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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 26, 2011
Alex here.

I've just started playing World of WarCraft on my PC via the free trial Blizzard provides. It turns out that I really like the game! I'm currently Level 9 with my character. The game runs great on my Custom PC. 60-70fps on Ultra, 90-120+ on High.

I know that the free trial only allows your character to level-up to 20, and would like to know what I need to purchase to remove the cap.

Do I need to purchase this? (A digital download of the full game)

Or do I need to purchase this? (Game Time code)

I'm confused as to what I need to do to unlock my game for full leveling-up capabilities and non feature-limited gameplay. Please help me out!
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Alex here.

I've just started playing World of WarCraft on my PC via the free trial Blizzard provides. It turns out that I really like the game! I'm currently Level 9 with my character. The game runs great on my Custom PC. 60-70fps on Ultra, 90-120+ on High.

I know that the free trial only allows your character to level-up to 20, and would like to know what I need to purchase to remove the cap.

Do I need to purchase this? (A digital download of the full game)

Or do I need to purchase this? (Game Time code)

I'm confused as to what I need to do to unlock my game for full leveling-up capabilities and non feature-limited gameplay. Please help me out!

Both, although I can't check the first link as it is blocked here where I am at the moment. Mind you there are 2 expansions (Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm) that you may need to buy (and a third one coming in a month) if not included in the full game. Also you will have to keep buying game time (i.e. keep subscribing) for as long as you want to play.
I would like also to note that if you have a friend who is an active subscriber and plays wow, you can use the Recruit-A-Friend program which provides benefits for both of you.

Edit:Instead of buying the digital copy you may find offers for the retail versions of the game and the expansions which may be cheaper than the digital copy.
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Both, although I can't check the first link as it is blocked here where I am at the moment. Mind you there are 2 expansions (Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm) that you may need to buy (and a third one coming in a month) if not included in the full game. Also you will have to keep buying game time (i.e. keep subscribing) for as long as you want to play.
I would like also to note that if you have a friend who is an active subscriber and plays wow, you can use the Recruit-A-Friend program which provides benefits for both of you.

Edit:Instead of buying the digital copy you may find offers for the retail versions of the game and the expansions which may be cheaper than the digital copy.

There are 3 expansion, The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm. The 4th is on its way in September.

When you buy the game it will come with 30 days free game time, no matter if you buy it digitally or from an actual store.

After those 30 days you can use the game time card or you can just pay monthly by direct debit.

If you can buy the world of warcraft battle chest, this is usually about £9.99 and includes the original game and the first expansion, this will give you 30 days of game time and let you level to 70, once you reach level 70 you will want to look in to getting the other expansions.
Both, although I can't check the first link as it is blocked here where I am at the moment. Mind you there are 2 expansions (Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm) that you may need to buy (and a third one coming in a month) if not included in the full game. Also you will have to keep buying game time (i.e. keep subscribing) for as long as you want to play.
I would like also to note that if you have a friend who is an active subscriber and plays wow, you can use the Recruit-A-Friend program which provides benefits for both of you.

Edit:Instead of buying the digital copy you may find offers for the retail versions of the game and the expansions which may be cheaper than the digital copy.

Alright, this is the answer I was looking for. So I need to purchase the game (will get the Battle Chest for $19.99 USD), and then once my free 30 days of gameplay runs out I purchase Game Time. Thanks!

One more question. Do I have to buy all of the expansion packs to get to be able to play Mists of Pandaria when it releases, or can I just buy it once it's out and start playing?
I'm completely aware of what it means. I simply asked a question here because googling didn't help me out at all. Sarcasm isn't necessary.

Thanks for the link.

Miles wasn't being sarcastic and he's been a helpful part of this community for longer than you've been registered. His link also covered your basic needs for an answer, so I'm not sure why you'd insult his help and then thank him.
Alright, this is the answer I was looking for. So I need to purchase the game (will get the Battle Chest for $19.99 USD), and then once my free 30 days of gameplay runs out I purchase Game Time. Thanks!

One more question. Do I have to buy all of the expansion packs to get to be able to play Mists of Pandaria when it releases, or can I just buy it once it's out and start playing?

That sort of depends on what you mean by "play Mists of Pandaria."

Blizzard recently announced they are going to make all races, including the new Pandaren (once MoP releases) available to play in an upcoming patch regardless of which expansions you own. So you will be able to play a Panda and therefore I'd assume you will be able to play that Panda in their new starting area even without MoP, once MoP has released.

However, I would not expect you will be able to create a new character of the new monk class without the MoP expansion. So if you want a Panda Monk, you will need the expansion. You would not actually need Wrath of the Lich King until level 68-70 for that Monk to progress though and then Cataclysm to go from 81 to 85. You could buy those when you actually need them.

So yes, the Battlechest is a good start and you can play a Panda when the expansion launches even without owning it but you won't be able to roll a monk unless you buy the new expansion. You will need The Burning Crusade when your first character hits 58-60 so you can level in Outlands. You will need Wrath of the Lich King when your character hits 68-70 to level in Northrend. You will need Cataclysm when your character hits 80 to level to 85 and then lastly Mists of Pandaria to level to the new cap of 90.

So you can buy what you need in steps as you need it. Fortunately, prices have come down on the older expansions and sometimes they go on sale. You might like to check for deals there when the time comes.

I forgot to mention also that if you do want to play the new monk class, buying just MoP on top of the Battlechest should allow you to do that. I don't think MoP will require you to have the previous expansions but to be sure of that I'd recommend you consult the Blizzard support pages and pose the question there.
There are 3 expansion, The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm. The 4th is on its way in September.

When you buy the game it will come with 30 days free game time, no matter if you buy it digitally or from an actual store.

After those 30 days you can use the game time card or you can just pay monthly by direct debit.

If you can buy the world of warcraft battle chest, this is usually about £9.99 and includes the original game and the first expansion, this will give you 30 days of game time and let you level to 70, once you reach level 70 you will want to look in to getting the other expansions.

Buying the original game includes Burning Crusade license. That's why I did not include it in the list of the expansions alexreich needs to buy.
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Just as a heads up, Blizzard is currently having a sale. Battlechest is $5, Wrath of the Lich King is $5 and Cataclysm is $10 (all on the blizzard online store).
Just as a heads up, Blizzard is currently having a sale. Battlechest is $5, Wrath of the Lich King is $5 and Cataclysm is $10 (all on the blizzard online store).

Thank you for the great info. Saved me quite a bit of money! I bought the Battle Chest, Lich King, and Cataclysm two days ago and I'm currently playing on the free month provided with the Battle Chest.

I've been having a lot of fun with this game. I actually sat down for 5 hours this evening and leveled up 15 times. Haha. Level 15 to Level 30! :D
Thank you for the great info. Saved me quite a bit of money! I bought the Battle Chest, Lich King, and Cataclysm two days ago and I'm currently playing on the free month provided with the Battle Chest.

I've been having a lot of fun with this game. I actually sat down for 5 hours this evening and leveled up 15 times. Haha. Level 15 to Level 30! :D

Happy I could help out :D
Happy I could help out :D

I'm so addicted to this game. Lol. I ranked up 11 times today after playing 2-3hours, so I'm Level 41 now. I really want to get to at least Level 60 within the next week so I can get a different mount and travel a lot faster (it's either the rocket or a bird, I'm not sure). I currently use an elephant as transportation. :D
quit while you still can...

Haha. That's what I've been told. I'm just trying to get to the highest level, and then I'll be done (until more expansions release). I don't really see much point to playing if you're already the highest level possible, unless you create a different type of character and try to get to the highest level with that one.

I'm trying to get to 85 within my free month that was included in the Battle Chest (I'm half way to 85 now) so I won't have to pay for more Game Time, but if I don't get there in time (and I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't) I'll just buy time monthly until I'm Level 85. I've got about 20 days to Level up around 40 times. Haha.

Once Mists of Pandaria hits a sale (say half-off, 25%, etc), I'll buy that and get to Level 90.
Haha. That's what I've been told. I'm just trying to get to the highest level, and then I'll be done (until more expansions release). I don't really see much point to playing if you're already the highest level possible, unless you create a different type of character and try to get to the highest level with that one.

I'm trying to get to 85 within my free month that was included in the Battle Chest (I'm half way to 85 now) so I won't have to pay for more Game Time, but if I don't get there in time (and I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't) I'll just buy time monthly until I'm Level 85. I've got about 20 days to Level up around 40 times. Haha.

Once Mists of Pandaria hits a sale (say half-off, 25%, etc), I'll buy that and get to Level 90.

Don't you know your supposed to repeat end game dungeons repeatedly for better gear? ;)

I've been out of WoW for a couple of years. I'm curious, how many players you running into while leveling? I'm the first to admit that WoW was one of the few special experiences in my gaming life. No other MMORPG has grabbed me like WoW did, but that was the first fantasy based MMO, I had played. I did play Planetside before that, but that is a MMOFPS. :D
Haha. That's what I've been told. I'm just trying to get to the highest level, and then I'll be done (until more expansions release). I don't really see much point to playing if you're already the highest level possible, unless you create a different type of character and try to get to the highest level with that one.

I'm trying to get to 85 within my free month that was included in the Battle Chest (I'm half way to 85 now) so I won't have to pay for more Game Time, but if I don't get there in time (and I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't) I'll just buy time monthly until I'm Level 85. I've got about 20 days to Level up around 40 times. Haha.

Once Mists of Pandaria hits a sale (say half-off, 25%, etc), I'll buy that and get to Level 90.

The game doesn't really start until you hit the level cap. ;)

Once you hit 85 (or 90 in MoP), you can join up with friends to take on some of the really difficult end game dungeons. That really opens the game up big time for some good times.

As was said above... get out while you can! :D
quit while you still can...

Haha--I'm in a bit of a self-induced time-out since I just never had the urge to update my iMac from Leopard--and still don't want to. So I will play again once I splurge on a new Mac. For those who haven't been to WoW in awhile, since they released the latest patch this week, the game no longer runs on anything pre-Snow Leopard.
Haha--I'm in a bit of a self-induced time-out since I just never had the urge to update my iMac from Leopard--and still don't want to. So I will play again once I splurge on a new Mac. For those who haven't been to WoW in awhile, since they released the latest patch this week, the game no longer runs on anything pre-Snow Leopard.

You could play in Windows, if you really wanted to play. :)
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