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Original poster
Mar 2, 2015
I have learned that you can no longer buy an iPhone in the Apple Store and sign a new two-year contract (only NEXT is allowed). Is anyone else upset that they will not be able to go to the Apple Store on launch day to get an iPhone 6s because they don't want to get ripped off on an AT&T next plan?

Please share any and all thoughts.
As an AT&T customer its pretty annoying since AT&T (both physical stores and online) gets a lot less stock on launch day than Apple gives itself and its stores. I don't like having to wait a month, hell even a week or two, to upgrade due to lack of stock at AT&T since that means all my future upgrade eligibility dates are pushed back that amount of time as well.

Not to mention the fact that AT&T charges a $35 restocking fee AND just raised the upgrade fee to $45 :mad:

But hey, what else would you expect from AT&T? Their job first and foremost is to make as much $$$ as they possibly can, and so pushing customers to buy iPhones through AT&T stores (when they themselves get a discount on iPhones through Apple) is just another way to pad their profit margins with the added benefit of potentially getting some contract customers to switch to NEXT.
I might buy one for use on AT&T, but I refuse to get ripped off by signing a contract so I'll stick with my unlocked phone and prepaid plan.
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That sucks. I didn't think they'd have any issue with bringing in an outside phone under new 2-year contracts. I was planning to buy an unlocked 6s from Apple and use that under my current AT&T contract.
You could always pre-order them through AT&T website or camp out at the AT&T locations and hope for the best that you are first in line.
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I don't have an Apple store anywhere near me. I did that stand in line thing once, and that was more than enough. I'm very happy to order online, and it doesn't matter to me that it extends a contract or not. I'd already planned on going with NEXT this round, unless Apple offers unlocked from the start.
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I don't have an Apple store anywhere near me. I did that stand in line thing once, and that was more than enough. I'm very happy to order online, and it doesn't matter to me that it extends a contract or not. I'd already planned on going with NEXT this round, unless Apple offers unlocked from the start.

I forgot which model it was - either T-Mobile or Verizon - but one of the carriers offered through Apple's website is usually unlocked and works across most major carriers.
I have learned that you can no longer buy an iPhone in the Apple Store and sign a new two-year contract (only NEXT is allowed). Is anyone else upset that they will not be able to go to the Apple Store on launch day to get an iPhone 6s because they don't want to get ripped off on an AT&T next plan?

Please share any and all thoughts.

What am I missing here. We have two phones on NEXT already. It is cheaper than the contract way. Help me understand the "ripped off" part.
Glad I saw this thread. I have a question and I hope it fits. I am on Next and plan on upgrading my 6 to a 6S +. I am going to keep my phone and not return it. I know I have to pay the difference. How does this work when I go to order my new phone? Can I still order through or do I now have to order through AT&T? Do I have to pay my difference there or how does all this work?
I will just order via the Internet from Apple and switch out SIM cards like I normally do. NO contract for me and I stay on my unlimited plan!

They'll (AT&T) still charge like $50 to activate a new phone though right?
If then>>yes. Definitely something to think about. But is it any easier to buy an off contract full price iPhone from VZW than AT&T? The price is not the point.

At launch it's usually pretty easy to buy off-contract phones at full price from Apple's website, assuming you can stay up or wake up early enough for them to go on sale.
I'm not sure what the terms of this article is, but will it affect those of us who are planning to buy a 6s at full price and using it on our current plan?

ATT is just increasing it's fee to activate a new phone. ATT does NOT charge this fee if you get your own phone and use the SIM card from your existing phone. This increased cost is for new customers or customers who choose to do the NEXT thing.
ATT is just increasing it's fee to activate a new phone. ATT does NOT charge this fee if you get your own phone and use the SIM card from your existing phone. This increased cost is for new customers or customers who choose to do the NEXT thing.

Thanks for clearing that up for me!
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So, if you go this route you don't pay the $45 upgrade fee? AT&T will let you buy a full-price phone on launch date?

If you go to ATT you will pay an upgrade fee, period.

If you order through APPLE and order an AT&T phone at full price, you simply replace the SIM card with the one you are using now and ATT is not involved and can not charge you any fee.
I have an AT&T iPhone 5, different size SIM, how do I upgrade to the full price unlocked 6s from apple. They will have to transfer my phone number and I pay AT&T even more money?
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