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macrumors regular
Aug 26, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Cause I just had this happen to me today...

And also I have quadruplicate emails going back to when I opened the iTunes account for that email (not the Russian email account which I have no clue what it is). Hope it's not serious.

Someones been pirating Final Cut Pro X I see ;) ......


macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2010
These are good times for the Security on the Mac. With Lion providing Full ASLR, Sandboxing and FDE, the arrest of this Malware Scammer is just the icing on the cake. Let this be a strong signal against anyone trying to milk money from naive users.

That being said, I´m pretty sure someone will step up and create new malware, but Apple seem to have regained the focus on Security, which is a good thing. It´s not all shiny toys and easy GUI as some critics are claiming, a lot has happened under the hood. And with new Apps using the advanced APIs of Lion, overall security will profit from it as well. Developers just need take use of them, and they will.

Yes, Lion has some issues, but don´t fail to see the potential it bears for the future. It does provide a very stable foundation on which developers can build on.
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macrumors member
Apr 16, 2011
Good going

I am glad that they got the guys that were responsible. Hopefully no one suffered any major problems as a result of the efforts of these virus writers.


Apr 23, 2010
Euhm ... soviet russia doesn't exist anymore ... It has been disbanded like 20 years ago :p. There're few countries more Capitalistic then mother Russia right now.

Um, I think they know that. They were, of course, referring to the immortal comic Yakov Smirnoff, who came to America in the 1980's from the Soviet Union. His catch phrase/joke was "In Soviet Russia...".


In America, you can always find a party.
In Soviet Russia, Party always find you!


macrumors regular
Mar 4, 2006
Albany, NY
Is it too much to hope that everyone found in the raid is put up against a wall and shot?

There's no room in this world for people who go out of the way to defraud others.


macrumors regular
Feb 18, 2006
This is good news. MacDefender got my Dad. He, like many Mac users infected with the malware, is one of those people that clicks "okay" to anything just to get the windows to go away.

Got your Dad? So he's one of those people enters their credit card number and associated details and then clicks okay to get windows to go away?



macrumors 68020
Jul 1, 2009
Who said otherwise? I didn't. Arguing whether it's a trojan or a virus is completely pointless. The differences aren't important to people who just don't want something to be there.
Who are you trying to educate? Your regurgitation of other's ideas isn't helping anyone. The people who care about the differences know the differences.

"regurgitation of other's ideas" == "statements of fact"

you seem to be advocating for the suppression of these facts -- others feel these facts are very relevant to the discussion and are advocating that people understand the difference and use the terms properly. i could ask who you are trying to educate as to the awareness/ignorance/lack-of-interest in the difference by the general population, but the folks on this forum should (in my opinion) know the difference and many seem to misunderstand because of the misuse of the terminology. i understand your position and it is no more valid or less valid than that of those with the opposite position. if folks were to settle on a common term, then "malware" is the one to choose. either way, just stating some facts and an opinion about that since that's what these forums seem to be good for.

Banyan Bruce

macrumors regular
Jun 8, 2009
Devon, UK
Money talks in Russia..

...and clearly Apples billion's helped oil the speedy demise of this criminals. Hope Apple didn't pay too much, as it will only encourage them. Nonetheless, these criminals will no doubt benefit from some free accommodation in Siberia. I hear the weather is is great time of year. :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2003
This is good news but does not really get rid of the risk since the method is being copied and refined by others. The next trojan may be much more subtle and trick a larger percentage of users.

OS X systems can and do get viruses all the time. They are not known to be able to execute code and cause damage yet but can still exist on the system. Many users have unknowingly harbored viruses and transferred them to other systems (such as Windows) where they can become active. They are easily deleted if the user happens to notice them but often they go unnoticed. It can cause problems for the user if they are identified as being the source of transmission. Email and USB drives are the most common ways of infecting others.

Keep your system clean.


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
OS X systems can and do get viruses all the time. They are not known to be able to execute code and cause damage yet but can still exist on the system.
I assume you're referring only to Windows viruses, since there are no Mac OS X viruses. Every Windows user should have their own antivirus running, to protect them from malware from all sources, including files transferred to them from Mac users. It's the responsibility of each user to protect their own system, not to protect everyone else's.
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