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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 6, 2001
I was browsing today, reading up on Siggraph 2003 and came across this snippet aparently taken from Maccentral, though I cannot find where exactly:

I'll give you guys the **BIG NEWS** that was announced yesterday at Apple's Shake Users' Event in San Diego.

First, Pixar announced that they're bringing prMan over to OS X and will have a beta sometime in August or September.

Second, Pixar announced that they'll be migrating over to... guess what... the Mac!

They based their decision on issues such as performance, code portability, X11 integration, development culture, vender dedication to the fim industry, app availability, audio/video friendlyness and capabilities.

In 1980 Pixar made its first short on a Vax running VMS. Then in the mid '80s they migrated over to Sun workstations running Solaris. In the late '80s - '90s they were running entirely SGI Irix workstations, and in 2000 they moved over to Intels running Linux. An NT migration would've meant exiting the Unix market. But apparantly they were also having issues with Linux such as universal cut & paste, issues synching sound with picture, I think he said color management and other problems. He (a Pixar VP) said that while none of the issues were show stoppers or significant on their own, and they could all be dealt with or worked around, taken as a whole they presented real problems for the company.

Moving to OS X let's them essentially recompile the core functionality of their entire code base without even bothering with higher level UI development. Once they're settled in, then they could port the UI from X to Aqua.

During his slide show, the Pixar VP of something was about to present a list of why they'll be switiching to the Mac. But RIGHT at that time Keynote crashed out, drawing sarcastic applause from the audience. The timing just couldn't be worse. I think it may have been some kind of data corruption in one of the elements in the frame that crashed Keynote if you went BACK to the page from the next page. So from then on the presenters made sure not to go BACK to that particular frame.

Then a Hollywood-based motion design studio called Yu+Co showed their reel and the type of work they do on Shake. Their projects included The Hulk, Italian Job, X-Men2, and many others.

Then another company whose name I don't remember showed some shots of the sequel to Starship Troopers. This particular demonstration of Shake's expansion capabilities was quite impressive. They exported footage from Maya maintaining all the "DOD" data (if anyone knows what this is, let me know... a buncha visual fx artists from work had no idea today) when they used in Shake to create 3D ambient & spot lights. The guy, who had previously used Shake only on a dual AMD box, created a light which he could position anywhere in the scene, including in front, behind, or within the insect. The light behaved just as it would in a 3D environment! He had control over its color temperature, spread, intensity, diffussness, etc... it was quite impressive. He even made a little comment "I've only used this on my dual AMD, this is the first time I've used Shake on a Mac and it's quick [as he's moving the light around the insect]. Yes, my box doesn't do it nearly this fast."

Plus a nice RenderMan OSX screenshot:

All sounding pretty sweet if you ask me!


macrumors 68040
Oct 24, 2002
The West Loop

Well it only makes sense.

I wonder if they have a preorder on a batch of G5 xServe Nodes on the books as well.

Though I think those Dell nodes they have will last them a while longer.


macrumors 65816
Jul 11, 2003
NYC, or thereabouts
This could be a huge coup for Apple and I think that it bodes well for the performance of the G5 -- regardless of any benchmark argument that people may want to get into.

Regardless of how those bar charts look, Pixar won't switch to G5 unless the performance advantage is real -- and they'll get others thinking about the switch.


macrumors 6502
May 4, 2001
Montgomery, AL USA
If they moved to OSX it would only be for workstations. XServes for RenderFarms would be way to expensive, especially after they bought all those intel blades.

Oh no, OSX on Intel Rumors again :|

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Give them some time - in a few years they'll be updating their renderfarm and who knows what they'll use then.

Anyway - this is good news and further anchors the Apple as a high end machine - something they've needed for a long time....



Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
Does anyone know what the Renderman logo looks like? I've seen an icon that I think was Renderman in a screenshot somewhere, sitting in the dock. I just don't want to embarrass myself by describing the icon to a completely different app!

Edit: I just looked at Renderman on Pixar's site, and I've definitely seen that logo sitting in a dock. It was yellow, and I think it was slightly 3D.

Another Edit: I just looked at the screenshot linked above (didn't see if before) and I don't see a yellow Renderman there. Maybe I'm just imagining I ever saw one :eek:

Longey Nowze

macrumors regular
Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by Nermal
Does anyone know what the Renderman logo looks like? I've seen an icon that I think was Renderman in a screenshot somewhere, sitting in the dock. I just don't want to embarrass myself by describing the icon to a completely different app!

Edit: I just looked at Renderman on Pixar's site, and I've definitely seen that logo sitting in a dock. It was yellow, and I think it was slightly 3D.

Another Edit: I just looked at the screenshot linked above (didn't see if before) and I don't see a yellow Renderman there. Maybe I'm just imagining I ever saw one :eek:

lol my kitty is called nermal lol

anyway there's a video that they showed when they released the G5 and there was a guy from Pixar talking about how fast the G5 the icon was there I suppose? I'm to lazy to check



macrumors regular
Feb 24, 2003
Great news overall, and long overdue... Because of the Unix BSD base, there's no reason they shouldn't be using Macs for this kind of stuff... It already dominates the top end professional digital recording market (ProTools)...

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by jadariv
There's going to be a sequel to Starship Troopers?


Oh please let that not be true - that movie was total crap.

The FX were ok, but the story was crap, along with the acting.....blah



macrumors 68000
Jan 5, 2003
This is good news for Apple and Pixar. I remember watching 60 Minutes a couple months ago, and Pixar was featured, and I saw Dell machines in the background.


macrumors demi-god
Jul 24, 2002
South Orange, NJ
Originally posted by idea_hamster
This could be a huge coup for Apple and I think that it bodes well for the performance of the G5 -- regardless of any benchmark argument that people may want to get into.

Regardless of how those bar charts look, Pixar won't switch to G5 unless the performance advantage is real -- and they'll get others thinking about the switch.

Yeah, I agree. I think the biggest point is that that Mac has all the speed (and then some) AND it has all the gui goodness. NO other platform has both.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Los Angeles, Ca
Originally posted by GPTurismo
If they moved to OSX it would only be for workstations. XServes for RenderFarms would be way to expensive, especially after they bought all those intel blades.

Oh no, OSX on Intel Rumors again :|
It couldn't be *that* expensive. I'm sure Pixar would get a price discount. I mean, I hear the CEO of Pixar and the CEO of Apple are good friends. :D ;)

Powerbook G5

macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
St Augustine, FL
I am pretty sure you saw that Renderman icon from the G5 promotional video shown both at the WWDC keynote and on the PowerMac G5 page, when you decribed it, it just brought that back to memory.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 6, 2001
Originally posted by Mr. Anderson
Oh please let that not be true - that movie was total crap.

The FX were ok, but the story was crap, along with the acting.....blah


I think it was supposed to be that was. Believe it or not the director (slipped my mind) has a history of doing films where there is cheesy acting. He is kinda anti-people and always likes to satire that. I thought the movie was good, if you look at through the eyes of someone who sees people as destructive and good for nothing.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by agreenster
I think it was supposed to be that was. Believe it or not the director (slipped my mind) has a history of doing films where there is cheesy acting. He is kinda anti-people and always likes to satire that. I thought the movie was good, if you look at through the eyes of someone who sees people as destructive and good for nothing.

Well, for me what did it *was* the battle scenes.

Come on, no artillery, no air support - just man vs. giant bug. Blah, stupid....

Sorry for the rant, but it had such potential......



macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2003
In Iraq now
Pixar & Apple

So, basically, those rumors of High End workstations could be true, and if so, I know who their first customer will be. Pixar.

Apple can start marketing and producing products for people like Pixar, and start targeting that market. Yes! Finally! Replace SGI!

LOL I used to play on a VMS system on VAX. Taught LISP how to do Algebra. What a pain.

BTW, Starship Troopers, the movie, will be pretty much lost on anyone who hasn't read the book by Robert Heinlein. And yes, the movie *was* supposed to be like that. Sure they trimmed it up and toned it down a little, but if they hadn't, the movie would have been R or worse...

I'm sure most Heinlein fans enjoyed the movie, except those who feel the movies should be just like the books, and I don't see that as realistic.

But for those who never read Heinlein, he was as much a Social Philosopher as a scifi writer. The movie was supposed to sound like one big ad for the military. He's painting a picture of how different society and the miltary might be if you had to serve to become a citizen. Historically, this has been done many places.

And in this movie, it demonstrates how non-civilians honor the committment and dedication of the civilians, especially since they're fighting a losing battle against the superior bug race...

But that is all history. Can't wait to see the next one.

Can't wait to get my hands on a G5 either.



macrumors 68040
Oct 24, 2002
The West Loop
-Anyway, to get back on topic.

I sense two good things from the Pixar switch (did we really think they wouldn't switch eventually?).

1. Validation. Pixar is riding high in the minds of young and old. What an advertisement "This movie made with Macintosh".

2. Some of the highest-end testors and user group to the man himself. I'm sure we'd all like to have Steve's ear to whisper sweet upgrade user request nothings into, but I think these guys won't mince words, and thereby be great advocates as well.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by patrick0brien
-Anyway, to get back on topic.

1. Validation. Pixar is riding high in the minds of young and old. What an advertisement "This movie made with Macintosh".

Sorry about that - I really loath the movie. ;)

But like you said - seeing 'Made on a Mac' at the end of a Pixar movie would be a coup.....we'll have to wait a while for that, though.



Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
Originally posted by Longey Nowze
lol my kitty is called nermal lol

anyway there's a video that they showed when they released the G5 and there was a guy from Pixar talking about how fast the G5 the icon was there I suppose? I'm to lazy to check


Yes! That's where I saw it. Good to know I wasn't dreaming it all up :rolleyes:

cc bcc

macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2001
his particular demonstration of Shake's expansion capabilities was quite impressive. They exported footage from Maya maintaining all the "DOD" data (if anyone knows what this is, let me know... a buncha visual fx artists from work had no idea today) when they used in Shake to create 3D ambient & spot lights.

I think "DOD" should read "DOF", which is Depth Of Field, also called depth channel. It is a standard type of image containing depth info in black&white, white being close and fading to black further away. This in itself is not spectacular, most 3D apps and compositing apps can handle this data to make fog, or used for depth of field blurring/defocusing.
But what he is doing with it is amazing!

(I could be wrong about DOD actually being DOF, but depth images could perhaps be used for such fx in conjuction with other data about specular maps etc.)

cc bcc

macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by agreenster
I think it was supposed to be that was. Believe it or not the director (slipped my mind) has a history of doing films where there is cheesy acting. He is kinda anti-people and always likes to satire that. I thought the movie was good, if you look at through the eyes of someone who sees people as destructive and good for nothing.

It was Paul Verhoeven, dutch guy. I like him a lot, and he's done some great movies: Starship Troopers, Hollow Man, Showgirls, Basic Instinct, Total Recall, RoboCop, Flesh + Blood.
Turks Fruit (Turkish Delight) a dutch spoken movie was true genious.
He doesn't hate people, but he's very critical about society, and starship troopers is all about that, and I thought it was great although many people I know think it sucked.. Ah well.
And then Robocop, modern Jezus, he even walks on water after his resurrection. All his movies have a couple of layers, different meanings.


macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2003
First off, DOD is Domain of Depth, it is similar to Depth of Field, but contains even more information if I remember correctly.

Also, if you think about it, you can see the logic. apple has developed a new video encoder that allows you to display full frame images on a desktop workstation in real time? Hunh, what could that be useful for? Would it be a good way for animators to preview the work while creating it?

Apple has the creative market by the balls, and no one really understands how. Adobe is pissed off, Microsoft is ignorant of the market, I think Apple is coming up with a pretty good plan on how to take control of more of the market, and how to do it in very key places.

All the cool people will be using them, so who cares about everyone else? ;)
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