I had a ****** proto-"smart"phone, whose name I have expunged from my memory. It had aggressive haptic feedback, but the standout feature was built-in satnav, which was comically bad. I had to ask a random passerby for directions. Oh, the indignity!
I was looking for a railway station in Edinburgh. The first result was the Edinburgh Road filling station, in London - 400 miles away. I kept trying, until I realised railway stations were not in its database. I managed to find the Station Hotel, which I reasoned had to be near the station, but I couldn't see it.
Recounting this sorry saga to my smug friend with his 3GS, I grabbed it, opened the maps app, and tried the same thing - it found the correct result instantly. Not long after, I bought my own 3GS. About three weeks before the 4 was launched... I then bought a 4S, and every one after until the 7. I now have a Samsung Galaxy S9.