When I click on a thread that has multiple pages, it would open that thread to a random page, for example page 9 of the thread instead of page 1. Anyone else experiencing this?
Anyone else experiencing this?
… for example page 9 of the thread instead of …
@Mac7 is that type of randomness sometimes apparent after replying to a multi-page topic?
Maybe relevant: today's screenshot at https://forums.macrumors.com/posts/21443289
Would it be the first unread post?Sometimes with threads that only have 1 page, it'll take me to a random post in that thread instead of the first post
Would it be the first unread post?
Sometimes with threads that only have 1 page, it'll take me to a random post in that thread instead of the first post
This happens to me now and then in Safari on iOS 8.3 (iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2). This may have something to do with marking all forums read, being that the system assumes you've read up until that point even though you've never entered that thread.I don't think so cause it happens for threads that I haven't looked at before
Which browser, version and platform?
safari and chrome
Thank you. I think this issue has to do with the unread functionality. The first unread post in a thread that I have not entered should be the OP, but it doesn't always work out that way .I haven't noticed it with unread threads, but I've seen it happen with read threads where it'll pick a random post instead of the first unread one. I use Safari at home and SeaMonkey (Firefox) at work, but I'm not sure whether I'm seeing it with both browsers.
That would be more like the way the forums used to work before the switch (which is perfectly fine and probably more consistent with people's expectations, assuming that "something else" is kind of obvious and easy to use on desktop and mobile devices).I agree this is confusing. Maybe we could link the title to the first and then something else to unread. Seems that would be more expected behavior.
How about linking the thread title to the first post (OP) and having a small button that simply reads "Unread" next to the thread title or after the title time stamp that takes us to the first undead post? Though that still doesn't fix the fact that the "first unread" function sometimes takes us to a random post. Perhaps someone needs to take a close look at the code that makes up the "first unread" function? How exactly does the software determine which post is the first unread post? That determination may be buggy.I agree this is confusing. Maybe we could link the title to the first and then something else to unread. Seems that would be more expected behavior.
I've done some tests, including logging time stamps, here on my iOS devices and that isn't as reliable as I'd expected.I get this only when I mark all forums as read then on returning it'll take me to the first post in all threads after the time I'd clicked mark as read.
… this is confusing …
Sometimes with threads that only have 1 page, it'll take me to a random post …
This happens to me now and then in Safari on iOS 8.3 (iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2). This may …
Happens in both safari and chrome
… read threads where it'll pick a random post instead of the first unread … Safari … SeaMonkey … not sure whether I'm seeing it with both browsers.
Sometimes when I navigate a thread, it jumps down to a particular post after scrolling through for lack of a better description.
I think it is when images are loading on the page and it pushes the replies down …
I've experienced this as well. I think it is a case of the post "grid" loading in the page and then certain posts are lengthened as the pictures complete their loading. We wouldn't see this happening if the page were to load with exact picture size information for each post, but then we would see large blocks of blank area in certain posts, that contain large pictures are several pictures, prior to the completion of loading all of the pics. I don't think there is a feasible method to overcome this.
defaults write com.apple.Safari com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2AcceleratedDrawingEnabled -bool false