and his patience was lacking. He also made the mistake of choosing an enclosure based on looks rather than functionality; when his choice of CPU cooling didn't fit nicely with the enclosure he had to get friendly with my Dremel tool.

We got it to run, and it does what it's supposed to, but sure is ugly. I now have a lot more respect for all those custom builders out there who take the time to make their rigs look good on the inside and outside.

Sorry about that. MacRumors was hacked recently, there used to be an established guide here for viewing, but it disappeared with all the other MR guides. At this point I have no idea if they are even planning on bringing back a user maintained guides section. :(
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