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macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2020
Interesting, you're the first to say stay away. I'm not a hardcore gamer, and the types of games I tend to play are on the older side. Cities:Skylines for instance is one of my go-to games. I appreciate the honesty and willingness to buck the trend. I have a desktop PC that I'll still can play games on, but having a powerful laptop that has a great battery life and gorgeous screen is something that I'm considering.

I've been looking at windows machines since the turn of the year and I have a short list of those. In no particular order. Razer, Asus, Lenovo, MSI, Dell. Each one has at least one drawback, maybe more.
  • The Razer, the 14" appears to be very Mac like in that everything is soldered onto the motherboard. Its very expensive, and the power brick huge.
  • The Zephyrus series seems very good but their latest offerings are fast. I'm not really liking the how they look (to gaming pc vibe) and they're just as expensive depending on the model.
  • The Lenovo is not as pricy, but not much availability for the configurations I was looking at. I've owned thinkpads before and their fan curve is aggressive, probably the best keyboard out of the bunch but they can be loud
  • MSI - I've not done enough research but what I've started finding is people complaining about quality and issues. I'm not sure if I just googled the wrong way.
  • Dell, I hate Dell, their customer support sux and I'll never go back to them

Interesting matrix, and it mirrors my thought process. For me, battery life, temperature, and screen real estate and fan noise are major metrics that are weighted higher. My work laptop doesn't do anything, but the fans speed up for no apparent reason and its a 13" which I find too confining. Maybe the 14" MBP will be different but I'm a little concerned I'll feel the lack of screen real estate may be too much of a sacrifice. I'm actually hoping to use a windows VM and port all of my software I use onto the mac and just use that. Stuff like PowerShell Studio, visual studio, Golden SQL query tool, etc.

It seems as I talk things out, and obsess over this, I've been googling like crazy, I'm now leaning heavily towards the 16, especially given the screen real estate, temps. I lose a measure of portability. How will the 16" fare on an airline tray? I think I can manage, the battery should be such that it will last me an entire flight.
They’re not the first to say stay away. I also say stay away if you need windows.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2020
I'm a bit confused as it appears that Parallels can run X86 windows - at least for the time being.

Short term, I do think running windows is high on my list. Maybe that will change in time, maybe it won't, maybe I stick with a specific version of macOS that still has Rosetta, or try to find a copy of arm windows. Maybe this journey towards getting a MacBook Pro ends here and I get a Asus Zephyrus. I'll have to give it more thought.

I have one of those, I mistakenly thought it was 11" - I guess there's an 11 and 12.9. Anyways, I appreciate the input, but I don't find the iPad a laptop replacement. Funny enough I was actually thinking of getting the mini, simply because the large size is not very good on the wrists - hand fatigue sets in rather quickly, the battery is horrid. I'll watch a movie, and I easily can chew through 30 to 40%, of the battery. Maybe the M1's battery isn't much better but it can do what the iPad cannot. Run apps that I want/need.

I have been in the market for a new laptop since January 2022, and up till now only considered Windows PCs. Supply issues are such that I've had trouble finding them, take the Lenovo Legion, it cannot be found in the US.

While I am partial to PCs, one major feature was their price, Apple has the reputation of being expensive, yet many of the laptops on the windows side I've seen are not that much cheaper.

Also learning something new does appeal to me and while its more of a nebulous pipe dream, learning Swift and app development for the Mac may be something that I move on too in the future. Its not the a decision factor but something that might be nice to pick up down the road.

One other plus is not needing WSL as I'll have access to Unix commands natively

Finally, I do feel time is of the essence, Apple is not immune to supply issues and is projecting mid july for the MBP models that I'm looking at. I have a couple of local retailers that are showing them in stock. I'd rather not obsess on this, so long that I lose out. I need to get something sooner, whether its Pc or Mac and put it through its paces and ensure its defect free before my trip this summer.

Let me say I really do appreciate all of the input for and against, its forcing me to think out of the box and make a fully informed decision.

Edit: I want to add one more thought. I've seen a number of videos, where given Yters who are mostly Pc people use and fall in love with the M1 MBP. They can't believe how great it is. Matthew Moniz is one of the tech reviewers who's now using a MBP.
Parallels can’t run X86 windows on M1 machines which is what that article you’ve linked to says.

They are fundamentally different architectures and Rosetta doesn’t allow X86 emulation.
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Feb 7, 2012
@DarthVader! The virtualisation under Parallels is for the ARM64 instructions as pointed out by @CraigJDuffy, not x86-64. If the Windows setup under x86-64 is critical to your work, I will echo @MajorFubar that you should consider going with a PC instead. I think I have personally discounted the importance of running Windows x86 on a Mac, as I have access to headless workstations and virtual desktops.

There seems to be some nice machines coming to market e.g. Dell XPS 13 Plus (which I am personally very interested in checking out).
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macrumors newbie
May 5, 2022
It's true the current MPBs offer a very compelling package, but once the novelty of the slick hardware wears off you're left with the question of how well do the things you actually want to do with a computer work on a Mac. For me as a musician working largely in Logic Pro, it's what the Australians would say is a no brainer. I can even begin projects in GarageBand on-the-go on my iPad and bring them into Logic to flesh-out and produce.

It's going to be a personal preference but I've never liked Office on the Mac. I tolerate it when I have to, but IMO it just does not run as slickly as it does on a Windows machine. And Teams on a Mac? Don't go there. You think it's bad on Windows? On a Mac it's on a whole new level of bad.

As for web-browsing and socials...well it depends how deep your pockets are. There are people out there with 16" fully-loaded MPBs who only use them to browse the web (including here), socials and watching YT videos, which you can do with a £250 Lenovo laptop.

I guess in short I don't get why people buy Apple products to do something you can probably do as well, or better, on a cheaper Windows device. But I totally get why for certain niche purposes, Macs reign supreme. So bad was my experience of running my home studio on a Windows machine prior to 2011 that I will never buy a Windows machine for that purpose til the day I die.

This is why I asked you to think carefully about what you believe will work better for you on a Mac than on a PC.
that's the thing, we don't want "cheap" devices. they break, they aren't reliable, and they don't offer the features you can get with these new Macs. you name me a PC lap top that you can watch Videos on that has a XDR 120Htz rate display ? we buy the new Macs because its a beautiful device that we are proud to use and support.


Original poster
Oct 3, 2013
If the Windows setup under x86-64 is critical to your work
Minimally Its a nice to have. I need to put in more thought about whether its a show stopper. I do have a desktop PC but at times, its nice to grab the laptop and go.

There seems to be some nice machines coming to market
No doubt, I've been researching a laptop purchase so long. I hate Dell with the white hot heat of a thousand suns, but yes others are stepping up their innovations, due to Apple's success in my opinion. If Apple's M1 sales weren't what they are now, I doubt we'd be seeing some of the changes in the market now - this is the great thing about competition.

"cheap" devices.
Regardless of whether we're talking PC or Mac, getting a quality laptop will cost you. What surprised me is the price bump I'm seeing in the PC laptop area. Razer always expensive, especially given the poor customer support pushed their prices up to an extreme level. Lenovo with their Legion 5i Pro laptops, seem to be 500 to 800 higher then a similarly equipped Asus laptop. Even so, the 5i Pro is not even available to buy, due to lack of inventory.

One of my random thoughts I have as I obsess over this, is if I'm paying near apple prices, why not get an apple?

Last week or so, I was leaning heavily towards the 14 MacBook Pro, as I created this thread, the 16" took the top spot. I'm now about 50-50 on whether I go Mac or PC.
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Original poster
Oct 3, 2013
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macrumors 68020
Jan 14, 2006
Thanks for the, they were extremely helpful. I've not watched them all, but from what I have seen, they provided a treasure trove of information

You may also find some useful videos at MrMacRight. On your desktop you can just type the name of a game in the channel's search box and see if you find your game. :)
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macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
that's the thing, we don't want "cheap" devices. they break, they aren't reliable, and they don't offer the features you can get with these new Macs. you name me a PC lap top that you can watch Videos on that has a XDR 120Htz rate display ? we buy the new Macs because its a beautiful device that we are proud to use and support.
Sounds like you've just had a bad run of buying non-Apple devices. If you've not been able to buy a reliable laptop for half the price of a 16" base macbook pro that's lasted you years and years then I think you're jinxed.
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Oct 18, 2021
Since nobody else has said it, while Parallels on M1 doesn't support x86/x86-64 guests, the ARM64 copy of Windows 11 DOES run both Win32 and Win64 applications under emulation provided by Windows 11 itself.

Disclaimer: some Windows x86/x86-64 apps work, but not all, you'll need to test for yourself, but that's what the Apple returns policy and Parallels evaluation period allow.

Edit: Also, if you aim to use Parallels, go for 32GB RAM, 16GB is cutting it too fine for a device you aim to use for a few years.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 22, 2009
United States
You can always setup a cheap-arse windows box somewhere with your choice of remote-control software on it. This is one of the things I do consistently. Gives you a way to access a windows box under your control if really necessary as long as you have a decent internet connection. For that matter, if you have a decent windows gaming rig already you can stream using Steam streaming. I have a 7 year old 15" MBP that I basically use to control any number of other machines, both Mac and Windows, and to stream Steam games in home or across the internet. Only time you are then without the ability to play whatever games you want and access your Windows box are those times you are without internet.

I would never try to push the M1 Mac for gaming, or if your primary use in Windows. But if both are afterthoughts then there are ways to move to an M1 for all the good things it offers and then to use alternative solutions such as these for your Windows and Gaming.
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macrumors newbie
May 5, 2022
Sounds like you've just had a bad run of buying non-Apple devices. If you've not been able to buy a reliable laptop for half the price of a 16" base macbook pro that's lasted you years and years then I think you're jinxed.
see that's where my story gets funny. Im not kidding when I say this.. I have literally bought and took back at LEAST 5 previous laptops for many reasons. they always seem to have issues, (fan noise, blue screen, audio driver, display,) and every one I got just.. over sucked. I remember I bought the Envy (which is was about $2500. and the fans where just stupidly loud, the keyboard dimmed after 5 seconds and there wasn't an option to make it stay on (unlike the MacBook) plus it had numerous audio driver issues. I mean I could go on and on. Im not ranting and raving about my M1 16 inch MacBook Pro for no reason, I have tried relentlessly to give PC's and (believe it or not) intel Macs too many chances. I am completely sold on these new devices, they have never crashed 1 time, they are dead silent, best display in the game, and are perfect for what I do as a music producer, and they are honestly just fricking sexy! I stand by these machines and will continue too for the fact that they are the definition of what a great product should be.
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Original poster
Oct 3, 2013
You can always setup a cheap-arse windows box somewhere with your choice of remote-control software on it
I already have a desktop, so yeah. I didn't even think of remoting into it. Great idea.

Let me also say this, i'm not a gamer. I do enjoy the occasional games. I tend not to play the latest and greatest games. I like some of the older titles to pass the time.

I do have a decent desktop that can handle most games, so gaming on a Mac is a nice to have but not a show stopping hurdle if its unable to fully accommodate me.

I'm unsure if this will be my primary machine, the intent is that I'll be using it as a secondary one, but I may set it up on my desk with my KVM switch and see how that goes.
Last edited:


Original poster
Oct 3, 2013
Since nobody else has said it, while Parallels on M1 doesn't support x86/x86-64 guests, the ARM64 copy of Windows 11 DOES run both Win32 and Win64 applications under emulation provided by Windows 11 itself.

Disclaimer: some Windows x86/x86-64 apps work, but not all, you'll need to test for yourself, but that's what the Apple returns policy and Parallels evaluation period allow.

Edit: Also, if you aim to use Parallels, go for 32GB RAM, 16GB is cutting it too fine for a device you aim to use for a few years.
I have not followed Windows ARM development, so I was unaware MS' implementation had a compatibility layer to allow some X86 apps. I am tempted to see how this works.

I like @panjandrum suggestion about streaming from my desktop.

I remember I bought the Envy
HP - I've never had good luck or felt that they were good machines. I owned HP laptops and desktops over the years and they all had issues. Some minor, some not so minor.


macrumors 65816
Jan 4, 2022
London, UK
Some quick answers from a former PC user.

10+ hour flight -> Get an M1 MacBook Air or 16" MacBook Pro if you want excellent battery life. The 14" MBP is not as good. It will be fine for videos if you keep it out of HDR mode which sucks up the power.

Gaming -> no idea. I gave up games when I moved over. Streaming games is a good option now as it keeps the compute and GPU purchase somewhere else.

Office on Mac -> fine. Just get O365 personal or family sub. Job done. Teams works fine. I don't have a dependency on Office so I closed my account and just use Numbers and Pages now. In fact I run a small business of Numbers.

Lightroom -> mostly crushes it. Adobe had some memory leak problems recently. Make sure you get at least 16Gb

Flow charting -> Would be interested in a solution for that which isn't omnigraffle. I tend to just hand draw them in GoodNotes on my iPad though.

Basic apps -> I mostly just use the Apple provided ones. They are excellent.

Do I need applecare -> yes. It's not always about the protection but the turnaround and service.

Apple credit card -> Don't bother with it.

macOS - how's that on the M1 -> compared to windows it's insanely good. Windows is noticeably horrible. I have a Dell and Lenovo here I have to use regularly and it's like wading in treacle compared to macOS. My 14" MBP is the first computer I've owned which doesn't piss me off.

What antivirus apps are available? -> don't bother with one. You don't need it.

Any concerns of having the storage, and memory soldered onto the motherboard? -> no just buy what you need up front. The longevity is constrained by mechanical lifetime rather than storage lifetime so don't worry. Make sure you get an off the shelf configuration rather than a custom build though because otherwise you may have issues with time to get a replacement if you break it.

What do you think of skinning the laptop -> don't do this. It affects thermal dissipation.

What issues/bugs or problems have been reported with the hardware? -> haven't found any yet!

Really satisfied with my experience so far. My main cases are running small business, media consumption, photography, remote sysadmin and software engineering, day to day productivity and life management.


Original poster
Oct 3, 2013
Well I pulled the trigger.

I usually prefer to obsess over stuff like this for longer periods but I noticed that had the base 16" Pro in stock and available for pickup - something that i was not expecting. I didn't want to dilly dally and I'm kind of thinking its an inventory glitch in their system. I'm prepared to be disappointed when I arrive later this morning but I'll enjoy the excitement.

I'll be looking for some guidance once I have it in hand but that will be in a new thread.

Let me say that I'm so appreciative of the patience and helpful nature of all of the members here, not just the people who actively promoted the idea of getting a Mac but those that offered their opinion on not getting one. I valued all of the input and everyone helped me craft a decision on what's best for me.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
see that's where my story gets funny. Im not kidding when I say this.. I have literally bought and took back at LEAST 5 previous laptops for many reasons. they always seem to have issues, (fan noise, blue screen, audio driver, display,) and every one I got just.. over sucked. I remember I bought the Envy (which is was about $2500. and the fans where just stupidly loud, the keyboard dimmed after 5 seconds and there wasn't an option to make it stay on (unlike the MacBook) plus it had numerous audio driver issues. I mean I could go on and on. Im not ranting and raving about my M1 16 inch MacBook Pro for no reason, I have tried relentlessly to give PC's and (believe it or not) intel Macs too many chances. I am completely sold on these new devices, they have never crashed 1 time, they are dead silent, best display in the game, and are perfect for what I do as a music producer, and they are honestly just fricking sexy! I stand by these machines and will continue too for the fact that they are the definition of what a great product should be.
Music producer...well you and me both know you're using the right tool for the job. But for the majority of people, honestly they can get by on a cheap Windows machine or an iPad.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2019
Well I pulled the trigger.

I usually prefer to obsess over stuff like this for longer periods but I noticed that had the base 16" Pro in stock and available for pickup - something that i was not expecting. I didn't want to dilly dally and I'm kind of thinking its an inventory glitch in their system. I'm prepared to be disappointed when I arrive later this morning but I'll enjoy the excitement.
View attachment 2001920

I'll be looking for some guidance once I have it in hand but that will be in a new thread.

Let me say that I'm so appreciative of the patience and helpful nature of all of the members here, not just the people who actively promoted the idea of getting a Mac but those that offered their opinion on not getting one. I valued all of the input and everyone helped me craft a decision on what's best for me.
Keep in mind that apple usually stocks a couple versions of each model in the stores. Usually it’s the base model and a higher-specced version. I usually find them by trial and error late at night. If you end up needing a system with more ram or storage, you may be able to find one, just keep in mind that the options for store pickup are limited: you may end up having to get more than you hoped to pay for. Enjoy your new machine!
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Aug 1, 2010
see that's where my story gets funny. Im not kidding when I say this.. I have literally bought and took back at LEAST 5 previous laptops for many reasons. they always seem to have issues, (fan noise, blue screen, audio driver, display,) and every one I got just.. over sucked. I remember I bought the Envy (which is was about $2500. and the fans where just stupidly loud, the keyboard dimmed after 5 seconds and there wasn't an option to make it stay on (unlike the MacBook) plus it had numerous audio driver issues. I mean I could go on and on. Im not ranting and raving about my M1 16 inch MacBook Pro for no reason, I have tried relentlessly to give PC's and (believe it or not) intel Macs too many chances. I am completely sold on these new devices, they have never crashed 1 time, they are dead silent, best display in the game, and are perfect for what I do as a music producer, and they are honestly just fricking sexy! I stand by these machines and will continue too for the fact that they are the definition of what a great product should be.
Exact attitude I have always had about laptops--they always felt like a compromise until recently.


macrumors newbie
May 5, 2022
Well I pulled the trigger.

I usually prefer to obsess over stuff like this for longer periods but I noticed that had the base 16" Pro in stock and available for pickup - something that i was not expecting. I didn't want to dilly dally and I'm kind of thinking its an inventory glitch in their system. I'm prepared to be disappointed when I arrive later this morning but I'll enjoy the excitement.
View attachment 2001920

I'll be looking for some guidance once I have it in hand but that will be in a new thread.

Let me say that I'm so appreciative of the patience and helpful nature of all of the members here, not just the people who actively promoted the idea of getting a Mac but those that offered their opinion on not getting one. I valued all of the input and everyone helped me craft a decision on what's best for me.
my man ! you are going to love it !! :)
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Aug 1, 2010
Well I pulled the trigger.

I usually prefer to obsess over stuff like this for longer periods but I noticed that had the base 16" Pro in stock and available for pickup - something that i was not expecting. I didn't want to dilly dally and I'm kind of thinking its an inventory glitch in their system. I'm prepared to be disappointed when I arrive later this morning but I'll enjoy the excitement.
View attachment 2001920

I'll be looking for some guidance once I have it in hand but that will be in a new thread.

Let me say that I'm so appreciative of the patience and helpful nature of all of the members here, not just the people who actively promoted the idea of getting a Mac but those that offered their opinion on not getting one. I valued all of the input and everyone helped me craft a decision on what's best for me.
You are in for a treat. You’re going to love this machine.
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Feb 7, 2012
Well I pulled the trigger.
Congratulations! I hope you find a Mac works in your situation, and trust you'd enjoy the experience. Good call to pick one up immediately - that's how I got my current machine back in October last year - they were hardly in stock since.
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