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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
I have Fantastical 2 for all my devices and I love it. But I have huge problems with Fantastical's natural language recognition on my iPhone. Almost every day I have to fight with it.

Is there a way to deactivate natural language recognition for event titles?

I've listed below some of the problems I have.

- RedTomato
  • Fantastical removes event times from event . Eg I type "Meet Bob at 2.30", the words "at 2.30" are removed. I want to keep them in the event header so I can scan a quick list of event titles and times. Fantastical should never REMOVE words I have typed.

  • "Meet manager in evening" Fantastical removes "evening" and sets the meet time to 5pm - but this is wrong, because we have not yet set a time to meet.
  • Same for "meet manager in morning". Fantastical removes 'morning' and sets the meet time to 8am - but this is wrong because we have not set a time to meet.
  • Pick a date, type "Partner home late tonight". Fantastical removes the word 'tonight' and moves the event to today's date. This is wrong.
  • Select Wednesday, schedule event "Discuss preparations for Friday meeting". Fantastical removes "for Friday meeting" from the title and moves the event to Friday. This is wrong.
  • Same for meetings in venues named after months or days of the week. Eg 'Cafe May' or 'Friday Fun Bar'. Fantastical removes the name of the venue and sets the event for the wrong date.
  • Select Tuesday and type "Away until Wednesday" or any combination of days. Fantastical moves the event to the wrong day (e.g. Wednesday). This should not happen.
  • Same for any project that contains a day of the week or a month name in the title. Putting the name of the project in the event title results in Fantastical moving the event to the incorrect date.
  • I have two colleagues called April and May. Any time I enter an event or reminder e.g. 'Ring May for update on project X', Fantastical moves the event to the month of May or April. This is a constant pain in the neck.
FYI the UK Prime Minister is called Teresa May. Fantastical on iOS cannot deal with her name when quickly adding events.
  • Imagine if my partner or my daughter was called April or June or May. Using their names for any event linked to them will result in Fantastical automatically moving the event to the wrong date.

  • Accounts / year dates: Pick a day, type "Deadline for 2018 accounts submission". Fantastical removes "for 2018 accounts submission" (removes all words after the year). Event title becomes just "Deadline". This is wrong.
  • Same for future years. Pick a date next week, type "Meet to outline work schedule for next year", the event is moved to 2020. This is wrong.
  • Same for action points or data that resembles a date. Pick a date, type "Complete action point 7.20". Fantastical removes '7.20' and moves the event to 20th July. This should not happen.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
I raised this with Fantastical's support team & got the following reply, which I have copied here to help others with the same problem:


Natural language processing is the most important feature of Fantastical, and thus there is no way to disable it permanently. However, did you know that you can use quotation marks to cancel out part of your entry that you don't want to be parsed? Does this help? For example, you could enter the following:

"Call May to go skiing on Nov 3" 8/2 11am

This sentence inputted would create an event on 8/2 at 11am with the title "Call May to go skiing on Nov 3".

Hope that helps!

Best wishes,
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macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2006
Does anyone know how I can hide completed tasks, in the mini window?
I tried everything, but they are there, even shaded.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2005
for those of you that use fantastical - do you remove the apple calendar any only use fantastical for all your needs?


macrumors 6502
Jan 28, 2006
for those of you that use fantastical - do you remove the apple calendar any only use fantastical for all your needs?

I have kept Apple's Calendar app on my home screen only because its icon is the current date. I think Fantastical can show the date as a badge but I don't prefer that look.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2005
I have kept Apple's Calendar app on my home screen only because its icon is the current date. I think Fantastical can show the date as a badge but I don't prefer that look.

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