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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Messaging app WhatsApp Messenger has been updated with an iOS 7 inspired redesign, bringing one of the more popular apps in the App Store in line with Apple's new "flat" design sense. In addition, the app has also been updated with Broadcast Lists, an improved interface for managing blocked contacts and more.

What's New in Version 2.11.5
- new iOS 7 User Interface
- broadcast lists: communicate with your classmates, work colleagues or just friends by messaging many people at once.
- improved share location: 3D map view, hide places, search places
- large thumbs: see more
- new notification alerts and sounds: WhatsApp Settings > Notifications > New Message.
- application will now use your device text size as configured in iOS Settings > General > Text Size
- new improved User Interface for managing your blocked contacts: WhatsApp Settings > Chat Settings > Blocked
- crop image before sending
Broadcast Lists allow users to set and save groups of people they wish to blind carbon copy messages to. Previously, users had to select recipients each time they wished to broadcast a message rather than broadcasting to already defined groups of people such as "Work" or "Schoolmates."

WhatsApp Messenger is available for free on the App Store. [Direct Link]

Article Link: Popular Messaging App 'WhatsApp' Updated With iOS 7 Redesign
you can choose between more alert tones, but not your custom made ones!..
and the update took how long? felt like a year!
Does this update fix the problem where chats does not re-sort by time of last message after deleting messages from chat threads?
I am so thankful this has finally happened. Was so sick of the iOS6 Keyboard!
Now my Android friends will hear back from me sooner rather than later!

Yes, I'm one of those guys.
For a company that took forever to update its app for the iPhone 5's 4-inch screen, I'll speak for everyone here when I say ":)".

If only I didn't use iMessage so much.

WhatsApp does seem to be the only true cross-platform messaging app of the smartphone age, and (security-issues aside) the folks behind it seem to have good intentions. I've always been a fan.
For a company that took forever to update its app for the iPhone 5's 4-inch screen, I'll speak for everyone here when I say ":)".

If only I didn't use iMessage instead.

When it was not so popular the updates were much more frequent.
WhatsApp does seem to be the only true cross-platform messaging app of the smartphone age, and (security-issues aside) the folks behind it seem to have good intentions. I've always been a fan.

What about Viber, Line, WeChat or, now, BBM? Plenty of alternatives. If the network effect wasn't so strong, I would gladly use something else than Whatsapp.

I don't understand why I still can't use my own message tones for other apps than just iMessage. Whatsapp as usual sticks to a couple of default ones and I am so tired of those. Is there an API limitation of some kind?
...another bright white app I can use as a torch. I've noticed a few apps getting night themes since ios 7. I hope apple take note.
WhatsApp does seem to be the only true cross-platform messaging app of the smartphone age

Must be some funny definition of "cross platform" you have there. Whatsapp doesn't install on an ipad or iPod touch. Google Hangouts works on ios (any device), Android, your Windows pc, Mac OS.

And best reason to use Hangouts: built in a animated gif support. Missing support for videos and map-location-sharing, though.
...another bright white app I can use as a torch. I've noticed a few apps getting night themes since ios 7. I hope apple take note.

at least Tweetbot went back to the correct way and developed a dark theme for users in the latest update.
Is there a way to turn off your availability in Hangouts? Once you sign up for it, it always shows your status across the Google spectrum. No thanks.

Must be some funny definition of "cross platform" you have there. Whatsapp doesn't install on an ipad or iPod touch. Google Hangouts works on ios (any device), Android, your Windows pc, Mac OS.

And best reason to use Hangouts: built in a animated gif support. Missing support for videos and map-location-sharing, though.
well im not going to update now.
I must admit I get a chuckle out of all the haters. Nobody cares if you update or not, and rest assured Apple isn't listening to your complaining either- they are too busy carting all their truckloads of money to the bank that they made from their smash hit of iOS 7 + iPhone 5S.

The vast majority of people get the OS and apps that they wanted, and the haters get a daily dose of the hate they so crave each day they see the update badge go a little bit higher. What's not to like?
Haven't been using my phone much for anything since I smashed my screen a couple months back. But I must say, these iOS apps are getting pretty ugly with this flat look. Flat is one thing, but where the hell is the color? I can do flat, but if everything is white and gray? That's like a zombie. Mr. Forstall must be rolling on the floor in agony.
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