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Camarillo Brillo

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 6, 2019
I'm very close to buying an SE2, but I read that there's a possibility of Touch ID on the iPhone 12 which makes me reconsider. I'd like to have the newest and best camera and Touch ID together on my next iPhone. But if the iPhone 12 doesn't have Touch ID I'd probably just get the SE2 and stick to the same form factor for a few more years, because I just like Touch ID.

Should I wait for the iPhone 12 to come out before making a decision?
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macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2013
I think the probability is Zero.

I also prefer Touch ID. I especially hate Face ID on my iPad pro, though I would probably tolerate it on my phone (currently I have an old SE), however I can see the advantages of not having to house a fingerprint sensor on the front.

Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
It seems highly doubtful. I’m surprised they put it in the SE2, but if anything it helps them differentiate the more expensive phones. And they want to maximize the screen to size ratio.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2015
Zero chance with the iPhone 12 range, but the 2021 iPhones are rumoured to have a form of Touch ID probably in the pro variants. If you really want to stick with Touch ID then the SE is the newest iPhone with it available right now.
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macrumors 603
Dec 11, 2007
I'm very close to buying an SE2, but I read that there's a possibility of Touch ID on the iPhone 12 which makes me reconsider. I'd like to have the newest and best camera and Touch ID together on my next iPhone. But if the iPhone 12 doesn't have Touch ID I'd probably just get the SE2 and stick to the same form factor for a few more years, because I just like Touch ID.

Should I wait for the iPhone 12 to come out before making a decision?
Extremely unlikely. All rumors have said it will come in 2021 to one model only potentially. Nothing for 2020.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2011
Never say never ??‍♂️
My Probability Estimate: 1% chance iPhone 12 will have a Touch ID version.

On iPad, Touch ID certainly seems to be a big differentiator between a Pro model and a non-Pro model. It’s seems logical to believe Apple could use the same approach on iPhone.

I don’t believe that’s the plan with iPhone. The 2020 SE is likely to be the last iPhone with Touch ID as it exists today. Apple is dedicated to Face ID.

The 5.4” iPhone 12 would be a problem with the bezels needed for Touch ID and it doesn’t make much sense to me to have any of the larger phones use Touch ID as it would make them appear less Premium.


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
It's coming to iPhone, but probably not until 2021 as predicted by several analysts.

There are obvious health tracking benefits with an ultrasonic fingerprint reader. Plus, the higher resolution of ultrasonic scanners and the ability to scan beneath the skin means it's potentially more secure than Face ID. So it's a natural fit for the iPhone.

Camarillo Brillo

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 6, 2019
Thanks all

Not interested in an SE+, way too big for me

Still not sure if I should wait for 12 as I’m really interested in having a top of the line iPhone camera. But the notch and Face ID I’m not a big fan of. I figure I could deal with the notch if I could still unlock using a fingerprint.

I also feel like we’re getting closer to the day Apple finally ditches the notch on Face ID phones. I kinda want to wait for that to happen before I give up Touch ID, if it’s not coming back.

In screen Touch ID would be awesome though.


macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2020
This would be a perfect time for TouchID to make a comeback, since we are all (hopefully) wearing masks now. But that doesn’t mean it will happen.
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macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
Probably in 2021 not this year unfortunately. Having underscreen Touch ID would be a big help during the Mask wearing
Keep writing Tim Cook let him know what you want


Jul 12, 2016
Probably in 2021 not this year unfortunately. Having underscreen Touch ID would be a big help during the Mask wearing
Keep writing Tim Cook let him know what you want

Just an FYI, it’s not Tim Cook that needs convincing, it’s from the investor standpoint that need convincing. They are the ones that are funding the money to actually make it happen. Even if Tim Cook believes that touch ID under the display could happened, it’s all about the investor note at the end of the day.

But to the point, I do think touch ID on a display will coincide with Face ID at some point. Not necessarily just due to the pandemic, but there’s no reason both forms of biometric security can’t coexist with each other.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
This would be a perfect time for TouchID to make a comeback, since we are all (hopefully) wearing masks now. But that doesn’t mean it will happen.
Probably in 2021 not this year unfortunately. Having underscreen Touch ID would be a big help during the Mask wearing
Keep writing Tim Cook let him know what you want
If anything this pandemic has shown us (at least me) that both forms of biometric identification are useful. I believe there might be some form of touch id under glass provided it is an Apple like implementation. Just slapping touch id anywhere on the phone and see what sticks is not anything Apple does.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2015
I just watched Marques brownlee‘s new video on you tube, and the dummy unit he has of the iPhone 12 pro max, has an unknown mysterious button on the lower half of the unit. Could this be a Touch ID sensor? very interesting....



macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2011
Yeah, assuming they did that. I don't see why they would, but I'm sure someone here has a clear reason as to why.

I would like to configure my login security using mutli factor. I can imagine other preferences for what security is used. Each validates having both FaceID and TouchID on the device.

Scenario 1
If it fails - TouchID
If it fails - Passcode

Scenario 2
If it fails - Passcode

Scenario 3
If it fails - Passcode

Scenario 4
FaceID + TouchID
If either fail - Passcode

Scenario 5
Passcode (no face or Touch ID)

Maybe other settings depending on what someone needs/wants.
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