I highly doubt it too but this isn't the first time I'm hearing this...I've heard of people being told a store or some stores actually have a few here and there but you have to ask. Just seeing if anyone else has heard similar.
If my happy hour cancels, I'll stop by one of the Apple stores on my way home
I may go during my lunch break if I have the chance...doesn't hurt to ask, I guess. lol.
That 14 day exchange window has dwindled to 7 days now, LOL. If only Apple would make an exception since jet blacks aren't in stock...I don't even know why I want it, I would scratch the sh*t outta that phone. It's beautiful tho
I want it for the grip
I'd have a case on it anyway lol so I guess that defeats the purpose of having a JB phone. I'd still scratch the crap out of it cause I wipe my phone with my shirt a lot.
Oh well, I'm only going to have this phone for a year anyway until the next one. That lust to have the hottest phone out is real, tho lol.
I just got back from the Apple Store here in Columbus, Ohio. I spoke to the manager and asked if 7+ JB's are available for walk-ins. He said no and they haven't received any other than the pre-orders from launch day. He had no further info. Possibly some of the larger metro areas you might have a chance of walking in and finding one but based on my experience, I highly doubt it.
Exactly what I planned on doing. I knew the chance of this happening was next to zero but I at least had to try for myself.It's a slim-to-none chance...if you find one, play the lotto. LOL. Just thought it was interesting that istocknow made it a point to tweet that.