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What is your style of texting?

  • Cradle phone in both hands, text with both thumbs

    Votes: 159 65.4%
  • Cradle phone in one hand, text with thumb (same hand)

    Votes: 44 18.1%
  • Cradle phone in one hand, text with one finger using other hand

    Votes: 32 13.2%
  • Other: describe below..

    Votes: 8 3.3%

  • Total voters
Cradle in both hands, upright, both thumbs.

Landscape takes too long for me. My thumbs have to go further to each key and the autocorrect doesn't do it's job of making all my errors correct.
Cradle in left hand. Use my left thumb and index finger on right hand. Type pretty fast too.

Me too, can't do the two thumb method, too many errors.

Me too. Don't know too many people who use this method. I find it much easier acne i can type fast. It is strange though because on my blackberry I type perfectly fine with two thumbs.... I think it has something to do with me and touch screen typing. Did the same on a Nexus One.
I find it easier to use landscape mode in both hands. but its always remembering to change it that way cos normal i just wanna send a quick text
I hold the phone in my right hand, using my 3 fingers. hold it in place with my pinky, and type with my thumb. with my left hand i use my thumb to type and rest my index finger on the top left of the phone with the rest of my fingers behind the fingers on my right hand :p
I cradle it in both hands and use both thumbs regardless of portrait or landscape. I actually like texting in portrait more because it's more narrow and I can read more of the conversation above
Cradle the phone in my left hand, and type with my right index finger.

I saw a lady on the subway the other day holding her iPhone in both hands using her thumbs and she was flying. I never saw anyone type so fast with their thumbs.
Depends on the situation I'm in (how many hands free do I have), but I will always prefer the two-thumb approach. The qwerty layout translates well from full two handed typing so I can almost touch type now.
Chicken peck style. Type with one finger, hold phone in other. Remarkably, I do this faster than you'd think! :)
I use a voice2text app then copy, paste the text and send it < lazy :D

I do it cause its faster :D but I love textin tho!
So you don't use texting, e-mail, Google, or any other program that uses the keyboard? Seems like a waste to have an iPhone if you don't use anything that requires typing.

I have another touchphone. I only surf with it when absolutely necessary. I read emails, but I don't write them.
I've done all of them, depending on the situation. My main go to is two thumbs in portrait mode. For some reason, that horizontal keyboard sucks for me.
One hand. One thumb. When the iPhone first came out I bitched that the landscape keyboard wasn't available in the text app. But it forced me to get good in portrait. Now that I can text in landscape I hardly ever do it.
Hold it with both hands and use both thumbs, but sometimes I will hold it with my left hand (not like that as Steve says) and use my right index finger.
Wirelessly posted (htc EVO 4G: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; Sprint APA9292KT Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

For short messages, I use the index finger of my right hand while holding the phone on my left. For longer stuff, landscape with both thumbs.
Put phone on flat surface (eg floor).
Prod with foot.

This usually takes quite a while and the results are a bit unpredictable. Maybe I should adopt a new style.
I do the thumb (left hand) and index finger (right hand) thing as well. Two thumbs doesn't feel all that intuitive to me, and I never type in landscape mode unless I absolutely have to because of an app. Just not as comfortable I guess.
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